How a minimalist lifestyle can improve your finances

minimalist interior

I’m sure many of us like to “show off” to our friends, don’t we? That’s why our social media facades make us feel so good.

Some of us go to the extreme to buy branded stuff or take on debt to buy a luxury car, while some spend beyond our means to take on social media-approved vacations.

But eventually, you will realize it’s such a waste of money. Especially when the credit card bills arrive.

But all is not lost. If you would only make the right turn now, this—a minimalist lifestyle—can save you.

Buy less, save more

It’s a no-brainer, isn’t it? When you buy less, you save more.

In this way, you’re investing your money in important things and not in unimportant ones. Your hard-earned money can be used for what matters—like furthering your studies/skills upgrading and on essential things like rent and bills.

Declutter by selling used/unused items

If you’ve got clothes and items that you’ve never/lightly used, why not sell them to someone in need?

While you may not be able to “make money,” you’re sure to recoup some cash. 

With apps like Carousell, it’s easier to buy and sell online.

Some items can fetch quite a fair bit if it’s still in good condition but make sure your photos are flattering as well. I’ve personally sold a ton of stuff on Carousell in the past so I know it works.

Just remember to exercise caution when dealing with strangers since scams are on the rise everywhere.

Find fulfillment without extravagant purchases

The money spent to get that Chanel bag or that Rolex watch can be better used elsewhere.


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Yes, they may look nice and “elevate” your social status but what for if you’re spending future money you’ve yet to earn?

Living with less can provide more focus and value to your possessions too. Also, reducing clutter and distractions can lead to better living.

Instead of buying things all the time, why don’t you concentrate on self-improvement? Invest more in yourself so you can keep up with the AI advancements and keep your job!

Or you can consider sharing your time, money, or skills with others in need. Mentoring or volunteering can bring you more inexpressible joy than any branded bag out there.

Financial freedom is within reach

Aren’t you tired of chasing pleasure and money? No one can stop you if you’re born rich but if you’re not, seeing the interest rolling alongside your debt is a real headache.

Financial freedom is within reach if you would only stop and break free from all this spending frenzy.

And you can do so via intentional spending. Put thorough thought into your purchases, and stop buying things for the sake of short-term pleasure. Spend only on things you need and are essential for day-to-day living.

Once you become more intentional with your money, you can free up your budget to pay off debt. That should be the 1st goal if you’re in debt.

In a nutshell, living a minimalist lifestyle could be a great way to help improve your financial situation. You can save money by focusing on buying only the items that you need without having to worry about maintaining a lifestyle that is beyond your means. I’m not asking you to go overboard with the minimalism though—you can start small and work your way up, even if it’s just removing a few luxury items from your wardrobe or streamlining your expenses. Any baby steps you take now will help you out in the long run, and you just might find yourself appreciating life more when all the extra “stuff” isn’t weighing you down.


How to Live Like a Millionaire on a Small Budget

Do you dream of living a luxurious lifestyle like a millionaire, but feel like your bank account just won’t cut it? The good news is that you can still enjoy the finer things in life without having to break the bank.

By adopting a few straightforward lifestyle changes, you can indulge in luxury without worrying about overspending or debt. Here are some of the smart financial choices that you can begin with.


One of the first things you can do to live like a millionaire on a shoestring budget is to learn how to budget effectively. By examining your expenses and prioritizing your spending, you can ensure that your money is going towards things that matter most to you.

Do you value childcare over new gadgets? Do you prioritize training or travel? Assessing your spending habits will result in cutting back on unnecessary expenses and focusing on things that bring you joy.


When you’re trying to live like a millionaire on a budget, it’s crucial to invest in high-quality items. This doesn’t mean spending a fortune. Instead, you must choose items that are worth the investment and will last a long time.

For instance, you could invest in a classic white button-up shirt that costs S$100 and wear it to different work events, rather than buying a cheap shirt that you’ll only wear twice and dispose of due to its poor quality. While you’re at it, consider building a capsule wardrobe to simplify your life. By cutting out clutter, you can create a more luxurious and clean-living environment.


Take advantage of free or low-cost experiences. Look for free events in your community by browsing social media groups or marketplaces. You can also join DIY or home improvement projects initiated by your community.

Indulge in some free group activities, such as visiting ArtScience Museum‘s “Future World: Where Art Meets Science” exhibit. Guests can enjoy complimentary entry for up to four children under 12 years old on Fridays, except during Singapore school periods or public holidays.

You can also go to the Singapore Heritage Fest, which highlights the country’s rich history through a series of exhibitions, talks, and performances. Many of the festival’s activities are free. By being resourceful and creative, you can have fun and feel fulfilled without spending a lot of money.


Expand your collection of high-quality goods and services by seeking out deals and discounts. Many luxury brands offer clearance events or seasonal promotions, so keep an eye out for those.


Knowledge is an investment that yields the highest returns, as it is something that no one can ever take away from you. Take classes and learn new things to add value to your personal and professional life. When you have more skills and knowledge, you can negotiate better deals and increase salary. Sign-up for some classes today at SkillsFuture Singapore (e.g., Introduction To Personal Investing for S$20).


True luxury is often found in experiences and not in material possessions. Travelling can be a great way to experience luxury as perceived by diverse cultures. Don’t forget to travel smart! Instead of staying in expensive hotels or resorts, consider renting an apartment or house. This will give you more space and privacy for less money.

When it comes to dining out, eat like the locals or choose restaurants that offer good value for your money. Read online reviews to be guided, especially when you are in a place you have not been before.


Have you been on a yacht before? Yachting may seem like an activity reserved only for the wealthy elite, but at The Yacht Club, you can enjoy the experience at an affordable price. With one of the largest fleets of yachts in Singapore, The Yacht Club offers a variety of options to fit your budget. The most economical choice starts at S$635 and provides an elegant, powered single-hull that can accommodate more than 10 passengers in its spacious lounge area. Check out their website for special rates.


Credit cards offer a variety of rebates and rewards, allowing you to purchase items on your wishlist for a fraction of the price. However, it’s important to use these cards with discipline and wisdom. You don’t want to end up in debt just to satisfy your lavish taste.


If you love eating out, opt for lunch instead of dinner. Many restaurants and cafes offer lunchtime promotions or set menus at lower prices than their dinner offerings. The food is just as delicious.


For a coffee enthusiast, savoring a delicious cup of coffee is a luxurious experience. Fortunately, many grocery stores offer a wide range of high-quality coffee beans to choose from. By purchasing whole beans and grinding them at home, you can save a significant amount of money on your daily latte. Whiff the aroma of freshly brewed coffee in the comfort of your own home while also being budget-friendly.

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Living like a millionaire on a tight budget is all about adopting a mindset of abundance and focusing on the things that truly matter. By simplifying your life, being resourceful, and budgeting effectively, you can create a life of comfort without draining your savings!

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