You can now find out the value of your luxury bags, watches and jewellery with this website

Ever experienced selling your pre-loved items online, only to receive underwhelming offers for what is worth much more? You can now get the best value for your luxury bags, timepieces and jewellery with Maxi-Cash E-Valuation service from the comfort of your home.

Simply fill in a short form on Maxi-Cash website. Then, sit back, relax and their team of experienced valuers will get back to you with a free quote within three working days.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Key in your contact details.
  2. Provide details about your valuables and other information such as gold content and weight, if applicable.
  3. Upload 2 or more images of your luxury item and you’re all set!

Make sure that the images show the entire product and different angles of it. The more details shown in the images, the more accurate the quote will be!

In addition to being convenient, you will also get an additional 8% value on your jewellery, timepieces and bags when you value your items using Maxi-Cash online valuation service. Try it now at