8 Telltale Signs That You Are Seriously Devoted To Online Shopping

Almost every human soul on Earth loves shopping! Who does not appreciate the rush they get while picking the perfect outfit? Then, a few decades down the road came the Internet. Marrying these two resulted to the growth of E-commerce and online shopping, especially in Singapore.

In 2014, a website called Flipit found that 50% of E-commerce traffic in Singapore came from the mobile devices. The accessibility to efficient Internet connection in our country led more and more people to shift their buying power online. With famed websites such as Zalora, Qoo10, Taobao, Lazada, and Rakuten, there has been an ongoing debate whether traditional physical stores are losing their appeal.

Previous Paypal research showed that the size of Singapore’s online shopping market reached S$1.1 billion in 2010 and it is forecasted to hit S$4.4 billion by this year. The elevated power of E-commerce has two sides namely: positive and negative. Positively, it brings convenience as it can save one’s money and time. Negatively, it brings susceptibility to serious devotion and addiction.

On that note, here are the 8 Telltale Signs That You Are Seriously Devoted To Online Shopping:

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

1. If you open your bag or purse, you will see a bunch of deposit slips from different online shops.

2. Most of the time, you would have an open tab in your browser with a full shopping cart waiting for you to pursue your purchase.

3. Every minute of your free time in home and work is spent scrolling through Instagram, Carousell, and other online retailers.

4. Your daily routine will not be complete without doing rounds of browses through your favorite online shops to see their new arrivals and sale items.

5. You receive packages via mail that you forgot you once ordered.

6. You get uncomfortable and anxious when you think about shopping in physical stores.

7. Your heart races when you read an email announcing that the online ship has an ongoing sale.

8. You bought the same thing twice by accident.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

If more than 5 signs apply to you, perhaps you should re-consider your online shopping habits along with the other 1.2 million Singaporean online shoppers (i.e., above the age of 18 years old only) out there!

Source: 1, 2, & 3


Know These Money Disorders That Sabotage Your Finances

In Dr. Brad Klontz’ book called the “Mind Over Money: Overcoming the Money Disorders that Threaten Our Financial Health” he dishes about the different ways one can sabotage his or her finances. Dr. Klontz knows what he is talking about, as he is a financial psychologist, investment advisor, an associate professor at Kansas State University, and a co-author of four financial books by profession.

To start with this discussion, Money Disorders are defined as persistent patterns of self-limiting and self-destructive financial behaviors. The root of these said disorders are the beliefs about money that you developed during the course of your life. Particular events, which are distressing and dramatic in nature, were dubbed “financial flashpoints”.

Examples of financial flashpoints include childhood poverty or abrupt unemployment. These financial flashpoints affect your financial behaviors because they leave an emotional scar that you will carry on throughout your adulthood. Fortunately, you can overcome the money disorders and take charge of your monetary life! You just have to know its types first.

The Mind Over Money book outlines the 3 types of Money Disorders as:


Money-worshipping patterns can either display through hoarding or compulsive buying. Hoarding is keeping excessive amount of stuff or money to gain a sense of security, safety, and relief from anxiety. While, compulsive buying is overspending on unnecessary things in order to feel good. They use money as an escape from troubles or worries.


Money avoidance patterns exist as financial denial or financial rejection. Financial denial is when you refuse to face your financial problems (e.g., ignoring the credit card bills) to “minimize” the situation. On the other hand, financial rejection is when you experience guilt whenever your cash increases. People with low self-esteem most likely feel this.


Relational money patterns include disorders that are influenced by your loved ones or other social interactions. It exists as financial infidelity and financial enabling. Financial infidelity is when you lie about your spending to your spouse or life partner. For instance, you can open a secret bank account or spend beyond your agreed-upon budget.

Financial enabling, commonly seen in the Asian setting, is when you give money to your less fortunate relatives or friends whether you can afford it or not. You give them money even though it is not in their long-term best interest or because you just cannot say “No!”

Image Credits: Consumerist Dot Com via Flickr with CC License

Image Credits: Consumerist Dot Com via Flickr with CC License

As you can see, Money Disorders exist in different forms, and often exist without your conscious knowledge. Awareness and identification is the first step to conquer these disorders! 🙂

Sources: 1 & 2


Do Not Let These Feelings Drain Your Money

“Emotional Spender: Someone who spends money freely to satisfy his or her feelings at the moment.”

Whether the feelings or emotions are positive or not, letting these dictate your purchases may potentially lead to a disaster. Ask yourself, are you one of them? Another interesting characteristic that an emotional spender has is the regret after spending. This is sometimes due to spending more than one can afford. Fortunately, you can change for the better!

The first step you must take is to identify the problem by figuring out what emotions or feelings trigger your snap financial decisions. Then, use budgeting to guide you as you stop this nasty buying habit.

Here are some of the emotions that may affect your free spending:


Let us start the list off with Anger. Shopping while you are angry makes you more likely to take risks. This is because purchasing while you are angry can make you feel empowered. For example, if you are angry with your spouse, you can just grab your credit card (i.e., from your joint account) and not care about how much you spend on clothes. An expensive revenge indeed!

Solution: Making yourself feel better by filling the void inside you is not a good move. Instead, lock yourself in a room, play your favorite song, and write down what you feel. Do these things to help you simmer down and avoid emotional purchases.


Having too much time in your hands can make you spend more. Shopping, a very pleasant activity can keep you busy and make you feel occupied. So, it may act as a substitute for other fulfilling and productive activities. For example, if you work from home, it is natural to have a few hours to spare. As leisure, you decided to go on shopping trips since shopping is not only a boredom buster but also an activity you can do alone.

