Secrets to becoming a profitable trader in the forex market

Every single day the number of retail traders in the forex market is increasing at an exponential rate. If you look at the professional traders then you will see that every single one of them is trading the live assets after learning the market basics perfectly. Unlike the professional traders at Saxo, the novice traders consider forex trading as a get rich quick scheme and ultimately lose money in real life trading. Forex trading Singapore is very much popular nowadays since most of the retail traders are well aware of the profit potential of this high leverage market. Though the market offers an extreme level of profit potential but the success rate in the forex market is extremely low. In this article, we will discuss the secrets of becoming a profitable trader in the market.

Solid trading discipline: The forex market is a high volatile market and in order to make a profit in the financial market you need to have a solid trading discipline. Most of the novice traders are losing money in the financial market since they don’t trade the live assets with strict trading discipline. The experts in the forex market always execute their orders by following proper trading discipline since they know this is one of the key ingredients to remain profitable in the forex market. If you look at forex trading Singapore then you will notice that the rookie traders are even making a decent income at the end of the month due to their strict trading discipline. So if you think trading as your full-time profession then make sure that you trade with an extreme level of discipline.

Develop a solid trading system: Every single second the price of certain assets in the financial second is changing. The professional traders use this fluctuation of the price and make money in the online trading world. Forex trading Singapore is now very much popular since most of the traders know very precisely how to execute the perfect orders in the market. But in order to develop a perfect trading system in the market, you need to have a very clear understanding of the financial factors and technical analysis. Try to read as many articles as you can since it will enhance your trading knowledge in the market.

Perfect risk management factors

Some of you might often ask is there any holy grail in the forex market. The simple answer to this question is, YES. In the eyes of trained professional perfect risk management factors is considered to be Holy Grail in the forex market. As a professional trader, you should always make sure that your winners are bigger than you losers in the market. Most of the novice traders in the financial market tends to lose their patience and trading discipline after incurring few consecutive losses. But if you look at the expert traders then you will notice that every single one of them is following proper risk management factors in every single trade since they know it’s the key ingredient to becoming profitable in the long run.

Summary: Trading the financial instrument is an art and it requires pin perfect execution of the trading plan. If you truly want to become a professional trader in the forex market then make sure that you follow the above-mentioned tips in this article. It’s true that you will often have some losing orders in the market but you need to make sure that you are still holding your trading discipline very strictly. And always try to trade in favor of the long-term trend in the market with price action confirmation signal to reduce the risk exposure.


Exploring different types of high-quality trading strategy

Trading the Forex market is all about triggering your brain in the right path. When you are in the Forex market you should be capable enough to think all the aspects of trading. You cannot just look into one factor and enter the trade because the market is highly competitive. You would have searched through many articles and books related Forex strategies but make sure the strategy you use should be something which works for you. As an example, the price action strategies can be suitable for ‘X’ traders and it cannot be suitable for ‘Y’ traders so it all depends on the individual’s preference. Not only Forex strategies but also Forex brokers are to be considered wisely but when selecting the Forex brokers it will not depend on the individual preference because the skillful best IB broker is the only choice for all the professional traders. We will help you to get some knowledge on the strategies by jotting down a few strategies.

A few strategies you should focus on

The Blade runner strategy- The Blade runner strategy is one of the best which is suitable for any timeframes and any currency pairs also it’s an exception for EMA crossover. It can also be considered as the trending strategy. However, most of the novice traders in the financial market often overloaded their trading charts with indicators and ultimately fails to execute the best possible signals. So if you truly want to become a professional trader then make sure that you are not trading with the indicator based trading system in the market rather use the indicator as helping tools.

Fibonacci Strategy- these includes the Fibonacci retracements, extension along with monthly, weekly, daily and yearly pivots. This strategy can be used in long time frames. In the eyes of the trained professional Fibonacci trading system is considered to be one of the most profitable trading systems in the world since it allows the trader to execute their trade with minor retracement of the trend.

Forex Fractal strategy- this is not only a strategy but also the market fundamental concept which makes you understand the movements of price and the reason for the movements. However, before you start trading the market using the fractal indicator make sure that you have a clear understanding about the support and resistance level in the market.

If you are not thorough with the strategies you should understand that the introducing broker is there to help you to move your Forex career in a successful manner.

Bollinger Band Bounce strategy- this is the ideal strategy to be used on the ranging market. This strategy is used to confirm trade signals too. The professional traders use the Bollinger band support and resistance level in the market to execute high-quality trades in the market. But if you truly want to make money consistently then make sure that you use the price action confirmation signal in the market.

How to implement the strategies

Actually, you can trade many articles and books related to Forex but none of it could show you the 100% accurate way to find profitable trades. In the Forex market risks are high and it always deals the win-win scenario so even if you implement the best strategy there are chances to earn losses. So you should learn the art of trading perfectly so then you will be able to decide the market movements in a better manner.

