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According to Healthline, depression is a type of mood disorder. While many people might associate the illness with feelings of loss, anger, or sadness, it’s not always the case.
This means that a top performer at work can be undergoing their bout of depression silently, not outwardly displaying feelings of dejectedness. Similarly, the “influencer” you see on Instagram leading a satisfying, luxurious life might be in the midst of battling depression.
Especially so for folks who have not been through depression, it can be hard to recognise the condition for yourself or your loved ones around you. Here are some telltale signs you have depression even if you’re not feeling down.
#1: Extreme changes in appetite
Extreme changes in appetite don’t always necessarily refer to an increase in food intake. It could be a sudden decrease in eating quantities as well.
“It’s an easy (sign) to overlook because we live in a society that values diet culture and values restriction as a sign of control and discipline. That says something good about your character if you’re not gorging on food. I think that it can be easily missed, and it can be praised as that person somehow has it together, and they’re doing well,” noted Zamira Castro, a licensed psychologist in Florida.
#2: Withdrawals from social activities
Learn to identify the prodromal phase of depression. Castro highlights the state as a period between the initial onset of symptoms and the actual development of the condition.
Withdrawing from social activities can be an obvious indication that you’re starting to develop depression. This means that one does not have to completely shut themselves away in their room or avoid taking calls from friends and family members to be identified as depressed.
#3: Forgoing self-care routines
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Waking up from the wrong side of the bed and not wanting to iron your clothes is different from forgoing routines. Here, we’re talking about a disruption in your regular self-care practice.
If you’re seeing yourself skipping routines for weeks or losing interests in the things you used to enjoy, then that could be a sign of depression. “Depression is a loss of vitality, your energy, your pulses, (when) all of that is depressed… the lights have been dimmed,” mentioned Castro.
#4: Losing the sexual desire
Do you know that experts at Johns Hopkins Women’s Moods Disorders Center have likened lowered libido to one of the main symptoms for major depressive episodes?
Humans are all wired differently, and a temporary loss in sexual desire could be due to situational life changes. However, if your sexual appetite has plummeted to deficient levels for prolonged periods, then it could be a clear indication of depression.
#5: Can’t take “no” for an answer
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As we come to a close, this final sign is an uncommon depression signal for many – being unable to accept rejection.
But remember that one should not confuse it with personal characteristics. We’re not referring to peeps who usually can’t take “no” for an answer generally. We’re talking about those who have become extremely sensitive to rejection over a period. It could be as simple as a major meltdown when left out from a group lunch.
Final thoughts
The above list of telltale signs is non-exhaustive because everyone experiences depression differently.
If you think you might be struggling with the condition, it’s wise that you seek medical opinions. While depression is incurable, it is treatable. With proper self-care, medication, and professional guidance by a doctor, you will be well on your way to recovery!