Efficient Ways To Deal With Your Money Insecurities

We all experience money insecurities at some point in our lives. The question is, how do you handle them?


Contemplate on the things that you are lacking. Where do these negative thoughts come from? Do these come from your painful financial situations in the past? Think about it!

Once you locate the source of your insecurity, it will be easier do think of ways to efficiently deal with it. Facing your fear entails the end of avoidance. For instance, Danny is worried that he is making less than his wife. This thought comes from his highly dominating mother. It is up Danny to think about proactive way to handle this situation.

Thoughts lead to feelings, which directs behavior. Recognizing where the insecurity started will make it seem more manageable.


Some money insecurities originate from the wrongful beliefs and myths that the person strongly holds. See the other side of the situation to re-frame your negative perspectives. If you are unemployed and you feel extremely useless, view the circumstance as a new chapter in your life. In this chapter…you are FREE! You have countless days to figure out what you really want to do in life. Invest on things that will lead you to your financial goals.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


They say that money is the root of all evil. However, I believe that envy is too.

It is not difficult to become insecure when you constantly compare your wealth, job, and lifestyle to others who are seemingly perfect. Aspiring someone’s success may serve as a great motivation. However, unrealistically desiring what others have can contribute to your insecurity and depression. It is very unhealthy to measure your own worth to the things that you do not possess.

Rather than mimicking the lifestyle of your “flawless” neighbor, focus on your own capabilities and strengths instead.


You read it once and you will read it again! You must focus on your capabilities and strengths. Most people put more weight on failures (e.g., investment loses) than on successful experiences (e.g., salary increase). A lot of insecurities can come from narrowing your mindset on the things that you have trouble with.

As much as everybody carries their weak points, they do have some strong points as well! Learn to balance these two elements together and build a successful life. Say your budgeting skills are above average, consider flourishing this area further by seeking the help of professionals.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


In conclusion, we all experience money insecurities at some points in our lives. The key to conquering these insecurities is to determine, invalidate, and move past them. Concentrate on your strengths and accomplishments to realize that your insecurities are merely irrational fears.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Overcoming The Common Interviewer Biases

An interview for a possible job opportunity or salary increase is ultimately founded by an interaction between two or more individuals. Due to the nature of human behavior, both the interviewer and the interviewee are subjected to Psychological biases and errors.

What my background in Psychology has taught me is that these biases can be conquered. Awareness of the different biases is the first step!


In Psychology, affect refers to the person’s overt display of feelings and emotions while heuristic allows people to make judgements swiftly and efficiently. Putting these two together will produce the Affect Heuristic. The Affect Heuristic is an error in judgement due to interpreting the world based on the person’s current mood.

For instance, if the interviewer had a horrible day due to domestic conflicts then, he or she may project negative feelings onto you. 

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

This error goes hand-in-hand with the negativity bias. Negativity bias happens when individuals give more emphasis on the bad experiences rather than the good ones. Hence, you have to be careful with the pattern of your feelings and thoughts!


As the name suggests, Confirmation Bias is the tendency to listen solely to the information that approves one’s preconceptions.

Say your parents instilled the idea that superior employees are products of local universities only. As an interviewer, you encountered aspirants who graduated from private schools such as PSB Academy and EASB. You may be more inclined to apply your preconceptions to make false judgements about their abilities.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Spend a substantial amount of time in evaluations to overcome this bias and increase rater’s accuracy.


Anchoring Bias is the tendency of some people to rely heavily on the first piece of information they receive. For instance, you are negotiating your salary. The first offer that you make will establish a spectrum of “reasonable” possibilities and the following counteroffers will be anchored by that initial offer.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Negotiating a salary is a conversation that aims to reach an agreement with someone whose interests are not perfectly aligned with yours. Make your first offer count despite of the Anchoring Bias by researching all the necessary information such as the average pay for your position.


Contrast Effect is the “magnification or reduction of perception as a result of previous exposure to something of lesser or greater quality”. A candidate who understands the essence of this effect will immediately volunteer after a poor candidate in order for his or her ratings to be optimum.

Reduce the Contrast Effect by delegating a standardized criteria where you base your decisions on. Thus, your interviews, discussions, and evaluations must all be structured.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

May you apply your knowledge of these common cognitive biases to your next interview! 🙂

Sources:  1 & 2


How To Recognize And Beat Work-Related Burnout

The national values instilled as a society coupled by the relatively high cost of living in Singapore led to the “hardworking” culture that is embedded in almost everyone’s veins. With the amount of commitment that most people have towards their jobs, they can occasionally experience an unpleasant consequence called Burnout.

Coined in the ’70s by the American Psychologist Herbert Freudenberger, Burnout refers to the outcomes of relentless work stress and high ideals. Work-related burnout and its co-morbid problems commonly lead to absenteeism due to sickness. For instance, you have been spending more time at the office to get more things done but ended up being physically and mentally unwell. Going beyond the limits of your body is just counterproductive to your well being and finances. This is why you must recognize the telltale signs of work-related burnout. Here are some of them…


Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Have you been fantasizing about swimming on the beautiful Bondi Beach? Or are you wishing that tomorrow is a “newly proclaimed” non-working holiday? Well, wanting to run away from your work is a common sign of burnout.


Burnout can cause cognitive problems in memory and attention. You can experience slip-ups such as messing up on normally easy tasks, forgetting to remember simple things, and having a hard time focusing.


You are always tired. Need I say more?


