Money Management Tips Embraced by Gen Z

Meet Generation Z, the younger siblings of millennials, born between 1995 and the late 2000s!

Despite growing up in the aftermath of the 2008 recession and facing an uncertain job market, Gen Z has developed some impressive financial habits that everyone can learn from.


Gen Z understands the significance of making thoughtful decisions, especially when it comes to spending on non-essential items. Having experienced the impact of the 2008 recession, they’ve earned the reputation of being the most fiscally conservative generation in years. This frugal nature allows them to manage their funds wisely, focusing on essential expenses and saving for the future.

I had a conversation with my younger Gen Z cousin about money, and She shared how the recession taught her the value of choices. Her family had to cut back on certain luxuries, which taught her to prioritize his spending and save for rainy days.


Unlike their parents’ generation (Gen X), Gen Z doesn’t base their choices on recognizable logos and brand loyalty. Having grown up in the tech age, they value efficiency and usefulness over trendy branding.

A Gen Z friend once shared a funny incident where they refused to buy expensive shoes just because they had a famous logo. Is logomania really over?


Gen Zers must organize money into different categories or “buckets” to track spending effectively. This could involve setting up separate bank accounts for different financial goals or physically allocating cash into envelopes labeled for specific expenses.

For example, dividing income into necessities and discretionary spending helps maintain financial discipline. Creating buckets for short-term and long-term goals, as well as savings and investments, aids in focused financial planning.


Many seek financial guidance through platforms like TikTok and Instagram. While social media can offer useful tips, it’s essential to recognize its limitations and supplement it with further research.

One of my Gen Z acquaintances confessed how she used to believe everything she saw on financial TikTok without question. After making some hasty financial decisions, she learned the importance of cross-referencing information from reputable sources, like financial websites and expert advice columns.

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In conclusion, Gen Z has demonstrated remarkable financial acumen by embracing mindful spending, prioritizing utility over branding, adopting the bucket strategy, and using social media as a stepping stone for financial knowledge. Their approach serves as a valuable lesson for all generations to manage money wisely and secure a stable financial future.

Sources: 1 & 2



6 Money Lessons To Avoid Being Broke

Nobody ever wakes up one morning and thinks, “I want to be broke.” A hefty loan here, a bad investment there, and a long credit card statement later – you have no idea how you landed in this state. You are living paycheck to paycheck without savings intact.

What can you do to turn the tide? Start by reading this article and applying these lessons into your life.


Goals mark your direction in life. If you do not have a clear destination to work towards, it can be difficult to find the passion or motivation to save. Whether you are eyeing on purchasing a flat or figuring out how to pay off your debts, crafting a plan can get you there.

As you set your financial goals, consider making them SMART. Financial goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time bound. Creating goals using the SMART method can help you ensure that you are working on an achievable goal within the timeline that you set. Stay on course!


Spending less than you make and buying what you can afford seem like simple personal finance rules. However, these are easier said than done. You can get distracted with the consumer-driven society that tempts you to live beyond your means. When this happens, a good rule of thumb is to save at least 15% of your income.

If you find it hard to save money, try paying for groceries and clothes with cash instead of a credit card. Take it one step further by using a budget per month. Withdrawing a fixed amount every month can help you to become more aware of your spending choices.


The majority of personal finance lessons do not center around financial education, but on financial behavior. If you can modify your behavior with money, you can alter your financial future. Remember that you do not need to be a financial expert to prepare an emergency fund or to save for retirement. Start by building a solid financial plan and committing to it.


Search for part-time jobs such as freelancing or dog walking to grow your income. You can take on other positions in the same company too. If you feel like you have reached the glass ceiling in your field, consider looking for new career paths to generate more income. Increasing your income can help your financial future.


Investing is a good way to protect and grow your assets. However, the talent of wise investing does not come to us all. You may be succumbing to emotions and invest impulsively, hence you win big or lose big.

As a precaution, have an advisor who is trustworthy and credible. Research on your part is vital as well. It will give you the knowledge and confidence you need to make smart investments.


It is understood that budgeting plays an essential role in controlling your spending, paying off debts, and staying on track with your financial goals. Creating a budget starts with adding up all your expenses for the month and subtracting that amount from your total income.

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Set monthly and daily spending limits to adjust and make up for any oversights. You can create a budget using a notebook, a spreadsheet, or a budgeting app. Use a tool with which you are most comfortable.

Sources: 1 & 2


How Frugal Are You Really?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, frugality is characterized by being careful in the usage of one’s resources. Those who are frugal are unwilling to lavishly enjoy the fruits of their labor. It may come as a surprise to you to know that the word frugal derives from the Latin term “frux”, meaning “fruit” or “value”.

