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About 4 out of 5 Singapore residents express their intentions to get married. But, why are they not pursuing what their hearts deeply desire?
In 2013, 83% of the participants in the survey by National Population and Talent Division said that they want to tie the knot. This figure is slightly lower than the reported 85% in the previous survey (2007). We can only predict that the decline will continue by 2019.
The leading reasons why most of the respondents are not employing immediate marital plans are saving up for the wedding and saving up for the housing. Furthermore, 84% of the 4,646 participants intended to have 1-2 children only. Those people who are not planning to have any children or to have an extension to their family cited financial costs as one of their top reasons. It does not take a notable genius to understand how money gravely influences the Singaporean’s approach to marriage and parenthood.
Many residents of Singapore are delaying the the event of matrimony as they want to earn more money, to build an attractive career, and to be financially independent. These factors push up the national median age of first marriages.
“Making money is happiness…”, said Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. Along with happiness, money seems to go hand-in-hand with marriage. Many Singaporeans perceive that the primary focus of life is building careers and gaining more pay. A relatively significant amount of the population delay marriage to save money for cushioning the high cost of living. They are wary about certain expenses too. I cannot deny the fact that the wedding ceremony, home renovation, and infant care costs an overwhelming wealth!
The recent report by the Department of Statistics Singapore support these sentiments. It found that the median age for grooms at first marriage rose to 30.3 years old in 2015. During the same period, the median age for brides rose at a faster rate to 28.2 years old. These respondents wanted to attain “some level of success” to attract potential partners.
“I am a strong woman with or without this other person…”, said American performer Queen Latifah.
It is probably no coincidence or sorcery that as women gained more economic power in the recent decades, they have been less likely to get married. Women are less likely to wed due to financial security alone. Dr. Norman Li, the Associate Professor of Psychology at Singapore Management University, has his own take on this trend. He said that: “Women are now becoming more and more educated and earning increasingly more income. So, there are increasingly fewer men who meet their standards.”
Do you agree with Dr. Norman’s statements? Well, one thing is for sure. Birth rates have been hit due to women marrying later or not marrying at all.
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In order to entice more Singaporeans to get married and have children, institutions may employ different rewards. Banks may start to offer matrimony loans that specialize on the expenses of the wedding and the early years of marriage. Moreover, employers may provide a baby bonus (i.e., a cash gift) or a paid maternity leave.