If you are wondering about whether what your doing is appropriately compensated and if it has any significance, you are experiencing “reduced accomplishment”. It is a common symptom of burnout that can affect anyone who has been working too hard including elite athletes and renowned surgeons.


Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Sometimes, changes in the working environment and tangible support from others can help with the problems brought by the workplace stress. Consider spending some time with your friends or the people who make you smile. You may be putting off some of your tasks (for the meantime) by doing so but is it not the whole point of destressing?


Since burnout is influenced by mental clutter, learning to relax and removing the distractions for an ample period of time can ease your negative feelings. Put your work assignments or projects down and do something you really enjoy. Set aside at least 10 minutes of the day to yourself.

Listen to your favorite love song, book a spa appointment, eat your favorite dessert, purchase new video games or try on different shades of lipsticks. You deserve it!


Exercise has physical and psychological benefits such as reducing stress, anxiety and depression. It can also improve one’s quality of life, self-concept and self-efficacy. So get pumping! Run outside the house or gather a group of friends to start a regular exercise routine.


When you are tired and sleep deprived, you are less patient, less concentrated and easily irritated. As sleep deprivation can increase your stress, it is advisable to get quality sleep.

Nothing beats the feeling of waking up refreshed and rejuvenated after a good night’s rest. It does give you the boost you need to deal with the hurdles that the new day can bring. Give your body the restorative rest craves for. At least 6-8 hrs of sleep is ideal for working adults.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


How To Get Lucky With Money And Life

Have you ever wondered why some people are lucky in love, money, and life while some are not?

Well…Mr. Bob Miglani and Dr. Richard Wiseman argues that there are several reasons and factors why people achieve success. In an article for the HUFFINGTONPOST, Bob Miglani – the author of “Embrace the Chaos”, shares some reasons why some people get so lucky in money and in life. Here are some of them:


Start the day right by planting positive seeds as soon as you wake up. Make the conscious effort to choose good words (e.g., “Have a wonderful day!”) and positive actions (e.g., beginning with a prayer of gratitude) to overcome the limitations set by your mind. Let this positivism translate towards other parts of life by surrounding yourself with people who boost you up. Worry not about the negative people that slow you down.


People who are lucky set clear objectives and do their best to achieve them. Whether you want to provide well for your kids or you want to open a successful business, attract those goals to you by writing them down. Jump out of the bed each morning with a purpose as you truly have something valuable to give to the world!


Lucky people have a different perspective of setbacks and success. Although failures can be experienced by anyone, they keep on going because they know that they have the power to overcome it. This belief helps them to persevere through the failures.

Success, on the other hand, is not achieved through a straight path. Lucky people flow thru the uncharted waters and handle all the curves along the way to success.


Aside from these reasons, Dr. Richard Wiseman – a Psychiatrist and an author of “The Luck Factor: The Four Essential Principles”, reveals that people are not born with good luck or bad luck. In fact, good luck results from a person’s good attitude. Here are ways to achieve that:


Expecting to win not only helps you to handle money but it also helps you to handle life. For instance: If you are going to a job interview, visualize that you have gotten the job already. As the interview commences, you will find yourself more relaxed and confident. This may lead you to performing better in the conversation and eventually landing the job.


Every new activity or products you try gives you the opportunity to become luckier. If you are trying to win the lottery, try entering the various types of sweepstakes to widen your range and luck. If you are trying to get a new job, try going to different places and even consider relocating overseas. Embrace new experiences and see how much you like them.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)


Irrational Financial Beliefs That Most People Have

Let me start by defining what irrationality and irrational beliefs are. Irrationality is thinking or acting through emotional distress, insufficient use of reason, or cognitive deficiency. Thus irrational beliefs are the baseless opinions, attitudes, and values you possess that are beyond what the world really is. Particularly, your irrational beliefs about money shape how you spend.

Start by recognizing your irrationality with the 4 Irrational Financial Beliefs That Most People Have…


If you believe that you can gain the affection and attention of others by earning enough money then, you are on the wrong track! Even if you are the shiniest dollar in the bank, you can’t please everybody.

When you put earning money as your top priority instead of valuing your family and friends, your self-worth will shrink once you lose your wealth. It is better to focus on the things that you can control – loving yourself and paying attention to others.


Irrationality happens when you are not dealing with the truth of what really is and what you would like it to be. Your high expectations affect what you consider as “enough” money. Most people tend to accumulate debt by trying to reach this point of “enough”.

Instead of believing in this irrationality, live within your means by fulfilling your needs. Begin with the basic needs such as survival and security. Then allocate a portion of your money for your wants. Reach the lifestyle you desire by smart money management and not by debt.


I am sure you know people who believe that money is the quintessential source of their happiness. However, according to the words of Dr. Kathleen Gurney (CEO of Financial Psychology Corporation): “It’s not money that makes you happy…it’s how you use it.”

Studies show that you will get more satisfaction if you spend your cash towards memorable experiences such as vacations than towards material things such as a new table. Likewise, lending out possessions can help you enjoy the material things that your money bought.


If you are one of those people who merely go by what the bank says and do cannot seem to organize your financial affairs then, you might be in trouble. Your bills and loans will not just go away on its own! It takes valued time and consistent effort to get your finances straight. Avoiding your responsibilities may make you happier in the short run but it will haunt you long after. So invest on real commitments and pay attention to details. If you are married, it is good to consult your spouse for all things related to money.

Image Credits: Chi King via Flickr

Image Credits: Chi King via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2, 3