Solution: Find a fun hobby or activity to occupy you when you are bored. You may try cooking different pasta recipes or catching up on your favorite TV shows. Toggle.sg lets you watch episodes of your favorite shows at Channel 5, Channel 8, Channel U, Okto, Suria, and Vasantham – at no cost!


How can a positive feeling make you splurge your paycheck? Well, it is possible if you want to celebrate a milestone (e.g., promotion, raise, or graduation) in a grand fashion. According to research by Harris Interactive, 53% of people are guilty of celebratory shopping. This goes to show that shopping in a good note is normal but it may come with expensive price tags.

Solution: Celebrate a momentous event within your means. Having an intimate gathering of your closest loved ones is better than having a huge graduation party at a 5-star hotel. It is okay to indulge once in a while as long as you have money to spare. You deserve it!


Spending the money you either do not have or you can well spend elsewhere to satisfy your emotional needs only create more problems than solutions. If you set up a budget with a room for reasonable indulgence then, it is acceptable to spend. After all, that is how personal finance should work.

Image Credits: Antoine K via Flickr with Creative Commons License

Image Credits: Antoine K via Flickr with Creative Commons License

Sources: 1 & 2


Cheap Ways To Boost Your Creativity Now

You do not have to be as smart as Einstein or as rich as Gates to think creatively. With these few tricks up your sleeve, you can show your own creative side in no time:


If you are fishing in an unfamiliar territory, it is advisable to educate yourself. Do this by reading a book or two about creativity or creative thinking. Try Austin Kleon’s modern take on creativity. With his visually pleasing illustrations and simple vocabulary, you will surely understand what he wants to convey in his books entitled “STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST: 10 THINGS NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT BEING CREATIVE” and “SHOW YOUR WORK!: 10 THINGS NOBODY TOLD YOU ABOUT GETTING DISCOVERED”. Both books are available at Popular Bookstore for as low as S$20.87.


Assign a place where you can freely create. This does not have to be a fancy space. A tiny corner with art materials, CDs, or a laptop will do. It is important that you decorate this space yourself.

Image Credits: Karen Cox via Flickr with Creative Commons License

Image Credits: Karen Cox via Flickr with Creative Commons License


Color Psychology dictates that colors can help enhance our cognitive tasks such as concentrating and creative thinking. So, paint your room with the colors of our home planet – blue and green!

Blue has physically and mentally calming effects that will help you open your thoughts. On the other hand, green signifies growth and harmony. Putting these colors together shall stimulate your creativity even more.


In the “Candle Problem” presented by psychologist Karl Duncker, participants were given a candle, a box of thumbtacks, and a book of matches. They were asked to affix a lit candle to the wall without having a single drop of wax on the table below. There are a couple of possible solutions yet, only one will work (know the solution, here).

To arrive at the answer, you must envision the problem differently. Do not limit the function of these said objects too. Relax and examine the problem in varied ways before you begin working.


Previous literature has shown that exercise increases creative thinking due to its ability to pump up the heart and put people in a positive mood. So, when you are having a writer’s block, try to run a few blocks, it may help you have a long-awaited “Eureka!” moment. Jog outdoors, it’s free anyway.


Last but not the least is to activate your senses. You can explore the local libraries, museums, gardens, and zoos. Tickets to these places range from S$0-32. But, that is a small price to pay to enrich your imagination.

Now, if you are still looking for a no-cost way to activate your senses, you can listen to Mozart. According to a book entitled: “The Mozart Effect,” listening to classical music specifically by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart can increase concentration, creativity, and other cognitive functions. His music repertoire is available for free on YouTube.

Sources: 1 & 2



4 Highest Paying Jobs In The Field Of Psychology

One of the most popular degrees, aside from Business Administration, is Psychology. There are various career paths to choose from including the fields of Forensic Psychology, Sport Psychology, Counseling, Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, and so on. Also, you can choose to work with children, youth, or elderly. All you have to do is search for what you are truly passionate about.

Now, if you desire to earn big in this area, here is the data from 2011-2014 to show the 4 Highest Paying Jobs In The Field Of Psychology…


Minimum Requirement: Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology. But, doctorate degree in forensic psychology, clinical psychology, and counseling can get you a better salary.

Forensic Psychologists carry out duties that are related with the law such as examining abuse, providing expert testimony, preparing witnesses of the court, training officers of the law, and profiling criminals.


Minimum Requirement: Master’s degree. But, doctorate degree in Engineering Psychology will find you greater employment opportunities and better salary.

Due to the 21st century technology, there is a rapid growth in the demand for Engineering Psychologists. Engineering Psychologists focus on upgrading the technology, machines, and workplace environment to increase productivity and minimize danger. This in return will enhance the behavior of the employees and the people around.

Image Credits: Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig via Flickr

Image Credits: Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig via Flickr


Minimum Requirement: Bachelor’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. But, masters and doctorate degree will find you greater employment opportunities and better salary.

Industrial/Organizational Psychologists usually work in the corporate setting to help improve the performance and efficacy of the workplace. They are involved in examining workplace culture, employee training, human resources, and marketing strategies.


Minimum Requirement: About eight years of post-undergraduate study with training.

Child Psychiatrists must be trained to treat children and teenagers who have mental disorders. While, General Psychiatrists do not specialize in a specific discipline. There are different kinds of Psychiatrists but one thing is for sure they are usually on the top of the list when it comes to salary.

Image Credits: Hartwig HKD via Flickr

Image Credits: Hartwig HKD via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2, & 3