Original investments for the next 10 years

Original investments for the next 10 years

Wouldn’t you want to know where to put your hard-earned money, so it can work by itself? Don’t you want a secure and profitable investment that will bring money in the long run? Well, who doesn’t? But if it was so easy, why isn’t everybody doing it. Because it isn’t that easy and the markets become increasingly unsteady. However, there are certain areas that come close to what you would want to call a safe investment.

Those are areas that are less dependent on the fluctuations of the market. For example – as the world tries to stir towards renewable energy resources, an increasing number of governments are subsidising this particular industry. Hence, the industry grows and becomes more profitable – no matter whether another financial crisis will hit or not. Although nothing is even 100% secure, certain areas of investment are very likely to create profit. Not all are in Europe and North America though.

Investing in Asian markets is nothing new. However, some markets are booming and won’t stop for another decade at least. Singapore is one these markets. This sovereign city-state has the highest concentration of millionaires in the world and therefore plenty of investment power within the country. The construction industry is already booming for over a decade and there isn’t a sign for a halt. Property agents have turned wealthy, as land is being reclaimed and developed with the speed of light.

But there isn’t only property. The government and the Singapore Economic Development Board have opened up the country for foreign investors. The economy is not limited to construction and property, but excels in trade and shipping as Singapore has the busiest port in Asia. Also other sectors, such as technology, tourism and financial services, are welcoming and prosperous. As Singapore’s government stirs the economy towards further development and growth, there isn’t any end in sight for long-term investments.

Another interesting location for investments is Qatar. With the FIFA World Cup 2022 coming up, the investments from within the country are enormous. Qatar is not only investing stadiums and infrastructure, but aims to create a wonderland for tourists, just like Dubai has done. Stocks are being predicted to rise, if not triple within a decade. Different sources recommend the Qatar investment fund. However, there is a bitter taste to the bite. The Arab country has recently been criticised for the unfavourable treatment of their foreign workers. Furthermore, the FIFA is under pressure, due to accusations of bribery during the bidding process and allegations of slave labour. Although the FIFA says a reallocation of the World Cup 2022 will not happen, one should keep it in mind when investing in the Gulf country.

Properties can be in another sense an interesting investment. As certain cities loose their population, others are becoming increasingly popular. Detroit for example has lost half of its inhabitants in forty years. However, there are other urban centres that are already experiencing a scarcity of housing. Berlin for example has a rising demand for housing for ten years straight. The German capital has once been cheap with plenty of living space. Investors have renovated entire neighbourhoods and created upscale living. As the popularity of Berlin isn’t declining, the rents have not only increased, but property has become the hottest commodity in the city. Those who have invested in property early enough have made significant financial benefits.

Similar developments can be seen in various cities around the world. Brooklyn, London, Paris and Amsterdam are only a few examples. Furthermore, due to the housing crisis and the collapse of the international market in 2008 and 2009, the prices for houses and properties broke down. Five years later the prices are slowing picking up speed with the tendency to rise rather than to fall again. An investment in inner city housing and urban property will in many cases be a profitable one.

Barcelona, Madrid, Austin and other cities are becoming increasingly attractive. As the rents there are down at the moment, these cities provide investors with interesting prospects. The prices on the international housing market were terribly bad for a couple of years. As the crisis is passing and most countries are recovering, the prices will go nowhere but up. While the market in some cities might take some time, other city markets are already starting to boom. Furthermore, the trend of urbanisation is speeding up the process. London, however, is no longer interesting, as the rents have become too expensive which minimises the profit margin dramatically.

Up and rising are also leisure and entertainment. Never before have we consumed such a quantity of entertainment. Hence, the technology sector will not just be interesting, but also offer itself as a profitable investment opportunity. Social Media brands and small start-ups, such as Facebook and Whatsapp have in an extremely short period of time generated a large amount of value and money. Many others are following the example. The technology market has grown tight links to the entertainment and leisure industry. Therefore, it will be interesting to watch what is coming.

