Why You Shouldn’t Hire A Friend Or A Relative In The Workplace

The hiring process should center around making the decision for the company or the business establishment. When considering a friend or a family member for the job, ask yourself why you are doing it. If you have good reasons to support your decision then, go for it. On the flipside, please consider these reasons why you should not hire a friend or a relative in the workplace…


You and your friend have been thru tremendous ups and downs. Through it all, your friend has shown you his or her loyalty. While this is an admirable trait to have, loyalty and professionalism are two different things.

What if your friend decided to skip town without asking for permission? Or, miss the project deadlines because he or she can “easily” get away with it based on your strong bond?

Your next step is to discuss the matter to your friend. This is a tricky situation especially because you do not want to create resentment for the days to come.


People react to criticisms differently. While others embrace it fully, some people may take it personally. This is something that you should consider when giving employee feedback.

Do not get me started with relaying feedback to a friend! A friend might take your criticism much harder because of the grey area that separates the professional and the personal life. Other than that, you may find yourself being more critical of your friend than you would have been with a regular employee. Honest is acceptable, but at what cost?


It is human nature to overlook the flaws of the people we love. Perhaps, we just accept them for who they are without reservations. However, this perspective can be costly for business. It is important to not be controlled by “wishful thinking” during the hiring process of a new staff member.

If you are considering the possibility of bringing a friend or a relative on board, you must access all the issues at hand. An honest evaluation of their positive and negative attributes is needed to sustain a permanent business relationship.


It comes as no surprise that striking a balance between your professional and personal relationship is challenging when you hire someone you are close to. You will find yourselves discussing about business matters while in social gatherings. Or, chatting about personal matters while in the workplace.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Hiring friends and family members is a hit or miss situation! It can either affect your business positively or negatively in the long run. Are you willing to take the risk?

Sources: 1 & 2


KonMari’s Guide To Sparking Joy In Your Desk

From a best-selling author to a Netflix superstar, cleaning queen Marie Kondo has an efficient way of de-cluttering your own house and your workplace desk.

Her KonMari method is so powerful that most of her clients never turn back! When practiced regularly, the results become everlasting.


With an honest outlook, select an item from your desk. Hold this item and ask yourself this question: “Does it spark joy in your life?” If your answer is affirmative, keep the item. Items that hold a special place in your heart, items that brighten your day through the toughest days, and items that make you smile are worth keeping.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

If your answer is “no” then, please get rid of the item. State your gratitude towards the item before tossing it away. Remember, it served its purpose to help you in your career. Do the same process for every item on your desk.


Marie Kondo believes that you must set a clean slate for all the items that spark joy in your life. After all, your desk is dirtier than you may think!

According to Microbiologist Charles Gerba, the average desk has more bacteria than an average toilet. It is important to disinfect your desk or working space with paper towels, wet wipes, rubbing alcohol, or disinfectant spray.


Aside from the physical arrangement of your items, Marie Kondo has a way of cleansing your work inbox. She recommends limiting the creation of folders.

Afterwards, go through your email or Facebook inbox swiftly and completely in a single sitting. Rather than checking your inbox throughout the day, she prefers to get things done as quickly as possible.


The last step is to assign a designated place for all the items that spark joy. She loves putting items in boxes or baskets! For instance, you may store your clips, tapes, and other stationary materials in a small box. Put this box inside your drawer. The idea is to put things out of your sight.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

The most important thing to remember is to keep your desk permanently organized! In time, repeated behavior will become a habit. Thus, cleaning your desk will be second nature for you.

Sources:1 &2


Shy Employees’ Guide To Negotiating Salary

Many offices are filled with smooth-takers who can easily say the right words to get what they want. While some people are born to be negotiators, others are somewhat fearful to share their ideas. Fortunately for you, negotiation is a skill that can be shaped with lots of practice.

Start with these tips:


When it comes to gaining confidence and bargaining skills, preparation is the key. Arm yourself with the facts by doing thorough research. Do not rely on personal opinions and emotions when negotiating. Instead, you must collect data from multiple reliable sources. Determine the average and maximum salary for a person in your position with a similar level of experience.


Aside from the facts, you must prepare yourself with the possible outcomes of your actions. What are the possible ways that your employer can respond to your request? What will you do if he or she disagrees? What will you do if he or she agrees?

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Assess every possible outcome and how you will handle these situations. Is what your asking for really worth it?


Researching is the initial step. What’s next? Planning a script, of course. Having a foundation for the serious conversation can help you to feel more comfortable as it happens. Write at least two scripts to have more options. It is important to note that you have to flexible during the actual discussion.


Employees often perceive negotiation as a heated encounter where the clear “winner” shall prevail. In reality, negotiations work best when both parties walk away with satisfaction. Simply asking for what you want (i.e., a pay raise) is half the battle!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Do not let your shyness be an obstacle to getting what you deserve! Boost your chances of having a positive resolution by being polite and firm. Aim to reflect on your personal growth and foster long-term workplace relationships.

Sources: 1 & 2


Desk To Success: 7 Feng Shui Tips For The Workplace 

To widen your knowledge, I am introducing the ancient Chinese art of Feng Shui. Feng Shui believes that everything in a person’s surrounding environment affects his or her inner life. Arranging one’s space can optimize his or her harmony with the universe.

