(Image credit: www.vpsi.org)
Currency markets are open for trading 24 hours. Even a busy executive can find some time to check in during the lunch hour. In any case, what you commit to, you should make time for. There is always a market open somewhere whatever the time.
Therefore, if you are considering trading currencies, there are lots of options open to you. If you hope to trade without brokerage fees, you can always opt for ETFs. They are a great way for investors to dabble in foreign markets.
Here are a few reasons why you should consider trading Forex.
1. The Money Market is vast
The money market is the largest on the globe with a daily exchange of almost £2 trillion. This allows investors to enter and exit trades with the guarantee that prices cannot deviate too much. You can, therefore, execute your trade whenever you are ready to.
In addition, a market this large is not easily manipulated. Groups and individuals willing to manipulate it would find it almost impossible to. Consequently, you should stand by your evaluation of supply and demand.
2. It Does Not Cost Much to Get Started
You do not have to have a large capital to get started. £250 is enough to start making good profits on your currency pairs. Seasoned investors and novices alike can make the most of the benefits the money market presents.
3. Plenty of Opportunities to Make Profits
Investors hope to make profits. That is what drives them to trade the currency market as well as into other forms of trading. The money market has huge profit-making potential. You can make your profits even when the currencies fluctuate.
You can sell a currency pair if there is an indication that it is going up. Also, you can buy one if you feel it is on a decline. It is as straightforward as that.
4. Trading Hours
As mentioned earlier, the currency market operates around the clock. You can get online and place your trades or look at currency movements at any time of the day or night. This makes it possible for everyone to track their trades and take the necessary action.
Trading will not interfere with your work as you can do it after hours. You can get up an hour earlier and trade currencies. Hence, any time you have some free time, you will find something happening in the money market that you can work with.
5. No Sales Commissions
The money market does not work with commissions. All you have to pay is the difference between the bid prices and the ask prices. Commodity markets have stockbrokers asking for a commission every time you make a trade. There is none of that with Forex.
6. Increased Leverage
Serious investors find this a most appealing benefit. More leverage means you can control a large amount of money with just a fraction of the sum in your account. You still get to profit from the large amount even as you risk as little as 10% of your account balance.
Unfortunately, the risk of loss is the same as the opportunity to make huge profits. Hence, leverage must be approached and used with caution.
7. Easy to Exit a Trade
The Forex market allows you to enter and exit a market at will. You can decide at what price to enter and which price you want to issue a stop-loss order. A stop gives your broker instructions on when to exit a trade once the price drops to a certain level.
This order allows you to control your losses and to manage your trade better. Traders usually have prices that are the limit when a currency pair goes on a decline in order to protect their funds.
The Forex market is one of the most active markets in operation. Being such a large market makes it relatively safe from groups who might want to manipulate it. It is always good to do your homework on the currency pairs you wish to trade before risking your money.