Frozen Nuggets That Taste ‘98% Similar’ To McDonald’s Now On Sale At 3-For-$19.90

Pick them up while they are on discount

The frozen nuggets that took the Internet by storm is now on sale.

Frozen & Co, the company behind the brand, has announced in a Facebook post that customers can purchase 3 packets of frozen nuggets for just $19.90 till 10 May 2020. It usually retails for $8 per pack.

They also stocked other frozen products including seafood, meat, vegetables, diaries and more.

Enjoy free delivery for orders above $80.

Click here to purchase now.

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TikTok user shows how to make McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets, McChicken and French Fries at home

Make McDonald’s food at home

McDonald’s has extended the closure of the 135 restaurants in Singapore and with no confirmation of their reopening date, fans are trying to curb their cravings with frozen nuggets and patties found at supermarket. Unfortunately, they are flying off the shelves at most supermarkets and you’d be considered lucky to find them.

Fret not. You can now take it to the next level by making them at home.

A McDonald’s fan has recreated some of the famous McDonald’s food and is taking the Internet by storm with his recipes on TikTok. Joshuah Nishi, aka Nish Cooks, first shared a video tutorial on how to make the McDonald’s McNuggets in April and has since went viral with 27.9 million views. He went on to create the McDonald’s French Fries and McChicken — with people saying that they look and taste just like the real thing.

McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets

Joshuah Nishi on TikTok

Dry mix ingredients:

  • 1 cup flour
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch
  • Onion powder
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Wet mix ingredients:

  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1/4 cup cornstarch
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • 500g chicken breast


  1. Cut chicken breast into small cubes.
  2. Blend the chicken in batches. You can use a grinder for this step if you have one.
  3. Season meat with salt and pepper.
  4. Form nuggets into the desired size and shape.
  5. Throw batch into freezer for 2 hours.
  6. Mix all dry mix ingredients together in a large bowl.
  7. Whip wet mix ingredients together in a small bowl.
  8. Once nuggets are hard, coat them in the dry and wet ingredients following a ‘Dry-Wet-Dry-Wet’ method.
  9. Heat oil in a deep frying pan.
  10. Throw nuggets into the oil, making sure they don’t stick together.
  11. Fry for 2 minutes each side.
  12. Drain and serve.

Need some curry sauce to go with these nuggets? Check out the recipe by local food blogger, ieatishotipost, on how to make the curry sauce at home.

McDonald’s French Fries

Joshuah Nishi on TikTok

Joshuah Nishi(@nishcooks) has created a short video on TikTok with music original sound. Mc Donald’s French Fries #frenchfries #potato #mcdonalds #fyp #foryou #cooking #recipe #photography101 or you can walk ur asz to McDonald’s idk?


  1. Peel Potatoes, cut them into McDonalds size fries (1/8 inch)
  2. Soak in water with sugar for 30 mins
  3. Fry for one minute
  4. Spread out on tray and let sit in fridge till cold (30 mins)
  5. Fry again for 4-5 mins, til golden brown
  6. Salt & toss directly after

McDonald’s McChicken

Joshuah Nishi on TikTok

Joshuah Nishi(@nishcooks) has created a short video on TikTok with music original sound. SHMACKKK CHICKENNN BOUaaa they fye fr #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #cooking #recipe


  • Ground chicken
  • Salt & pepper
  • Burger buns
  • Iceburg lettuce
  • Mayo
  • Egg
  • Flour
  • Corn starch
  • Paprika
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder


  1. Season the chicken salt & pepper, 1 tb garlic powder, 1 ts paprika, 1 tb onion powder… mix
  2. Shape patties, keep ur hands wet so it doesnt stick too much
  3. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours till hard enough to hold shape when coating
  4. Dry mix: ½ cup flour, ¼ cup corn starch, salt & pepper, garlic powder…. Mix
  5. Egg wash: egg, salt… whisk
  6. Not for coating the chicken patties go dry mix > egg wash > dry mix again
  7. Frying: bring the oil up to heat and check with chopstick (if bubbles form around the chopstick its ready for frying) now fry 4-6 mins each side till golden brown
  8. Building: bun, McChicken patty, shredded iceburg lettuce, mayonaise


S’porean shoppers go wild over supermarket’s chicken nuggets and patties that taste just like McDonald’s

The closest you can get at McDonald’s

With McDonald’s extending their closure of Singapore’s outlets till further notice, it has left many fast food fans devastated.

Well, here’s how you can satisfy that craving.

Netizens in Singapore have been sharing their recent discoveries at local supermarkets. If you’re a fan of McDonald’s Chicken McNuggets, check this one out. According to a Facebook user, Leslie Koh, he found the frozen nuggets by Freezepak to taste almost similar to the Chicken McNuggets in McDonald’s.

The Freezepak nuggets can be bought from FairPrice and Sheng Shiong for around $6.95 – $7.95 a pack (1kg).

Another user, Nadiah Omar, shared that she bought a packet of fried chicken patty from a wet market at Vista Point that tastes like McDonald’s McSpicy chicken patty. You can buy it online at $9 per packet here.

Many people are now turning to the kitchen to whip up some of the chain’s most famous meals at home, so go ahead and pick these up if you are seriously missing the food from McDonald’s.


McDonald’s S’pore will not reopen on May 5, extend closure till further notice

McDonald’s restaurants to stay closed 

McDonald’s Singapore has announced via a Facebook post that while they are allowed to open from May 4th under the essential services framework, they have decided to extend their closure for the safety and well-being of their employees and customers.

They have not announced when they would be reopening, but let’s hope they will be opened soon.

We miss you, McDonald’s.

Here’s the full announcement:

We know that many of you are looking forward to our restaurants reopening on May 5.

While we’ve been allowed to restart operations from May 4 under the essential services framework, we’ve decided to extend our closure for just a little longer for the safety and well-being of our employees and customers. We will continue to monitor the Covid-19 situation in the community before determining an appropriate time for us to reopen.
Our frontline employees are important to us and we wish for all of them to stay home a little longer. They can also be rest assured that their jobs are secure, and that they will be paid their salaries during this temporary closure.

We would also like to share that since our last update, we’ve had no new Covid-19 cases and all our 7 affected employees are on the road to recovery. Many of you have sent your well-wishes – on behalf of our employees, we thank you so much.

From our McDonald’s family to yours, we’re truly grateful for your patience and understanding. We miss you – and look forward to serving you very soon!

Till then, stay home, stay safe and keep a lookout on our social channels for more updates.



Enjoy 1-for-1 Chocolate Pie at McDonald’s From Now Till 15 Apr 20

Buy One Get One Free Chocolate Pie

My McDonald’s App Exclusive Deal

Enjoy 1-for-1 Chocolate Pie at McDonald’s from now till 15 April 2020.

Valid from 12pm-4am, available while stocks last.

Simply purchase it via the McDonald’s App to enjoy the offer.

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