5 Personal Finance Tips for Singaporean Millennials

Navigating personal finance can feel like navigating a maze, especially for Singaporean millennials facing unique financial challenges.

From student loan debts to saving for a home in one of the world’s priciest property markets, the journey can seem daunting. But fear not, with the right mindset and strategies, financial security and success are within reach.


Budgeting is the cornerstone of personal finance. It empowers you to track expenses, prioritize spending, and work towards financial goals. Start by understanding Singapore’s cost of living and allocate your income accordingly.

Track expenses diligently; even that artisan morning coffee can add up. Utilize budgeting apps and tools to streamline the process and stay accountable. Take advantage of credit card perks responsibly to avoid debt accumulation.


For eligible Singaporeans, Tuition Fee Loan and Study Loan are available options. To assist those grappling with student loan debts, explore repayment options and loan consolidation programs.

Craft a repayment plan that aligns with your budget and lifestyle. Consider making extra payments whenever possible to expedite debt payoff. Remember, managing student loans is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay disciplined and patient.


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According to research, nearly a quarter of Millennials (22%) have turned to family and friends for financial advice. While seeking financial advice from friends and family is natural, be discerning. Advice from unqualified sources could lead to costly mistakes. Listen to advice, but ensure your financial decisions align with your long-term objectives and risk tolerance. Better yet, seek professional advise.


Owning a home is a common goal for Singaporean millennials. Start by setting realistic savings targets and explore government housing schemes like the Central Provident Fund (CPF) Housing Grant or HDB Loan Eligibility (HLE) letter.

Consider alternative housing options like Built-To-Order (BTO) flats or resale flats in non-mature estates to maximize affordability. Boost your home-buying fund by exploring side hustles or investments.


Though retirement may seem distant, it’s never too early to plan. Take advantage of employer-sponsored retirement schemes such as CPF Special Account (SA) or Supplementary Retirement Scheme (SRS).

Consider diversifying investments across asset classes to minimize risk and maximize returns. Automate contributions and regularly review your retirement plan to ensure alignment with your goals.


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Navigating personal finance can be challenging, especially for Singaporean millennials. But by adopting proactive strategies like budgeting, loan management, home saving, and retirement planning, financial stability and success are attainable.

With determination and discipline, pave your way to a secure financial future.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How to Efficiently Overcome Money Worries in Singapore

With many people facing added mental, emotional, and financial stress, our overall health has never been more important. If you’ve been feeling less than yourself lately, you’re not alone. It’s normal to feel burnt out from everything that’s been going on. Unfortunately, burnout can extend to all parts of your life—from work to family and everything in between, including your finances.

Symptoms of Financial Stress:
There are obvious symptoms of financial stress that we can identify when we experience significant situations in our lives, as well as more subtle signs of burnout that can make problem-solving seem impossible. Watch for these signs and symptoms of financial burnout:

a. Constantly thinking about your budget, or lack thereof.
b. Feeling stressed about where your money is coming from and where it’s going.
c. Feeling guilty, exhausted, depressed, or overwhelmed about your finances.
d. Feeling cynical or apathetic towards your financial goals.
e. Lack of sleep or increased anxiety just thinking about money.


What’s the best way to help you stay on top of your finances? Get your finances organized and focus on the future! Understand the finer details of your finances, like when you get paid, when your bills are due, your monthly budget, and your savings. Find an organizational tool that works for you—whether that’s in an app, spreadsheet, or journal. We have lots of great resources to help you get started!


If you haven’t set up monthly auto payments yet, why not? Take the guesswork out of your monthly payments so you never feel strapped for cash or worried about making payments on time. Keep track of your upcoming payments in your money diary so you’re aware of what’s coming in and going out of your bank account each week. And then don’t forget to check your bank statements at the end of each month to make sure your payments went through!


