Save Your Hard-Earned Cash! Avoid These 8 Money-Wasting Mistakes!

From harmful habits to wishful thinking, certain financial decisions can cost you a fortune. There is an endless list of things you should avoid doing with your hard-earned money. Here are eight things you should steer clear of:


I have to admit, I am guilty of buying products based solely on their brand names. Let’s face it: stores and generic brands are frequently disregarded when it comes to cost savings. Whether it’s food, skincare products, or over-the-counter medicine, your local grocery or drug store typically provides more affordable store brands or generic alternatives.

Pay attention to the labels, as the ingredients are often identical to those found in expensive brand-name products. Furthermore, when it comes to prescriptions, consider asking your pharmacist for the generic version. These medications work just as effectively as their brand-name counterparts and can save you a significant amount of money.


Do you know what quickly adds up and drains your finances? Paying for late fees. Whether it’s a late payment on your credit card, utility bill, or rent, these fees are best avoided. Set up automatic payments for all your bills to ensure that you never miss a payment again. This way, you won’t have to worry about forgetting to pay a bill on time.

If you do find yourself with a late fee, try calling the company and politely ask for it to be waived. Many companies are willing to accommodate their loyal customers by waiving late fees.


The occasional purchase of snacks at petrol stations may seem harmless, but it can quickly become a habit that drains your money. Those bottles of soda and bags of chips you pick up when filling up your tank or making a quick stop can add up over time. To manage this, create a rule for yourself to track all those small snack purchases, and set aside a small monthly allowance specifically for indulging in them. When running errands or encountering tempting locations filled with snacks, make it a habit to bring your own drinks and snacks.

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The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the viability of working from home, resulting in excess office space and rising occupancy costs for businesses. Instead of maintaining large office spaces that cater to the entire workforce, it is worth considering the utilization of co-working spaces and digital collaboration tools. Singapore offers a variety of co-working spaces, including Crane, Workbuddy, and Gather Cowork, with multiple branches nationwide. By adopting this approach, you can continue working efficiently while significantly reducing expenses.


Never co-sign a loan you can’t afford! Financial blogger Michelle Schroeder-Gardner strongly advises against co-signing a loan for someone unless you have the financial capacity to fully repay it yourself. There is always a risk that the other person may be unable to make the payments, which makes it crucial for you to protect yourself and your finances.


I remember when a friend of mine shared a story about getting scammed over the phone. It happened right after she had finished a night shift, and she was feeling groggy and vulnerable. Phone solicitations can often involve legitimate fundraising efforts, but they also create an opportunity for scammers to exploit the goodwill of unsuspecting donors. To ensure your safety, never disclose your credit card number over the phone. Instead, request the solicitor to send you the information by mail. This way, you can thoroughly research the organization and verify its legitimacy before making any contributions.


Did you know that tourists can play TOTO in Singapore? If you have a valid Foreign Identification Number (FIN) and meet all the prerequisites, you can play TOTO as a tourist. However, if you are solely a foreign passport holder, you will only be able to select and bet on Horse Racing. This can potentially lead to overspending on lottery tickets for foreigners. Keep in mind that the odds of winning the lottery are incredibly slim, with your chances of hitting the jackpot being roughly 1 in 292 million.

Despite the unfavorable odds, many people still spend a significant amount of money each month on lottery tickets. Instead of consistently allocating your funds to this improbable endeavor, it would be wise to redirect that money towards savings or your retirement plan. Investing in your long-term financial success through savings or retirement planning is a more prudent use of your resources.


Some establishments take into account the cost of disposable cups when pricing their beverages. However, by opting for a reusable to-go cup, you can often enjoy a “discount” because you won’t be charged extra for the paper or coffee cup.

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Sources: 1, 2, & 3


5 Habits That Drain Your Wallet

A habit is defined as a settled tendency or a usual manner of behavior. Whether you take daily morning walks or sip a cup of coffee at noon, your habits become nearly or completely involuntary as time passes.

The key to developing healthy habits that float well with your finances is moderation. If you are indulging too often on a habit, cutting back may save you money and protect your health. Below are just some of the habits that can drain your wallet.


Smoking raises your risks of serious health problems such as stroke, heart disease, emphysema, and cancer. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, smoking cigarettes harms nearly every organ of one’s body. Take care of your health by reducing or eliminating your smoking habit.

Let us start with the average cost of a cigarette. Last year, the average retail price for a 20-stick pack of cigarettes in Singapore was at S$13.08. A pack-a-day habit will run you about S$4774.02 a year. Imagine the amount of money you can save or invest in a span of 12 months!

Quitting smoking cancels out the costs for your finances and your health. However, it is easier said than done. There are several ways to quit smoking such as Cold Turkey and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cold Turkey entails that you stop all at once. According to WebMD, about 90% of smokers who try to quit choose this method. Unfortunately, many of them do not succeed. Using this method may put your body into a state of nicotine withdrawal. Let us focus on the other method. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) uses the power of your thoughts, feelings, and mental processing in order to reduce your smoking habit. This works best with people who are open to counselling and psychotherapy.


Eating out regularly, especially indulging on fast food, is not the healthiest habit out there. It is simply hard to resist! This is due to the convenience and familiarity attached to fast food chains and restaurants. After an exhausting day at work, we just want to relax at home and not spend more time for cooking dinner. It is a lot easier to order a box of pizza or a bowl of ramen with a few taps on an app!

Despite the great deals that fast food chains offer, eating out is more expensive than cooking your own food. A five-dollar meal may not seem expensive, but the costs add up. If you eat out on a daily basis, you can consume about S$35 to S$100 in a week. Reduce your spending by planning your meals ahead of time and preparing on-the-go snacks (e.g., sliced apples or fruit-filled yogurts).


Consumed on a daily basis, artisan and gourmet coffees can get expensive. For many people, drinking a cup of joe in the morning seems like second-nature. They wake up and smell coffee. I have several friends who cannot function properly in the morning without having their cup of coffee. And it is not just the smell that wakes them up. It is the caffeine.

It may seem relatively cheap to spend a few bucks a day at a local coffee shop. However, you must consider all the money that you could have saved if you brewed your own coffee at home.


Some people have a habit of shopping for groceries on a daily basis. A good way to ensure that you stick to your grocery budget is to restrict yourself to one grocery trip per week. Frequent trips to the grocery store throughout the week can make you tempted to buy more than what you need. Making a routine of hitting up the grocery whenever you forget something indicates that you do not have a proper grasp of your consumption. It is best to plan ahead!

Avoid grocery shopping when you are hungry or when you have an ample amount of time to spare. People are more susceptible to purchasing additional items when they are hungry or when they go for leisurely shopping. These unnecessary items usually go to waste.


People who have a tendency to purchase a bottle of energy drink everyday may develop a tolerance towards it. Chances are, you will need to drink more than a bottle per day to keep you buzzed all throughout. That can cost you more than .50 cents a day. Is it time for you to kick out your energy drink habit?

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If you need the energy drink to keep you active throughout the day in compensation of sleep deprivation then, you need to alter your sleeping habits. You will not feel exhausted at work with a full cycle of sleep. If fatigue persists, you may consult a doctor.

Sources: 1 & 2