The methodology is essential

You should have the consistency methodology to trade Forex. As traders, you should have your own way to trade Forex; if you consider the pro traders they obtain greater trading platforms from best IB broker. So if you truly want to develop a solid trading career in the forex market make sure that you develop a solid trading strategy and execute your trading in the professional trading environment by following proper risk management factors.

Summary- you pick a strategy, you find the best broker and once you land on a profitable trade then you are ready to earn profits. Earning profits in Forex market is not something unachievable but you need a little effort gain success. If you are ready to exert the power then you will obviously come to a good position in the Forex market. When you read Forex articles it gives you an edge to trade Forex. The market of Forex is all about dealing the risks of the market.


The perfect way to trade the smaller time frame in the market

The forex market extremely volatile market and in order to make a profit in the financial industry you need to execute your orders with an extreme level of precision. Most of the novice traders in the forex market jumps into the online trading world without knowing the market basics and ultimately loses money in real life trading. If you look at the professional traders in the Singapore trading community then you will notice that most of the traders are trading the live assets with the professional brokers like Saxo after developing solid trading knowledge in the financial industry.

Due to recent technical advancement, the traders can execute high lot size trade in the market during the extreme level of market volatility by using the robust trading platform like SaxoTraderGo. Most of the time the market exhibit a high level of volatility during the high impact news release. But trading the high impact news release requires precise knowledge about smaller time frame trading. In this article, we will discuss how to trade the smaller time frame in the options trading industry like the expert traders.

Find the key support and resistance level

Most of the time the market tends to reverse its direction after hitting the key support and resistance level in the market. If you truly want to master the art of smaller time frame trading then you need to have a solid understanding about the support and resistance level in the market. The professional traders draw the key support and resistance level in the high time frame and switch back to the smaller time frame. They simply try to find confluence between higher time frame support and resistance level with the smaller time frame. Once they find the perfect confluence they execute their trades in the options trading industry with perfect risk management factors.

Price action trading strategy

There are many different types of trading strategy in the world. If you look at the experts in the trading industry then you will notice that every single one of them is using the price action confirmation signal in the market. It’s true that if you trade the higher time frame then you will be able to execute high-quality trades by using the price action confirmation signal. But in options trading, you need to use some advanced technique to trade the smaller time frame by using the price action signal.

Most of the professional traders draw the key support and resistance level in the market prior to the high impact news release and once they news is published they try to find possible price action signal in the 5-minute time frame in favor of the long-term trend in the market. It’s true that you will face little bit difficulty in trading the high volatile market conditions but if you trade with solid risk management factors you can easily make lots of money in the high volatile market conditions.

Do the fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is one of the key ingredients to execute high-quality trades in the market. Most of the novice traders in the forex market trade the live assets without knowing the perfect way to do the fundamental analysis in the market. It’s true that mastering the art of fundamental analysis is a little bit difficult but if you trade with an extreme level of devotion then within a very short period of time you will see that there is no other alternative other than fundamental analysis to trade the smaller time frame in the market. The fundamental factors in the forex market are so powerful that event the long term prevailing trend in the market often gets changed due to this high impact data.

Trading the smaller time frame is a little bit risky and requires pin perfect execution of the trading plan. If you truly want to master the art of smaller time frame trading then make sure that you follow the above-mentioned tips very precisely.


Do You Really Have What It Takes To Be A Trader?

Do you want to trade as a career but, you do not know where to start? How about you get to know yourself first?

Begin the journey by examining your relationship with money and life. Do you view life as a daily struggle or as an endless opportunity? Have you lost money recently through your daily activities and are you hoping that the financial markets will treat you better?

Wherever you are right now and whatever your belief system is, your personality will influence your perspective on your profits and losses. This is why it is important to include self-worth into the mix. Analyze your strengths and weaknesses and examine whether you have what it takes.

Marc Pearlman shared his observations based on his experiences as a professional trader and money manager. According to him, here are the tangible qualities that aid in success at day trading:


It is no surprise that hard work tops the list. Since trading is a skill, it needs to be developed through time. A lot of people view trading as a hobby or as a substitute to gambling however, this should not be the case. People only end up bad when they treat financial markets as casinos and not as businesses.


Marc compared trading to going to the gym. For example, people may have been frequenting the gym and yet have no noticeable changes in a year. He says it is be due to the lack of discipline and goal-setting, which I agree on. Trading is no different. You must have discipline and concise strategy to reach your goal!


Making money through trading does not mean that you have to be perfect all the time by making right calculations. Instead, the key is to lose as little as possible when your call is wrong and gain as much as possible when your call is right.


If you would rather be right than make money then, trading may not be for you. In trading, you cannot be right all the time! Furthermore, some may even be wrong more than they are right.

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Image Credits: (License: CC0 Public Domain)

To accompany these desirable qualities, here is a website that I found that can help you test your skills in Mathematics, Logical Sequence, and more. You may adjust the difficulty by choosing either Easy, Medium, or Hard.