4 Easy Ways To Dress For Success

According to several studies, dressing for the job you desire actually works. Anyone who owns a set of powerful suit can attest that the right clothing pieces can become a confident booster. Furthermore, a 2012 study published in the “Journal of Experimental Social Psychology” showed that subjects who wore lab coats scored higher on attention-related tasks than did those who did not.

On that note, here are some tips to help you dress for success:


One of the quickest ways to update your wardrobe is to freshen your color palettes. Look into your closet and focus on the neutral and seasonal colors. Neutral colors help in optimizing versatility. Simply put, you will be able to maximize your buck by investing in pieces carrying these colors. Is black not for you? Perhaps you can try other neutrals such as grey and navy.

Finally, seasonal colors convey the sense of newness. Adding one or two seasonal colors to your work outfit can go a long way!


What better way to spend your clothing allowance than by investing on key pieces? As much as possible, women shall focus on picking out their handbags and men shall focus on picking out their watches. Why is this so?

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Designer labels are often correlated to financial success. Our materialistically driven society puts emphasis on these items and judge you based on that. Admit it! Pairing a designer handbag with a less expensive apparel can instanly elevate your look! The same goes for wearing a designer watch in a board meeting.


Yes! Times have changed. However, some employers may still be wary of the candidates donning body piercings and inks. Their reaction towards these elements depends on the company’s policy, the industry you chose, and the interviewer’s age. It is best to play things safe.

Take out your visible piercings and cover up your visible tattoos. Doing so may manifest how serious you are in terms of the job you want.


Our physical appearance play an important part in the impression that we leave, especially in job interviews. Keeping your hair up and makeup light can evoke a huge difference in how people view you. In lined with these, you must choose jewelry that are uncluttered (e.g., skip on the dangling earrings).

Let us move on to the men’s style. Wall Street stylist Jacci Jaye suggests that men should avoid wearing head-to-toe neon. Instead, she advocates wearing bold colors or patterns as accents. For instance, a colorful tie or pocket square can add a sense of playfulness without distracting anybody.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

In conclusion, there is truth to the saying: “dress for the job you want and not for the job you have”.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How To Be A Positive Influence In The Workplace

There is a considerable amount of weight in Newton’s third Law of Motion. According to him: “every action has an equal and opposite reaction”. Simply put, forces always come in pairs! No matter how small your action may be, it can either cause a positive or negative influence in the workplace.

Aim to radiate a pleasant effect in the workplace by considering the following ideals:

A Two-Way Street

Let us start with the basics. Without a shadow of doubt, influence is a two-way street. The more that you let others to incorporate their ideas to your vision, the more that they will be open to incorporate your ideas to their work. Take time to listen to your co-workers’ opinions and acknowledge their worth. You may also encourage other people to speak up.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Being Polite Goes A Long Way

During a child’s crucial years, etiquette is one of the first things that you are expected to instill. You need to highlight the importance of treating others in a way that you want to be treated. Being able to say “please and thank you” in suitable situations can cultivate mutual respect. Whenever you are delegating a task to your subordinate or asking a favor to your boss, it is better to display good manners. People will go above and beyond to assist you when they are treated with courtesy and admiration.

Having good manners shows that you care about your co-workers the people around you. Furthermore, it can open doors to building lasting friendships.

The Familiarity Principle

I am going to introduce you to an interesting concept in Social Psychology – the Familiarity Principle. According to this principle, we are attracted to the people who are familiar to us. Repeated exposure to “familiar people” will increase our attraction toward them. We are magnetized by the people who share the same interests, attitudes, behaviors, or beliefs. Apply the Familiarity Principle to your workplace by finding a common ground between you and your co-workers.

Start by making time for casual conversations. Ask them about their weekend or rejoice over the upcoming holiday. Small talks can uncover parts of their personalities (e.g., food preferences) and can lead to meaningful conversations. Remain professional without prying or over-sharing. Building positive interactions with the people you work with will make challenging situations less stressful.

Bond with your co-workers outside of the workplace by taking the initiative to plan events or to dine outside. Having a good relationship with the team makes any workday fun!

Show Your Flexibility

There are two types of people in the workplace. The people who are receptive of change and the people who are resistant of it. Assertiveness is a truly positive trait. However, pushing your own beliefs to others can work against you in the long run. Showing your flexibility in every situation and accepting better opinions can increase the respect that people have for you. This does not mean that you have to let go of your beliefs entirely!

Firmly hold on to your beliefs when someone contradicts you. Then, arrive at a mutually acceptable solution. No matter how stubborn a person may seem, they are more likely to approach you when you show your flexibility.

Let Them Help You

Do you believe you know everything? Well, think again! You are not an omniscient being, nor is your boss. Every day gives us an opportunity to learn new things. Broaden your knowledge by learning something new from your peers and supervisor. Intellectual curiosity proves your humility and maturity. After all, you must let others to influence you in a positive manner before being able to influence them in the same light.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Never be afraid to ask questions or to request help. If you are stuck with a certain project or assignment, ask for help! Accept support instead of settling for a mediocre result.

Sources:  1, 2, & 3


How To Keep Your Sanity When Working Overtime

Spending extended hours at work is tough – to say the least. When you cannot stop thinking of the looming tasks ahead, you will end up more tired as the day ends. This is not beneficial for your sleep and your holistic health.

When you leave the office, you must make sure to leave everything else there! This is just a tip to keep your sanity. Here are the others…


Make sleep one of your top priorities! Quality slumber is a good weapon to possess while you work overtime.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Sacrificing your sleep for the sake of your job is destructive not only to your physical, but also to your mental health. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation was associated with a myriad of unpleasant things such as lack of concentration, weakness of muscles, and increased food consumption. Other things will start to fall into place once you had a good night’s sleep.


You may be working for 10 hours today, but you are not the only one! Having a person to talk to makes the long day seem more tolerable. Cultivate a genuine friendship with someone at work. Finding a work friend does not change the fact that you are working overtime or on the weekend, but he or she can make the extra hours more enjoyable.

Your work friend can serve as a source of validation and distraction. After all, he or she knows exactly how you feel. However, you must not constantly bombard the person with your negative complaints and stories. Doing this will make your relationship toxic! Treat your work friend as an outlet to mutually boost your positive mood.


Constantly enduring and accepting the long hours can lead to a counterproductive cycle. This said cycle begins when you reach high “overtime levels”. Continuous battle with the extra hours can lead to the depletion of your health. Absenteeism may eventually rise. Unfortunately, this leads to more overtime (i.e., to make up for the pay loss).

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Maximize your resources to deal with the situation. When all else fails, voice out your concerns to your employer. Feeling burnout or highly exhausted is not something that you should take lightly.

Sources: 1 & 2


How To Appear More Professional At Work

The truth is, no one is perfect! There will be days when you feel consumed by the weight of your work. In the fast-paced Lion City, there are several reasons why you may feel dragged. Perhaps you lack confidence on the management or you are too tired from yesterday’s night shift. Similar events can take a toll on your performance.

Fortunately for you, there are several steps to boost your professional image. You read that right! You can appear confident and motivated in the workplace, regardless of how you feel on the inside.


A night before you go to the office, the first step is to ensure that you wear an appropriate attire. Portraying a professional exterior is not limited to following the strict dress code. Your choice of clothing conveys your approach to work. If you want people to take you seriously, steer away from baggy pants or indiscreet dresses. These ill-fitting articles of clothing may convey the wrong impression to your employer and your clients. Opt for tailored pieces instead.

A sharp look can only be achieved if you pull it all together. This is why you must pay attention to minor details such as the wrinkles on your top or the loose threads on your trousers. Noticing these small details shows that you are likely to see the bigger picture when faced with certain situations at the workplace.


As Don Marquis, an American novelist and poet, once said: Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues.” He believed that punctuality must always be insisted on one’s subordinates. I cannot agree more! It is a virtue that exudes your respect towards the people around you.

