Know These Money Disorders That Sabotage Your Finances

In Dr. Brad Klontz’ book called the “Mind Over Money: Overcoming the Money Disorders that Threaten Our Financial Health” he dishes about the different ways one can sabotage his or her finances. Dr. Klontz knows what he is talking about, as he is a financial psychologist, investment advisor, an associate professor at Kansas State University, and a co-author of four financial books by profession.

To start with this discussion, Money Disorders are defined as persistent patterns of self-limiting and self-destructive financial behaviors. The root of these said disorders are the beliefs about money that you developed during the course of your life. Particular events, which are distressing and dramatic in nature, were dubbed “financial flashpoints”.

Examples of financial flashpoints include childhood poverty or abrupt unemployment. These financial flashpoints affect your financial behaviors because they leave an emotional scar that you will carry on throughout your adulthood. Fortunately, you can overcome the money disorders and take charge of your monetary life! You just have to know its types first.

The Mind Over Money book outlines the 3 types of Money Disorders as:


Money-worshipping patterns can either display through hoarding or compulsive buying. Hoarding is keeping excessive amount of stuff or money to gain a sense of security, safety, and relief from anxiety. While, compulsive buying is overspending on unnecessary things in order to feel good. They use money as an escape from troubles or worries.


Money avoidance patterns exist as financial denial or financial rejection. Financial denial is when you refuse to face your financial problems (e.g., ignoring the credit card bills) to “minimize” the situation. On the other hand, financial rejection is when you experience guilt whenever your cash increases. People with low self-esteem most likely feel this.


Relational money patterns include disorders that are influenced by your loved ones or other social interactions. It exists as financial infidelity and financial enabling. Financial infidelity is when you lie about your spending to your spouse or life partner. For instance, you can open a secret bank account or spend beyond your agreed-upon budget.

Financial enabling, commonly seen in the Asian setting, is when you give money to your less fortunate relatives or friends whether you can afford it or not. You give them money even though it is not in their long-term best interest or because you just cannot say “No!”

Image Credits: Consumerist Dot Com via Flickr with CC License

Image Credits: Consumerist Dot Com via Flickr with CC License

As you can see, Money Disorders exist in different forms, and often exist without your conscious knowledge. Awareness and identification is the first step to conquer these disorders! 🙂

Sources: 1 & 2


Golden Do’s In Giving Your Child’s School Allowance

As the modern world has become more complex, children nowadays have been inseparable with school allowance or pocket-money. From a variety of books, to a selection of gadgets, accessories, or snacks…there is always something else they needed to buy! Furthermore, they are more knowledgeable about money as they have access not only to the lives of their friends but also to the kids around the world – through the Internet.

Having these in mind, giving money to your children must be used in the most positive manner in order to mold their values while young. Let us first start with the amount to give.

Most mothers in Singapore agree that an allowance of about S$5 is enough for the needs of children in Primary 1-6. This is done so to meet the costs of food and other miscellaneous. But, if the day falls on a co-curricular activity, they give extra cash.

Aside from this, the best way to decide the pocket-money amount is to discuss it with your child. Know his or her needs and plan it together. Start giving this amount on a regular or consistent basis so that your child can manage his money accordingly.

After the suitable amount is settled, let us evaluate the Do’s in allowance giving…


Teach your kid to make their own monetary choices by giving the allowance in smaller denominations (e.g., three pieces of S$1 coins and four pieces of S$0.50 coins) so he or she can save a part of it (e.g., 10% or S$0.50). Promote saving by providing a piggy bank or a money jar with their name on it.


Instead of just handing cash over, make them earn it. Instill the importance of sharing the household chores around the house then, reward him or her for chipping in. You do not have to be all competitive about it by assigning a dollar for each chore, just explain what your child can do to help out.


Money is a currency that puts relative price on almost everything. Letting your child make a few unnecessary purchases, such as spending their entire savings on sticker tattoos, as a part of the learning process is OKAY. But, it is also acceptable to put limits on what your child can spend on. This shall teach both the value of money and responsibility of a smart consumer.

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Sources: 1 & 2



How to maximize your life with a $3,000 paycheck

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

With S$3,000 for a monthly salary, many fresh graduates do not think that is enough to spend nor save. But think again. As a bachelor or bachelorette earning $3,000, you are already better off than many others beset with hefty household bills. So, for someone fresh out of school with no dependants or minimal financial liabilities, maximizing your life with your $3,000 paycheck may be attainable and here is how we can approach this mathematical sum with the help of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. According to Abraham Maslow, a renowned American psychologist, inherent human needs are fulfilled in the following priorities, starting from physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, esteem needs and finally, self-actualization needs.

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological
Image credit:

1. Spend 20% or $600 on irresistible meals that are simply affordable. Fortunately, it is never a hassle to find them in the heartlands or the CBD areas which serve to satisfy your hunger pangs after a half day of hard work! Alternatively, you can prepare your own nutritious and palatable meals within the budget!

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety
Image credit:

2. Spend 10% or $300 on delighting your beloved family, partners and friends. Rope them in for a laugh by watching a hilarious movie, enjoy a hearty chat over a scrumptious meal or simply participate in a sport that all of you relish.