In Behavioral Science, frugality is defined as the resourceful use of already economic goods and services to achieve a long-term goal. If you are keen to adapt this multi-dimensional consumer lifestyle trait in order to save money during the pandemic, you may read the list below to see how many frugal choices you have been doing.


Instead of grabbing whatever attracts your eye at the counter, you prefer to create a grocery list and stick to it. It is easy to increase awareness when it comes to your grocery spending when you plan ahead. It may be challenging at first and you may forget several items, but you will find yourself becoming more intentional with your listings as time passes by.

The grocery list is essential because frugal people plan their meals and frequently eat at home. You may avoid the temptation of dropping by a fast food chain by keeping a container of snacks in your bag or in your car. Calm your rumbling tummy as you travel back home.


Frugal people are not dictated by their credit card purchases. While some have the discipline to pay off their credit cards every month in full, others choose to stay away from these entirely.

Self-awareness and control play play huge roles in a person’s success with credit cards. If you have been in debt for years, consider to cut down on your credit card spending and pay them off once and for all.


Being frugal does not mean that you will only invest on cheaper alternatives and low-quality food items. Many frugal people choose to eat healthier greens and legumes and keep meat to a minimum. Frugality does not compromise health to save money. Frugal people have strategically plan their meals and have invested on insurance plans that will benefit them in the future.


Frugality entails that you use what you have until you need to replenish it. Frugal people eat leftovers until they are non-consumable or inedible. Eating your leftovers also cuts down on your food expenses and environmental waste.

You may create new meals from your leftover food. For instance, your leftover chicken can be shredded and turned into chicken sandwich. While, leftover rice can be used for your egg fried rice. Just ask Uncle Roger!


Frugal people are not perfect. No one is. Frugal people make financial mistakes and learn from it. You may have spent too much on your holiday shopping last year or caved in to your monthly food cravings.

It is important to be aware of these financial mistakes. If going over budget becomes a habit, you need to re-evaluate your spending patterns and your budget.


Frugal people look for ways to save money by keeping track of their bills. Other than eliminating unnecessary plans or subscriptions, you may find it easier to pay off your dues through auto-pay programs.

Search through the profiles of your service providers and ask if they have automatic payment schemes. For instance, some telecommunication plans offer automatic payment schemes through online banking. This way, you will be able to save on time and avoid paying late fees.


Frugal people love to negotiate to get a good deal. Whether they are purchasing a gadget or an appliance, they excel in the art of negotiation or spotting the best deal. They do not shy away from purchasing second-hand or pre-loved items to get a good deal. And, they certainly do not want to spend S$85 on a cup of coffee.


In order to save more money, frugal people tend to search high and low for the best prices and free upgrades. Helpful price comparison apps and websites have flooded the market these days. Some popular price comparison websites in Singapore include and Use these tools to help you decide on an item, before adding it to the cart.


Making shopping a hobby can cause a significant hole on your wallet. Frugal people shop out of need and save money whenever they can. Finding an inexpensive hobby is easy, when you are open to the possibilities. I, myself, am learning how to play a new instrument. I have picked up a Kalimba (Thumb Piano) online for a little over 20 dollars. This inexpensive instrument has provided countless hours of entertainment for me and my family. Now, my entire house knows how to play the Kalimba.


Shopping based on your mood may lead to buyer’s remorse and impulse purchases. Frugal people can get into emotional circumstances too, but they usually are not emotional spenders.

You can be the most disciplined person under normal circumstances, but be heavily impacted with unfortunate circumstances. We are not exempted from the effects of the global pandemic. When this happens, you have the choice to throw all the structure out of the window or to slow down and examine possible solutions.


Personal development is important across all fields. Frugal people continue to learn from others and their own financial mistakes. It is beneficial to listen to educational audiobooks and enroll to (free or paid) online classes to boost your professional and personal growth. You may browse through the free courses by Google Digital Garage to start growing and learning.

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Sources: 1, 2, & 3



How To Fuel Up Your Money After Vacation

With a burnout heart, my friends and I decided to go on a week-long vacation to Bangkok. We have been working so hard for the past months that our bodies craved for a break. There is nothing wrong with giving yourself a reward from time to time. We all need and deserve it.

However, you may hit a financial iceberg when you go overboard. This happens to many Singaporeans who are on a vacation. They think that they can throw caution out of the window and spend like there is no tomorrow!

During our trip, we maximized each day by going to several tourist attractions from day to night. We spent more money than our perceived expenses. After our week-long sabbatical, I decided to fuel up my funds.


