Having a Credit Card is Not a License to Spend

Convincing yourself that you are not spending real money is easy when you charge for items on your credit card. Technically, you are correct! You are not spending money, in fact, you are borrowing money.

Using your credit card means that you will have to pay the bill eventually. The promise of small minimum payments can entice you into thinking that these purchases are bargains. Unless you pay back the purchase immediately, you will not feel the pain of the bill for another month.

Be responsible with your credit card by treating it like cash and swiping only what you know you can pay back in full. You can reap its benefits by using your credit card in the following situations.


Many credit cards provide reward points for certain categories of spending like groceries, gasoline, air fares, and restaurants. When earning thresholds are reached, points can be redeemed for travel, shopping, and more. Choose a card that best suits your spending patterns.


As long as you make payments on time, recurring payments will keep that line of credit open so you can continue to maintain or boost your credit score. Any recurring payments you have such as subscription on Spotify or Netflix can be paid through your credit card.


Are you ready for unexpected expenses? When this happens, you need some time to cushion the blow. You can use your credit card in case of an emergency, including fixing, changing your tire or repairing a broken window. Be sure to repay more than the minimum on your credit card payments to avoid unnecessary interest.

Image Credits: unsplash.com


Senior Industry Analyst at CreditCards.com once said: “Chip-enabled cards are very good at deterring in-person fraud but that doesn’t help you online, and that’s where most of the fraud has gone.” You can use your credit card when shopping online instead of shopping with your debit card.

Check your browser and shopping apps to ensure that your debit card is not saved on any of these platforms. You can either add your credit card information or delete all your card information to make it harder for you to overspend online.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


6 Tips to Attract Luck during Ghost Month

What is Ghost Month?

Ghost Month is the seventh month of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Because the Lunar New Year falls on a different day each year, the start of Ghost Month also varies. For 2022, Ghost Month started last July 29 and will end on August 26.

The Ghost Month, according to Chinese tradition, is the period when souls are given a “one-month pass” to roam among the living. This festival also pays respect to the homeless spirits, or those without families. China, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan, and Cambodia are just some of the countries that observe Ghost Month.

Many people take precautions during Ghost Month to avoid running out of luck. After all, there is no harm in being extra careful. On that note, here are 6 Tips to Attract Luck during Ghost Month.


Ghost Month typically brings uncertainty. Use this time to plan your purchases, especially on major items that you do not urgently need. If you are thinking of purchasing a new camera or gadget, postpone your purchase to the following month when you are more certain about your funds. Plan your budget and allocation ahead of time.


Apart from impulsively spending significant amounts of money, borrowing money during Ghost Month may not be the best idea. If you are planning to use the money on unnecessary purposes, you have to slow down. Prioritize your needs and pause any huge spending until things start picking up.


Starting a business during Ghost Month is often ill-advised as many investors take a break during this time, which can influence the economy. Use this period as an opportunity to recalibrate your business plan. Ensure that you have everything ready before you finally launch your business.


The candles and incense will help light the spirits’ way. While paper money will give them wealth in the afterlife. If you have budget to spare, you can treat them to other creature comforts like paper car.


It is said that spirits tend to lie in wait in dark and rarely used corners of a home. Bring positive energy to the space by adding lights. Put lights in hallways and corners. If the space does not have a lighting fixture installed, here is your chance to put a decorative floor or desk lamp. You can opt for energy-efficient LED bulbs. Apart from being earth-friendly, this option is also economical.


Hungry Ghosts are attracted to muted or dark colors such as black, gray, and dark blue. Bright colors may keep them at bay. Pick cheerful colors for your sheets, curtains, pillowcases, and more. Shades of yellow, orange, pink, green, red, and pastel encourage positive energy and uplift the mood.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


6 Money-Saving Tips for Singaporean Teens


Let us face it! Saving money as a teenager is challenging, especially when you have friends who are constantly buying new clothes or are going on yearly overseas trips. However, it is possible. Here are 6 tips on how teens can save money despite the temptations and less income.


Opening a savings account with the help of your parents or guardians is a good idea as it will train you to manage your money. It is a surefire way to boost your educational savings and to cover your other expenses. There are multiple junior accounts available in Singapore such as the CIMB Junior Saver Account, OCBC Mighty Savers Kids Account, and UOB Junior Savers Account. These banks offer about 0.05% to 1% interest p.a. and minimal initial deposits.


Organize your finances by separating the money for spending and the money for savings. Although you have stashed the money away in your savings account, it might be tempting to touch it when your cash runs out. Stop! Refrain from doing this.

Your savings are for emergencies and essentials, not for straightforward purchases like food and clothes. The smart thing to do is to have a direct deposit account which you can access on demand.