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, physiological, self-actualization Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, physiological, self-actualization
Image credit:

3. Save 50% or $1,500 for your upcoming big ticket items. In Singapore, your residential property is probably your greatest prized asset. Your lifetime of savings and efforts will be manifested in your small but cozy HDB flat. At the end of the day, it is the family warmth that truly matters in the home, not so much about the size. Depending on your risk appetite, a portion of the 50% may be used for investment purposes to earn a return over the inflation rate. As easy as this may sound, engaging in due diligence is key to making or breaking it.

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, esteem Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, esteem
Image credit:

4. Set aside 10% or $300 as an emergency fund. Life is filled with surprises. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Putting aside 10% of your income  may seem wise to buffer yourself against uncertainties. Take for example an unexpected invitation to your superior or colleague’s wedding or baby shower. An emergency fund boosts your readiness and willingness to share the joys, build a stronger rapport and put you in a better position to  win people’s hearts.

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological, safety Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological, safety
Image credit:

5. The last 10% or $300 is reserved for miscellaneous expenses such as transport fares, therapeutic services and new merchandises. After a month’s worth of toiling, you definitely deserve some pampering. Indulge in a massage to relieve yourself of the piled-up stress from work. Recharge before moving on to the greater things in life.

The good news is that the higher level needs such as the esteem needs and self-actualization needs often do not pose a material constraint on your financial resources. By living within your means while maintaining optimism, you gain the understanding and respect of your peers and family members. Through demonstrating  your forthcomingness  in celebrating others’ blissfulness and successes while realizing the relentless quest for material wealth does not always lead to happiness, you would have already achieved the moral high ground.


Should You Say, “Yes” To A Prenuptial Agreement?


In Singapore, more and more couples are interested to enquire about what Prenuptial Agreement entails.

Prenuptial Agreement (Prenup) is a contract between a couple that is about to get married. It is used to set the terms of assets, the control over properties acquired before marriage, the potential wealth division if the relationship later ends, and more. Sounds like a major romance buzzkill, doesn’t it?

Despite its reputation, prenups include significant benefits namely:

a. Protection from one’s debts incurred by the other party,

b. Offer supplementary certainty in financial arrangements, and

c. Protection of family inheritance or businesses in an event of divorce.


Before you sign a prenup, you must consider these 3 things:


Even if we live in the most expensive city in the world where finances shall be carefully planned, do not assume that your future spouse is comfortable with pushing through a prenup. A prenup may suggest lack of trust in one party as you are planning for unforeseen divorce. Aside from this, talking about monetary and property division can make the marriage sound more like a business matter. Truly, this is a sensitive subject matter that should be handled with care, love, and honesty.


Just because your favorite celebrity did it does not mean that you should too! Prenup is not a necessity for everyone. But, I cannot deny that a prenup is especially helpful for couples that either earns about S$20,000 a month or already have children from previous marriages. Couples with previous marriages need to ensure that their children are protected and supported no matter what.


The idea of this written agreement is to highlight fairness and full disclosure of the couple’s assets. Terms have to be fair and reasonable to ensure that there will be no bias (e.g., elitism) and no coercion (e.g., use of threats).

Image Credits: Bambi Corro III via Flickr

Image Credits: Bambi Corro III via Flickr

Sources: 1 & 2


Experts’ Powerful Insights About Money And Achieving Success

Have a dose of inspiration about money and success, employees and entrepreneurs of Singapore! Take it from the legendary experts such as Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, and Coco Chanel…


Henry Ford (Founder of the Ford Motor Company): “It’s not the employer who pays the wages. Employers only handle the money. It’s the customer who pays the wages.”

Henry Ford was right, customer’s satisfaction is important, as they are the ones who clamor over your products. Whether you are selling electronics or cosmetics, the consumers are one of your greatest assets. Pay attention to what they need and want through intensive research (e.g., focus groups).


Coco Chanel (Founder of the Chanel Enterprise): “Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”

Image Credits: CHRISTOPHER DOMBRES via Flickr

Image Credits: CHRISTOPHER DOMBRES via Flickr

Success in business requires experience, discipline, and hard work. But if you are afraid of taking risks, you might miss out a lot of opportunities. Instead of dwelling on failing, dwell on you’re mastering your strengths.


Colonel Sanders (Founder of KFC): “I made a resolve then that I was going to amount to something if I could. And no hours, nor amount of labor, nor amount of money would deter me from giving the best that there was in me. And I have done that ever since, and I win by it. I know.”

What Colonel Sanders imparts is the true essence of work: doing your best despite of the amount of hours or money one receives. Each job you take is part of your learning experience. Someday, it will all be worth it.


Vera Wang (Well-known Fashion Designer): “Don’t be afraid to take time to learn. It’s good to work for other people. I worked for others for 20 years. They paid me to learn.”

Some of you may be taunted by the idea of working for somebody for more than 10 years because of your deep desire to become your own boss. But, 10 years worth of experience and wages – that is a lot of wealth! You may be at the bottom of the company’s hierarchy now but as long as you give your all that would not be for long.


Steve Jobs (Co-founder and Past CEO of Apple Inc.): “When I was 25, my net worth was $100 million or so. I decided then that I wasn’t going to let it ruin my life. There’s no way you could ever spend it all, and I don’t view wealth as something that validates my intelligence.”

For someone who had it all, Steve Jobs showed that life is not always about having hefty loads of cash. Even B.C. Forbes (Founder of Forbes Magazine) agree as he said: “real riches are the riches [we] possessed inside”. Cultivate what is within!

Image Credits: James Mitchell via Flickr

Image Credits: James Mitchell via Flickr

Sources: Brainy Quote and WriteMoneyInc