Unfavorable effects should be taken into account when designing buildings or desks. Placement of objects in a room, building, or desk will affect the flow of chi or the essential energy within the space. Let the good chi radiate your desk with these tips…


As cliche as this may sound, putting a family picture on your desk can help flourish your relationship with your family. Feng Shui principles suggest that you must put it on the left center of your desk. Amp up the positive energy by putting the picture in a wooden frame.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Listen to my instructions as prosperity has a particular arrangement. Go to the back left corner of your desk. This spot represents abundance. Attract money by placing a money or jade plant here. If you do not have a green thumb, opt for placing a valuable item such as a jar filled with loose change. You may place your well-functioning computer here.


Feng Shui principles are not limited to plants or frames! You may attract productiveness by choosing the proper lighting fixtures. Lighting will make your eyes less tired and make you feel less stressed out. Steer away from fluorescent lights can make your eyes sore. If you are stuck with these lights in your office, think about replacing them with table lamps or full-spectrum lights.


Dating is a crucial part of our society. Just take a look at how modern technology re-invented the dating platform (swipe left). As a young adult, I have been asked by many people to help them find suitable mates. Inversely, I have been asked to take their friends or relatives out on a date.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

To attract a little love of your own, you may place fresh flowers on the back right corner of your desk. Flowers are believed to attract romance and luck.


It goes without saying that clutter causes fatigue. Having a mountain of files, garbage, and other documents on your desk can prevent you from getting the work done. Adding “sticky notes” on your desk can get more distracting, to say the least.

Clutter symbolizes anything unfinished, unresolved, tolerated, or disorganized in Feng Shui. If you have a messy and stinky desk, take a few minutes to clean it immediately. Doing so will help you increase your output and make you seem more approachable.


There is a fine line between exuding the approchable vibe and the lack of privacy. Having glass walls on your office can make you more accoountable for your actions. Thus, it will help with your productivity. This is especially helpful to people who have poor self-discipline.

On the other hand, glass walls gives a vulnerability that is only corrected by the protection of blinds. having blinds provides you an option of maximizing your privacy.


As I have mentioned above, Feng Shui is all about the arrangement of items inside your space. To attract as much prosperity as possible, it is recommended to place your desk directly opposite the front door. If you do not have a private office, try to orient your desk to face the main door. This is a commanding position that offers protection.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Say that your boss is not onboard with this change. Try putting a small mirror on your desk to reflect the office’s entrance. The principles of Feng Shui highlights that this arrangement symbolizes the opportunities that you will invite in the long run. You have to be able to notice the opportunities in order to seize them!

Sources: 1 & 2


Thrive In The Workplace With These Personality Traits

When applying for a position, professional success and industry experience are merely parts of what the hiring manager wants to see. Elements which are harder to show are crucial for landing the job! I am referring to the personality traits that make you a good fit for the company.

Keeping the job with these personality traits is another story!


It goes without saying that upholding moral principles is a desirable quality in the workplace. Hence, some hiring managers conduct integrity tests by providing situational questions. The employer needs to know that you can be trusted even without his or her presence.

Do you steal company pens on a regular basis? Or, do you leave early without saying a word? You may think that no one sees these subtle dishonesty, but you are wrong. You never know who is watching you! You best behave well. Choosing the “right” thing to do is challenging, but you must not give in to your selfish desires.


When it comes to the workplace, being open to receive developmental feedback or constructive criticism is crucial to success. Receiving these messages can help you to efficiently hit your career goals.

The secret to receiving and giving feedback is to come into the conversation from a place of kindness. Keep in mind that you are not receiving constructive criticism because the person dislikes you. Instead, this person wants you to be the best version of yourself. Taking things personally or reacting defensively can surpress a more practical strategy that you can adapt.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

For people who are not comfortable with receiving feedback, immersion therapy is recommended. Make feedback a part of your daily life. Ask feedback from the people you work with as well as the people who knows you best. This way, future feedback will be easier to take.


Whether you are shuffling a schedule with your pregrant co-worker or relocating to a new town, nobody wants to listen to your complaints. Accepting that change is a part of the constantly-evolving business world is important.

Say that you are not comfortable with the frequent changes happening in your workplace. Instead of immediately voicing out your emotions, you may write these feelings down. Organizing your thoughts can help you distinguish whether these are legitimate concerns or annoying complaints. Urgent matters need to be discussed with the team.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Nonetheless, flexibility is a desirable trait in every industry. Having a positive attitude about change and unforeseen events can help you grow in your career.


Discipline is the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior. It is the action or inaction related to the code of ethics or the rules governing your company. Discipline is more than just ticking all the boxes of your to-do list. It is an attitude that can pour out to all of your professional decisions. An employee with a poor attitude will not go very far in life!

If you aim to be a boss one day, you need to develop self-discipline. Say that you cannot manage your own time. How can you expect your employees to manage theirs? Self-discipline in the workplace involves arriving on time and resisting the temptation of skipping “boring tasks” such as attending meetings or organizing files.


Work may be the place where you want to be kind, but being likable can get you far! Likable or pleasant people tend to have more employment opportunities as well as co-worker support. Pursuing your career goals while keeping the best interests of others in mind is ideal.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Nasty people do not always finish first! You do not need to step on people’s ways to get ahead of the employee ladder. Focus on advancement while noticing the needs and feelings of those around you.

Sources: 1 & 2