As with everything, the first step is awareness. Find how much your vacation has cost you. Accept the fact that you cannot undo the expenses you have drained while you were on a vacation. You cannot bring back the time you bought a new sarong to comply with the temple’s dress code! While you cannot take back the S$200 you spent in a posh bar, you must still know how much you spent during your trip.

Ask yourself the following questions:

a. How much did I spend on a daily basis?
b. How much is my credit card bill?
c. Can I afford to pay in full?
d. When will my next paycheck arrive?
e. Will I need to take some money from my emergency fund?

You may not realize how overwhelming your financial state is while you were on a vacation. So, now is the time to see the total damage. Knowing where you stand financially can help you to recover with ease.


After identifying the financial holes, it is time to take action. Rewrite your budget in accordance to your current financial situation. Allot a portion of your funds to repayment of your credit card bills or lost savings. Make things easier by downloading budgeting apps such as Mint.

During the recovery period, you must do your best to tone down your spending. Eliminate or cut down optional expenses for the next few months. Dine out less and take fewer trips to the shopping malls. Minimize your spending by steering away from temptations! Do not worry about bending down as your financial diet will not last forever.

You may also earn money by taking up a part-time job. Get extra money without sacrificing your main source of income.


You have learned your lesson by facing its consequences. The next time you go on a vacation, you will know better. Use what you have learned to strategize your itinerary. Perhaps you can dwell on experiences rather than buying too many souvenirs for your family. In Bangkok alone, souvenirs start at S$5. Besides, these souvenirs may end up as clutter in someone else’s home. Do not get me started with the overpriced food in tourist spots!

Before going on a vacation, you can start writing down a budget that will include your expenses and a cushion (i.e., emergency funds). I remember when we were shocked by the S$215 boat ride in the Floating Market. I had to withdrew more money on that day. Providing a travel cushion can prevent this. Stick to the budget as much as you can!

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There are many ways to fuel up your overused wallet such as creating a new budget or eliminating optional expenses. Follow these tips to recover financially from your vacation splurge! Ensure that going overboard does not happen again.


Money-Saving Tips For Uni Students In Singapore

Many people believe that the “student life” is golden. I firmly agree! The holistic experiences and social exposures you receive during the course of your tertiary education are heavily treasured. You cannot get these things anywhere else!

Ease your financial load by following these tips:


Automobile companies lure us with their promise of privacy and convenience during our daily commute. Owning a car may add a level of prestige, but it comes with a hefty price! You must cover several expenses such as gas, parking, and maintenance. Just thinking about my car’s maintenance gives me a headache!

As a thriving student, it is a good idea to steer away from this financial burden. Consider the alternative types of commute such as public transportation, cycling, and walking. You are eligible to apply for an Undergraduate Concession Card as a full-time undergraduate from a government or government-aided tertiary institution (T&Cs apply). This card allows you to save a decent amount of cash for your entire matriculation.

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Secondly, cycling to school is beneficial for the environment and for your health. The same benefits apply to walking. When I was a university student, I spared 40 minutes of my day for travelling. I walked to school every morning with music in my ears. I can either feel the breeze or focus on my thoughts. Do the same thing if you are going to travel short distances.

As a friendly reminder, stay safe by having someone accompany you while walking to isolated areas. Let a family member or a friend know about your whereabouts at all times.


It goes without saying that the product of one’s intellect comes with a price. Reference books or textbooks suited for tertiary students costs as low as S$50 each. It is a significant price to pay for a book that you will use for barely 3-4 months. Thus, students must employ different strategies to save money on their books.

Firstly, you can rent a book for free at the National Library. Secondly, you can purchase second-hand books online. Lastly, you may sell your old books to afford another one. Aim to sell your books to the next batch of students.

I am well aware that some people refuse to discard their belongings, including the ones that are seemingly useless (e.g., old newspapers). Hoarding can harm your chances of getting the best deals as the books’ resale value lessens in time.


In general, tertiary students are divided into two financial groups. The first group of people can survive solely with their allowance. While, the second group survives by earning money on the side. It is easy to immerse yourself with your academic responsibilities without having to worry about your finances. However, you may want to invest on your financial freedom. Extra money entails that you can build a travel or an emergency fund.

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I belonged to the first group. During the first year of my tertiary education, I underestimated the weight of earning my own money. I handpicked the friendly gatherings that I will attend to maximize my allowance. My perception all changed when my friend pointed out that I must choose the restaurant to eat at. I was given the tasked as she perceived me to be the “poorest”. I decided to boost my financial capacity by working as a secretary at my mother’s workplace. This experience has exposed me to the diverse work culture in the country. Not to mention, it benefited my career profile.

Make money on the side by working part-time at a restaurant, by distributing flowers, or by opening a blog shop. Find part-time jobs at