Increasing your employability by honing your skills is always a good idea, if you are trying to earn more. Having the following skills could improve your chances in the international market…
Whether you refer to it as programming or coding, this skill plays an important part in our modern lives. This skill is in demand worldwide with a foreseeable rise of 5% each year. Equipping yourself with this digital age skill will give you an opportunity to branch out in any sector such as finance, healthcare, and entertainment (e.g., music recording company).
Our government noticed the clamor for this skills, which is why they integrated Information and Communications Technology (ICT) program in the Singapore Budget 2016. This initiative helps people adapt to the evolving job demands.
Skills that fall under marketing incorporates in-depth human interactions. Marketing requires cultural sensitivity and social perceptiveness when establishing a working relationship with the clients. Furthermore, it includes negotiating and convincing skills in its umbrella.
As Singaporeans are perpetually glued to their devices, you can see how digital marketing influences the target audience. Observe how Facebook or Instagram ads get noticed globally. It can be measured by the amount of “likes”.
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Despite these contemporary tactics, I believe that no amount of artificial intelligence can replace a skilled individual when resolving complaints and closing deals.
One of the major skills that employers are looking for is the ability to communicate orally and in writing, to different kinds of people. It is not enough to include that you are a good communicator in your C.V. You must provide evidence by starting a blog, heading clubs, or writing on a publication.
Improve your communicating ability by watching this empowering TED Talk by Business Sound Expert Julian Treasure: