Get Better Sleep To Function Better At Work

Many people sleep less than the recommended hours and are under-performing at work due to sleep deprivation. A good night’s sleep includes both the quantity and quality of your slumber.

Pulling an all-nighter may provide short-term results, but regularly skipping sleep can be detrimental to your ability to focus and to perform higher-level brain functions for the days to come.

It is essential to give your body the restorative rest it deserves. Here are four ways to improve your sleep.


Exposure to LED lights inhibits the increase in sleepiness during nighttime. Aside from watching television, using your hand phones and tablets before you go to sleep can suppress melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone primarily released by the pineal gland at night. It has long been associated with the control of the sleep–wake cycle. Thus, having a lamp with a lower color temperature is recommended at night.


Caffeine is a strong stimulant that can interfere sleep. It can increase your adrenaline production and block sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain. Get better sleep at night by avoiding the consumption of caffeine. The National Sleep Foundation recommends avoiding coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks before bedtime.

Apart from coffee and tea, chocolate contains caffeine in varying degrees. A dark chocolate bar may have about 30 milligrams of caffeine. This is equivalent to the caffeine content in a cup of instant tea.

Chocolate has other stimulants too! One of its stimulants is theobromine. Theobromine is the compound that makes chocolates dangerous for cats and dogs. Theobromine, found in small amounts in chocolate, increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness.


Ensure that your bedroom is welcoming and relaxing. Remove unnecessary distractions like the television and other devices with blue light. Moreover, you must keep the room temperature cool and use curtains to block the natural light. Natural light can keep you awake, while blue light will disrupt your sleep.


Sleeping routines can improve the length and quality of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to maintaining long-term healthy habits. Enjoying a quality slumber is free and is perhaps the most budget-friendly step you can take towards wellness.

At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal for teens and adults. Learn how much sleep you really need and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Then, set up a conducive sleeping environment without distractions. You can also develop a curfew for your electronics usage.

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Please reduce the intake of caffeine and avoid physical activity before you go to bed.  Practice calming activities such as taking a warm bath or listening to relaxing music instead.

Have a wonderful rest!


Do Not Let Your Financial Problems Keep You Up At Night!

Is there anything worse than reaching home after a stressful day only to be kept up late because your brain keeps ruminating over your financial burdens?

If this happens to you constantly, it is a sign that you are either feeling helpless about your current situation or trying to exert too much control over your future. Stop right there! Thinking about all your financial problems before you fall asleep will not solve anything. It may even cause health issues such as headache, chest pain, and muscle tension on the next day.

The obvious move that you must take first is to solve the underlying problem. Set aside a portion of your day to contemplate about the solutions to your situation. Afterwards, work on your sleep hygiene. It involves healthy sleeping habits and maintaining a conducive sleeping environment.

If these two strategies are not enough, try my other suggestions:


You must accept the fact that you cannot accurately predict the future. No one can! Hence, it is always a good idea to be prepared for any money woes that life will throw at you. Make calculated strategies to shield yourself against unforeseen events such as unemployment and critical illness. For instance, you may save at least six months’ worth of your salary to cushion unemployment or apply for health insurance to fund your critical illness.

Let go of all the worries once you have planned for the situation. Unfortunate events may test you but, you will be alright.


If you keep on lending your hard-earned cash to friends and family, financial issues can rise. Your money belongs to you and you are accountable for it. If you do not feel comfortable in lending money to a friend or a family member then, be assertive. Genuinely say that you cannot loan the money at the moment due to your financial responsibilities. Discuss the matter in a mature manner. People who care about you will understand.


For your relationship with money to flourish, you must understand that it involves the two of you. Do not let the power of spending govern you! When things go badly, it is partly because of what you brought to the situation and partly because of what the money brought.


Redirect your cognitive energy to productive matters such as catching up with your friends or updating your C.V. or resume. If you have more time in your hands because you were recently unemployed, improve your relatively low mood by exercising. You do not have to exhaust your savings to stay health. Be active by following the free online tutorials or by registering at the “Places To Find The Cheapest Gym Memberships In Singapore“.

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Image Credits:

No matter how much you dream about achieving an indestructible body like Incredible Hulk’s, it is still impossible. This is why you need quality sleep to combat the daily challenges. Constantly worrying about your finances is not only draining your body but also straining your relationships. Remember to value your well-being as much as you value your bank account.


Sources: 1 & 2


Have A Good Night’s Sleep Without Breaking The Bank

When you are sleep deprived, you feel less patient, less concentrated, and easily irritated. This can increase your stress levels. Give your body the restorative rest it deserves.

A good night’s sleep is not only about the amount of hours you sleep but also about the quality of sleep. Better sleeping patterns can positively impact your health and your ability to manage the daily challenges ahead. To have this, you will need to spend only S$4 or less…just follow these tips:


The first step to have better sleep is to be aware of your previous sleeping patterns. Keep a sleep journal (i.e., costing S$2 or less in Popular Bookstore or Daiso) where you will write significant events in your day, your lifestyle habits, and your sleeping patterns. Answer these questions in your journal or notebook for at least 3 days:

a. How many hours did you sleep in total?

b. How many times did you wake up in the evening?

c. What time did you go to sleep?

d. What did you do to help you fall asleep?

e. What did you eat before sleeping?

f. Did something stressful or depressing happened today causing you to be worried?

Now that you are aware of your sleeping patterns, you will know which ones you shall change.


In order to have a restorative sleep, your bedroom must be inviting. Keep the room’s temperature cool (i.e., 18C-24C) and use curtains to block the light. To keep the noise to a minimum, you may wear earplugs (i.e., costing S$2 in Daiso). Or, you may play relaxing music while you sleep.

Image Credits: Enkhtuvshin via Flickr

Image Credits: Enkhtuvshin via Flickr

Eliminate distractions such as the television, tablets, laptops, or your phone. The LED light emitted by these electronics can cause your mind to think that it is still daytime.


Having a sleeping routine within thee recommended hours programs the brain to automatically have its “body clock” that will help you to fall asleep consistently. Take these steps for 7 days:

a. Set a time for sleeping and waking up.

At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal for teens and adults. Perhaps you may sleep at 11 PM and wake up at 6 AM. Stick to this by canceling your late night plans for the week and by setting an alarm.

b. Create a pre-sleep routine.

What relaxes you the most? Whether it is taking a warm bath, practicing yoga exercises, and reading a book, do these pre-sleep routine at least 30 minutes before you sleep.

c. Use your bed primarily for sleeping.

If you use your bed for working or eating, you will lose the automatic cue to sleep. So, use your bed primarily for sleeping.

d. Reduce alcohol and caffeine consumption.

This last step will save you money and help you to sleep better. Alcohol may help you to sleep faster but it also causes to have interrupted sleep. While caffeine will keep you stimulated throughout the night. Avoid these two.

Image Credits: Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr

Image Credits: Pedro Ribeiro Simões via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2, & 3