If you are expected to be in the office by 9 am, arrive before 8:50 am. If your lunch break is at noon, ensure that you will be back by 1 pm. Punctuality manifests that you are motivated to accomplish your tasks. Make it a habit to be on time!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Adding an email signature is the quickest way to show that you are communicating on a professional level. I am referring to the salutations that dictate your departure. It not only provides information for future reference, but it also differentiates your message from the spams.

A simple format includes your full name, your position, your contact number, and the company you work for. You may choose to make your email signature using inexpensive generators like NEWOLDSTAMP and HubSpot.


As your employer makes his rounds, he will notice the assembly of your desk. Scattered rubbish and excess litter can make your employer feel that you are distracted. It is best to keep things tidy! Start by organizing the items on your desk. Then, put the important papers in the labeled drawers or in the computer’s folders. Doing so will help you to stay on top of your projects or tasks.

Having a neat desk may seem like you have everything under control, even if you do not.


Seeking constructive feedback from your superior and your co-workers is the last step. The mere act of being critique sounds scary. However, it will help your performance in the long run. Getting feedback demonstrates that you care about your job and you desire to succeed in it.

Instead of focusing on what you did wrong, focus on your strengths and the areas that you can improve on.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Professionalism refers to having the skills and the competence expected from an employee like you. The way you present yourself influences the level of professionalism that you exude. It is challenging to remain professional every minute of the day, but it gets easier when you make it a habit. Start with the relatively significant changes mentioned above.

Sources: 1 & 2


Do You Have The 5 Traits Of A Good Boss?

If you want to succeed in running a business, you need to understand that it takes more than just telling people what to do. You must have the qualities that make you stand out from the rest.

Do not get me wrong, possessing the traits of a good boss will not make you perfect. This is because an individual must act based on these traits. You cannot preach to a crowd if you are disorganized yourself.

Fortunately, these traits can be and must be learned through repetition. Start by knowing what some of these are:


Conscientiousness, a trait in the Five Factor Model, has long been associated with success. This is because people who are highly conscientious are dependable and organized. While, people who are low on this trait tend to be more careless, spontaneous, and laid-back.

You can easily spot this trait in the workplace. A boss with a high sense of duty comes to work on time, follows the projects’ deadlines, and avoids unnecessary absenteeism. Acting beyond what is required of you (going above and beyond) is also an indicator of your conscientiousness.


As the noble Dalai Lama once said: “Compassion is not religious business, it is human business…”

He highlights that regardless of our status, compassion is an essential trait for human survival. It is also applicable in the workplace. A compassionate boss can create a workplace filled with people who value each other and who go thru the hurdles as a unit. After all, the Latin etymology of the word “compassion” translates to “to suffer with”. Try to practice compassion in everything that you do.


Some of the world’s most inspiring leaders are creative individuals. These inspiring individuals include Facebook’s founder Mark Zuckerberg and Patanjali Ayurved’s founder Baba Ramdev. In the local scene, Jeannie Chew of Soaplah comes to my mind.

The invention of the Soaplah came from Jeannie’s previous experiences with skin problems. She was troubled with eczema and other skin issues at a young age that she started making her own natural soap. In her journey to find the best solution, she handcrafted her soaps using natural ingredients such as pure essential oils with anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Her hard-work paid off as Soaplah offers a variety of soaps that can absolutely soothe even the most sensitive of skins!

If you are like Jeannie, creative thinking can spark a vision or a sudden epiphany. The road to perfection comes with mistakes. It is your job as a good leader to navigate the wrongs into rights.


Majority of the people agree that a good boss must uphold integrity and sincerity. Integrity entails honesty in internal and external aspects of the person. It requires you to tell the truth in every situation.

For instance, an honest boss is willing to share the good and the bad news to its employees. It is because he or she knows that they deserve to know.


The grave responsibility bestowed on you comes with great accountability. Accountability is not only for the achievements of the company but also for its downfalls. There are no “absolutes” in business. One can never ascertain the things that can happen in the future after making a decision.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Be fearless and accept the responsibility of your actions. If necessary, hold others accountable too.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4