5 Tell-Tale Signs It’s Time to Quit Your Job

Knowing when to walk away from a job can be challenging, but certain red flags signal it might be time to move on. Whether it’s workplace conflicts, lack of growth, or declining company stability, staying in the wrong job can negatively impact your career and well-being.

So, when shall you quit?


One of the top reasons people quit their jobs is a difficult boss. If you constantly clash with a supervisor, it will inevitably affect your day-to-day responsibilities and job satisfaction.

This can manifest in different ways:

  • A boss who is disrespectful or dismissive
  • Lack of support or guidance
  • Excessive micromanagement
  • Unfair criticism without constructive feedback
  • No acknowledgment of your hard work

If the problem stems from personality differences rather than performance issues, there’s little you can do to change the situation. In such cases, moving on may be the best option for your career and peace of mind.


Feeling undervalued at work is demoralizing, especially when new hires receive better compensation while long-term employees are overlooked. Recognition and fair pay are crucial for motivation, and if your contributions go unnoticed, frustration is inevitable.

Signs you’re undervalued:

  • Your salary does not reflect your experience or contributions
  • You rarely receive recognition or appreciation
  • You face constant criticism with little constructive feedback

If you feel unappreciated, consider discussing it with your manager. However, if your concerns aren’t acknowledged or addressed, it may be time to explore new opportunities where your efforts are truly valued.


A lack of career advancement is a major sign that it’s time to leave. Growth isn’t just about promotions!

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Before making a decision, talk to your manager and formally request growth opportunities. If your organization isn’t open to career development, it’s a strong indication that you should move on.


No job is worth sacrificing your health. If your work-related stress is causing physical or emotional distress such as insomnia, headaches, anxiety, or loss of appetite…it’s a major red flag. For instance, my sister wakes up every morning feeling trapped in her job. She’s constantly stressed, can’t sleep well, and barely eats. I reminded her that no paycheck is worth her well-being.

Even if you love your company, your boss, and your co-workers, your health should always come first. If your job is draining you mentally and physically, it’s time to prioritize yourself.


Job stability is crucial, and if your company is struggling, it might be wise to leave before things worsen.

I personally experienced this during the pandemic when private schools began shutting down due to financial difficulties. Realizing the instability, I transitioned from academia to HR to secure my future.

Signs your company may be in trouble:

  • Consistent revenue losses
  • Staff layoffs and hiring freezes
  • Office closures or downsizing
  • Reduced client base or funding

If your company is financially struggling or at risk of closing, it’s best to start looking for a more stable opportunity before it’s too late.


Leaving a job is never an easy decision, but staying in the wrong one can hinder your growth, happiness, and well-being. If you recognize these signs in your current role, take action.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Have a conversation with your boss, update your resume, or actively search for a job. The right job should challenge, support, and value you—not drain you.

Sources: 1,2, & 3


When is a Good Time to Switch Jobs?

Whether you admit it or not, we crave job security. Holding on to a job for several years is one way to attain this. However, there is less financial security in long-term employment.

You can get better by opening your doors to bigger opportunities. The longer you spend time locked up in any organization, the softer your muscles become. You can become complacent and comfortable.

When is it a suitable time to switch jobs?

#1: You became apathetic.

Feeling increasingly disconnected from your primary reasons for entering the field can affect your mental health. Notice if you are underperforming and skipping deadlines. What is going on?

If you cannot remember the last time you felt energized by a new project, it might be time to reassess your role.

#2: You do not feel like you are making an impact.

Your responsibilities and duties remain the same. Every day looks and feels identical. Therefore, you feel undervalued as you run on autopilot.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

It is time for you to find a new role that plays to your strengths and provides you opportunities to develop new ones.

#3: You dread going to the office.

If you dread going to work most days or feel anxious about interacting with the boss, you feel dissatisfied with your current roles.

It is time to think about other areas that will align with your passions. Search for new jobs in job portals such as LinkedIn.

#4: Your job is affecting your personal life.

Work should be challenging, but not crippling. If you are chronically exhausted and experience physical and mental tolls, it is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong.

Being stressed can affect your relationships with the people who matter the most. If your work is turning you unhappy and irritable, start to explore activities that will make you feel boosted again.

#5: You feel that your salary is not enough.

No matter how good the pay may be, you still feel that money is not enough. At some point, you will find yourself watching time pass by during meetings.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Constant dissatisfaction and mindlessness can make you feel like you are wasting your potential. This is a clear sign that you need to embrace change!

Source: 1


Prevent High Turnover Rate By Knowing 4 Common Reasons Why Singaporean Employees Quit

I do not have to throw statistics to claim that some Singaporean companies are experiencing trouble in retaining their employees. Losing money to hire a new talent over and over again seems to be inevitable because of the perceived dissatisfaction in the workplace. Last year, the aspects of work of 5,000 Singaporean employees were studied by Singapore Human Resources Institute. They found that on average, the employees were considered “Under Happy” at work.

Prevent the high turnover rate by instilling alterations in the working conditions. Often times, employees are just hungry for change. Start with these 4 issues that you can juggle on:


The competitive cost of living in the country affected the demand for faster output. In return, this can create a toxic workplace wherein employees suffer from burnout or depression. Adding a horrible boss into the mix will only worsen the situation.

Image Credits: Vocab Ninja via Flickr

Image Credits: Vocab Ninja via Flickr

In 2012, JobsCentral conducted a survey including the responses of 3,299 employees and 256 hiring managers. A whopping 31% of the respondents said that they do not have satisfying boss-worker relationship. This is because of the following reasons: lack of advancement opportunities (87.5%), lack of autonomy (80.6%), and work demands (71.1%). So, if you want your priced employee to stay, warn the boss against these poor practices.


Career growth does not only help the employee personally but also financially. An employee maybe happy at his or her current position but in need of bonuses to cover the rising costs. A limit in growth can decrease the motivation and purpose of the employee to strive for more. For some the limit is unacknowledged and it is famously called as the “glass ceiling”. Therefore, companies shall create tangible career paths.


I cannot deny the fact that salary is a common factor for an employee to draft his or her resignation. In fact, 61% of Singaporean employees felt that were underpaid and overworked compared to the existing market rates. CPF deductions and domestic expenses will be deducted to the baseline salary afterwards. This leaves no room for retirement funds or any type of savings.

Solution! Companies: make room for increments no matter how small it may seem. Individuals: do not hesitate to ask for a raise.


When we work as hard as we do, we only deserve to play hard too! According to a survey, 57% of Singaporeans said they would rather have a work-life balance over higher pay. Take notes from the CEO of I-Search Worldwide – Mr. Richard Hoon who sets aside the Friday evenings for the staff to gather and chat with complementary food and beverage. It is his way to help the employees ease into the relaxing weekends ahead.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)