Surely there are people that keep reminding us constantly of the bursting dotcom bubble. However, investments in technology are profitable now and in the future. The dotcom bubble was an entity in itself – complex and difficult to understand for investors at the time. Through smart phones, iPads and HD gadgets the world has become more receptive towards this kind of technology. All these devices seem to be irreplaceable already – just imagine where the industry will be in only five years.

Furthermore, it is not only leisure and entertainment, but the finance and business world that aim to catch up with the speed of the technology. Entire industries are upgrading – no matter whether medicine, manufacturing or construction. The technology industry offers a wide range of investing possibilities. Brands like Facebook, Google and Apple are one option. However, there are also special technology funds that offer themselves ideally to long-term investors. These are a perfect alternative for those who don’t want to bother with daily fluctuations.


Confide: A Free App to Keep your Business Secrets from Getting Hacked

These past few days, the news of a huge entertainment company being hacked shocked most of us. This big company is no other than Sony Pictures. A hacker group called LulzSec sent out a message on Twitter saying: “1,000,000+ unencrypted users, unencrypted admin accounts, government and military passwords saved in plaintext. #PSN compromised. @Sony”.

Image Credits: TRF_Mr_Hyde via Flickr

Image Credits: TRF_Mr_Hyde via Flickr

Various collections of data were accessed and stolen easily without the need of outside monetary support. Among these data are admin details including their passwords. Truly, it is very scary.

This is not the first time Sony has been hacked. In 2011, hackers stole the personal information of over 24.6 million Sony Online Entertainment users with more than 20,000 credit card information. This is such an embarrassment for a company as big as Sony.

This “simple” attack by LulzSec will surely make Sony paranoid to the extent of further improving their technological restrictions, security, and privacy. Luckily for Sony, a private messaging company offered their services to them for free.

Confide, a relatively new private messaging App for Android and iPhone, mimics the capabilities of Snapchat. The only difference is that, Confide does not let the people you send messages to take a screenshot. It’s a way to send messages to your contacts without having to worry about the information getting hacked or leaked out.

Screenshot Credits: Confide App via Google Play Store

Screenshot Credits: Confide App via Google Play Store

Other features of the Confide App include: messages disappearing forever once they have been read, messages being encrypted, messages can be sent to email addresses or phone numbers, and getting notifications once your message has been read.

Best of all? It can be downloaded for FREE in Google Play or ITunes.

Along with Sony, Confide App is now trying to capitalize on the Sony hack by pitching its services to other big companies. If you asked me, I would say that perhaps Confide App has an association with the recent hack in order to market their business, but that is just my crazy conspiracy theory talking.

Image Credits: michael davis-burchat via Flickr

Image Credits: michael davis-burchat via Flickr

The main agenda of the hackers was to warn the nation of how “simple” it could be to access information with security flaws, and how it is paramount to tighten privacy measures in this age and time.


Snapchat’s Snapcash lets you transfer money fast!

One of the widely used Social Messenger App in Singapore (especially for the youngsters), is Snapchat. Recently, Snapchat has unveiled its new feature called Snapcash that allows its users to send money to their Snapchatting friends.

We all know how Snapchat works: you take a photo or a video of yourself; you send it to your friend; and, seconds later, it will disappear as though it never existed. So, will sending money be as quick as that?

Snapchat partnered with Square, Inc. to revolutionize fast mobile money transfer. Square is a company, which permits individuals and merchants in the United States, Canada, and Japan to accept offline debit and credit cards on their iOS or Android smartphone or other tablet devices.

Snapcash via blog.snapchat.com

Snapcash via blog.snapchat.com

For now, Snapcash is only available to users in the United States who have debit cards and are 18 or older.

How does it work?

Users must enter their banking details to a Square account first. Then, to send cash, Snapchatters must type the dollar sign with the amount (e.g., $12), and click the green button. This shall be done through a private message.

The good thing is that Snapcash messages don’t automatically disappear. Although, once you send money through, there is no way to cancel the transaction. So, be careful.

Another cool way to send money is by using the app’s “swipe-to-send” feature by typing three dollar sign into the chat window, like this video below:

Oh, it’s like tossing play money around—except it is real!

Snapcash is fast, fun, and incredibly simple. At least that is what Snapchat says. What do you think? Is it a good idea to bring this feature in Asia?