Keep track of where your money is going by creating a budget. You can either write everything down or have software that stores all the data. Be diligent when it comes to encoding what you spend in a week or in a month. Most of us tend to spend more cash on the weekends, so you can start encoding during this time.

Once you have an idea of where your money is going, you can set limits and targets next.


Your student ID is more than just a card that enables you to go to school. It is your means of getting discounts such as cheaper public transport or cheaper books. Many businesses and services offer student discounts throughout the year. Do your research to get more information.


There is no shame in asking your parents for help while you are starting to build your wealth. You can ask your parents to match your monthly savings by contributing to your account. If you put aside S$25 a week for a month, you can ask your parents to contribute S$100 at the month’s end. Do household chores in return for this favor.

Do not be afraid to ask! Once you have shown your parents that you are serious about saving money, they will reach out and offer their support.


For many young Singaporeans, having a part-time job is a rite of passage. Students can be able to find part-time jobs in the administration, hospitality, or retail fields. Investigate to see who is hiring in the area.

If these are outside of your interests, you can use your passion to create your own online shop. Use your extra income to grow your savings even more.

Sources: 1 & 2



How to Maintain a Great Relationship with Money

Establishing a healthy relationship with money takes effort, but it pays off. You must manage the highs and lows, and everything in between.


Much like any other relationship, you have to put in effort to your finances for it to grow. A positive mindset and the right attitude towards money can help strengthen your relationship. Plant the seeds of appreciation and contentment for what you already have. Perhaps, you are grateful for your recent promotion, or you are thankful for having additional online vouchers. Working towards a positive mindset can go a long way!


According to clinical psychologist Joe Lowrance, “financial wellness is a component of overall wellness”. Regular financial check-ins are necessary for you to know which areas you need to improve on. Then, you must create an action plan to reduce your unnecessary expenses.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


If you indulge in artisan coffee on a Saturday afternoon, take the time to relish the moment. You could also purchase a small gift for attaining your saving goals or celebrate a small win at work. Acknowledging the little thigs can keep you motivated and improve your relationship with money.


Respecting your money means taking care of it properly by practicing accountability. Your money is influenced by how you treat it. Give it the respect it deserves, and it will reciprocate in the same way.


Money is a tool used to meet your needs and to achieve your financial goals. If your money does not give you pleasure and is only tied down to sacrifices, then you are likely to feel overwhelmed. To relish the rewards of your income, you must plan for it. Use your extra savings to plan something special for yourself. You can also bring along a friend or your loved one.


Some people cannot admit when they have made a financial mistake or deny their poor relationship with money. Be honest with yourself. What is your current financial circumstance? Being honest about your financial situation is necessary for you to learn from your mistakes and to attain financial stability. Try to ditch the excuses and look at your relationship with money through clear lenses.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Sources: 1 & 2


How to Start a Budget from Scratch

Congratulations on starting your financial journey! Creating a budget and sticking to it is no easy feat, but it is the best way to manage your finances and ensure that your money is going toward the expenses that matters most to you and your family.

Start by determining why you want a budget. Deciding on a budget can help you make informed decisions. Budgeters are almost twice as likely to report no financial worries compared to spenders. Moreover, budgeters are less likely to struggle with finances. Common reasons to create a budget include: to save more money, to reduce overspending, to eliminate couple financial disputes, to get out of debt, to break the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, and to achieve goals.

After determining the reasons why, you want to create a budget, you must go deeper into your current spending habits. What are your spending habits as an individual and as a family? If your budget is not realistic, it is useless. Most experts recommend tracking your spending for about a month to get a clear picture of your spending habits.

The next step is to identify your financial goals. A great framework to use is the SMART method. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound. For instance, you want to save S$3,000 for home renovation within six months. You will need to save about S$500 per month. Thanks to your budget, you already know that you will have an excess of S$750 per month. This will help you with your goal!

Once you have your financial goals down, decide how much you need to save (per month or per year) for each goal. Bigger expenses such as home renovation and debt repayment can take a longer time to build. You can also incorporate building an emergency fund into your budget.

The basic phases are done, and it is time to make a budget. There are many types of budgets, so you will have to choose the one that suits you best. Options include zero-based budget and 50-30-20 budget.

A zero-based budget is an approach popularized by Dave Ramsey. It involves making income minus outflow equate to S$0. With a zero-sum budget, every dollar you have is assigned a task, with some of those going into savings or other spending categories. This type of budget can be restrictive, which is not ideal for everyone.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

The 50-30-20, on the other hand, divides your budget into different percentages. 50% of income is allocated toward needs, 30% to your wants, and 20% to your savings. Do your research to help you decide which budget method will make sense for you.

Sources: 1 & 2