When you’re facing money problems, there’s often a strong temptation to bottle everything up and try to go it alone. Many of us even consider money a taboo subject, one not to be discussed with others. You may feel awkward about disclosing the amount you earn or spend, feel shame about any financial mistakes you’ve made, or be embarrassed about not being able to provide for your family. But bottling things up will only make your financial stress worse. In the current economy, where many people are struggling through no fault of their own, you’ll likely find others are far more understanding of your problems.

Keeping money worries to yourself only amplifies them until they seem insurmountable. The simple act of expressing your problems to someone you trust can make them seem far less intimidating.


Brainstorm ideas with your family or a trusted friend or consult a free financial counseling service. You may decide that talking to credit card companies and requesting a lower interest rate would help solve your problem. Or maybe you need to restructure your debt, eliminate your car payment, downsize your home, or talk to your boss about working overtime.


Get up at your normal time and stick to your usual routine. If you lose your routine, it can affect your eating – you may stop cooking, miss breakfast because you’re still in bed, or eat snacks instead of having proper meals.


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Don’t make the mistake of budgeting out fun! Budgeting, like dieting, is all about balance and choosing moderation over deprivation. If you restrict yourself too much, you’ll feel unmotivated and less likely to see your financial goals through. Make sure to incorporate fun with friends, date nights, and “splurges” like spa days, haircuts, or coffee runs. Acknowledge your hard work by rewarding yourself when you need to.

Sources: 1 & 2


How Your Child’s Money Habits Affect Old Age

As parents, we play a vital role in shaping our children’s behavior and values, including their money habits. While we often focus on the immediate impact of teaching our kids about financial responsibility, it’s crucial to recognize that these habits can have far-reaching consequences that extend well into old age.

We’ll explore the profound influence of childhood money habits on one’s financial well-being during the golden years.

Instilling a strong foundation of financial literacy in children sets them on a path towards a secure future. Teaching them basic concepts like saving, budgeting, and distinguishing between needs and wants establishes healthy money habits from an early age. These early lessons can profoundly impact how they handle their finances in adulthood, leading to better financial decision-making during retirement.

Encouraging children to save money fosters a sense of delayed gratification and financial discipline. By teaching them the importance of setting aside money for the future, we equip them with the tools needed to build a retirement nest egg. Children who develop a habit of saving are more likely to continue this practice throughout their lives, ensuring a more comfortable retirement.

Educating children about the responsible use of credit and the potential dangers of debt is crucial. When children learn to differentiate between good and bad debt, they are more likely to make informed decisions about borrowing in adulthood. By cultivating a sense of caution and encouraging responsible credit usage, we help them avoid financial hardships in their later years.

The work ethic and attitudes towards earning money that children develop during their formative years can significantly impact their financial stability in old age. Teaching children the value of hard work, ambition, and perseverance can instill a sense of responsibility and a drive to succeed. These qualities are often correlated with higher earnings and a greater ability to build wealth for retirement.

Empowering children to become financially independent and self-sufficient individuals has lasting implications for their financial well-being in old age. Encouraging them to find part-time jobs, start small businesses, or pursue entrepreneurial ventures teaches them the importance of generating income and managing it responsibly. This independence reduces the risk of financial dependence on others during retirement.


Children learn by observing the behavior of their parents and other influential figures in their lives. Modeling positive financial habits and demonstrating responsible money management lays the groundwork for their own financial future. Parents who exemplify prudent spending, saving, and investing practices are more likely to raise children who adopt these behaviors in their later years.


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Our children’s money habits have a profound impact on their financial well-being in old age. By providing them with a solid foundation in financial literacy, teaching the value of saving, cultivating responsible credit usage, and fostering a strong work ethic, we empower them to make wise financial decisions throughout their lives. As parents, we have a unique opportunity to shape their future financial security and set them on the path to a comfortable and fulfilling retirement. Let’s make the most of it and ensure our children are well-prepared for their golden years.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How to Live Like a Millionaire on a Small Budget

Do you dream of living a luxurious lifestyle like a millionaire, but feel like your bank account just won’t cut it? The good news is that you can still enjoy the finer things in life without having to break the bank.

By adopting a few straightforward lifestyle changes, you can indulge in luxury without worrying about overspending or debt. Here are some of the smart financial choices that you can begin with.


One of the first things you can do to live like a millionaire on a shoestring budget is to learn how to budget effectively. By examining your expenses and prioritizing your spending, you can ensure that your money is going towards things that matter most to you.

Do you value childcare over new gadgets? Do you prioritize training or travel? Assessing your spending habits will result in cutting back on unnecessary expenses and focusing on things that bring you joy.


When you’re trying to live like a millionaire on a budget, it’s crucial to invest in high-quality items. This doesn’t mean spending a fortune. Instead, you must choose items that are worth the investment and will last a long time.

For instance, you could invest in a classic white button-up shirt that costs S$100 and wear it to different work events, rather than buying a cheap shirt that you’ll only wear twice and dispose of due to its poor quality. While you’re at it, consider building a capsule wardrobe to simplify your life. By cutting out clutter, you can create a more luxurious and clean-living environment.


Take advantage of free or low-cost experiences. Look for free events in your community by browsing social media groups or marketplaces. You can also join DIY or home improvement projects initiated by your community.

Indulge in some free group activities, such as visiting ArtScience Museum‘s “Future World: Where Art Meets Science” exhibit. Guests can enjoy complimentary entry for up to four children under 12 years old on Fridays, except during Singapore school periods or public holidays.

You can also go to the Singapore Heritage Fest, which highlights the country’s rich history through a series of exhibitions, talks, and performances. Many of the festival’s activities are free. By being resourceful and creative, you can have fun and feel fulfilled without spending a lot of money.


Expand your collection of high-quality goods and services by seeking out deals and discounts. Many luxury brands offer clearance events or seasonal promotions, so keep an eye out for those.


Knowledge is an investment that yields the highest returns, as it is something that no one can ever take away from you. Take classes and learn new things to add value to your personal and professional life. When you have more skills and knowledge, you can negotiate better deals and increase salary. Sign-up for some classes today at SkillsFuture Singapore (e.g., Introduction To Personal Investing for S$20).


True luxury is often found in experiences and not in material possessions. Travelling can be a great way to experience luxury as perceived by diverse cultures. Don’t forget to travel smart! Instead of staying in expensive hotels or resorts, consider renting an apartment or house. This will give you more space and privacy for less money.

When it comes to dining out, eat like the locals or choose restaurants that offer good value for your money. Read online reviews to be guided, especially when you are in a place you have not been before.


Have you been on a yacht before? Yachting may seem like an activity reserved only for the wealthy elite, but at The Yacht Club, you can enjoy the experience at an affordable price. With one of the largest fleets of yachts in Singapore, The Yacht Club offers a variety of options to fit your budget. The most economical choice starts at S$635 and provides an elegant, powered single-hull that can accommodate more than 10 passengers in its spacious lounge area. Check out their website for special rates.


Credit cards offer a variety of rebates and rewards, allowing you to purchase items on your wishlist for a fraction of the price. However, it’s important to use these cards with discipline and wisdom. You don’t want to end up in debt just to satisfy your lavish taste.


If you love eating out, opt for lunch instead of dinner. Many restaurants and cafes offer lunchtime promotions or set menus at lower prices than their dinner offerings. The food is just as delicious.


For a coffee enthusiast, savoring a delicious cup of coffee is a luxurious experience. Fortunately, many grocery stores offer a wide range of high-quality coffee beans to choose from. By purchasing whole beans and grinding them at home, you can save a significant amount of money on your daily latte. Whiff the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the comfort of your own home while also being budget-friendly.

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Living like a millionaire on a tight budget is all about adopting a mindset of abundance and focusing on the things that truly matter. By simplifying your life, being resourceful, and budgeting effectively, you can create a life of comfort without draining your savings!

Sources: 1 & 2