Do Not Let Your Financial Problems Keep You Up At Night!

Is there anything worse than reaching home after a stressful day only to be kept up late because your brain keeps ruminating over your financial burdens?

If this happens to you constantly, it is a sign that you are either feeling helpless about your current situation or trying to exert too much control over your future. Stop right there! Thinking about all your financial problems before you fall asleep will not solve anything. It may even cause health issues such as headache, chest pain, and muscle tension on the next day.

The obvious move that you must take first is to solve the underlying problem. Set aside a portion of your day to contemplate about the solutions to your situation. Afterwards, work on your sleep hygiene. It involves healthy sleeping habits and maintaining a conducive sleeping environment.

If these two strategies are not enough, try my other suggestions:


You must accept the fact that you cannot accurately predict the future. No one can! Hence, it is always a good idea to be prepared for any money woes that life will throw at you. Make calculated strategies to shield yourself against unforeseen events such as unemployment and critical illness. For instance, you may save at least six months’ worth of your salary to cushion unemployment or apply for health insurance to fund your critical illness.

Let go of all the worries once you have planned for the situation. Unfortunate events may test you but, you will be alright.


If you keep on lending your hard-earned cash to friends and family, financial issues can rise. Your money belongs to you and you are accountable for it. If you do not feel comfortable in lending money to a friend or a family member then, be assertive. Genuinely say that you cannot loan the money at the moment due to your financial responsibilities. Discuss the matter in a mature manner. People who care about you will understand.


For your relationship with money to flourish, you must understand that it involves the two of you. Do not let the power of spending govern you! When things go badly, it is partly because of what you brought to the situation and partly because of what the money brought.


Redirect your cognitive energy to productive matters such as catching up with your friends or updating your C.V. or resume. If you have more time in your hands because you were recently unemployed, improve your relatively low mood by exercising. You do not have to exhaust your savings to stay health. Be active by following the free online tutorials or by registering at the “Places To Find The Cheapest Gym Memberships In Singapore“.

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No matter how much you dream about achieving an indestructible body like Incredible Hulk’s, it is still impossible. This is why you need quality sleep to combat the daily challenges. Constantly worrying about your finances is not only draining your body but also straining your relationships. Remember to value your well-being as much as you value your bank account.


Sources: 1 & 2


7 Clever Strategies To Save Cash While Shopping Healthy

According to a study published by the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, consuming healthy food can save you money. The participants lost weight and reduced their grocery budget.

Mimic these effects by choosing healthier options and shying away from junk.


Salad sets containing assorted lettuce seems convenient but, these are a bit expensive. Individual greens can also be more vulnerable to turning wilted at a short amount of time. This is why it makes more sense to purchase the heads of lettuce, which are cheaper and usually longer lasting.


One of my go-to healthy fixes is the oatmeal. Oatmeal contains soluble fiber which helps lower your cholesterol and your risk of heart disease. Embrace the power of the a bowl of oats by topping it off with grated apples, almonds, or honey. Try the Quaker Quickcook Oatmeal Hearty Supreme that retails for only S$2.95.


Bulking up is applicable to some situations than others. For staples like oil and noodles, you can always stock up when they are on sale. Do not forget to compare the prices per weight of the bulk items as well as standalone items before you decide that the bulk section provides a better deal.

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Ground or minced beef has a reputation of being budget-friendly as compared to its other counterparts. To get the maximum benefits for your health, go for the lean ground beef. Use it as an ingredient to your tacos or spaghetti. You may also make some patties with lettuce as its buns.


If you are looking forward to trimming your belly before the December festivities, ditch the sodas. Sodas are not only high in calories but they also contain carbonated bubbles. These bubbles can accumulate in your belly and add a bulge. Stick to water or tea as much as possible. Try the Sea Dyke Oolong Tea for S$1.10 or the Dilmah Green Tea for S$3.85.


What is better than a piece of carrot? A bunch of them, of course!

You can save more money by cutting your own “big” carrots into smaller bit-sized sticks instead of purchasing the prepackaged “baby” carrots. It is best to cook these carrots to get most of the beta-carotene as these root veggies can be internally hard to break down. Moreover, carrots are full of Vitamin A, Vitamin B8, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Potassium.


It always pays well if you come to the store prepared. Nutrition expert Katherine Tallmadge encapsulates this concept when she said: “Take inventory of what you have on hand so you don’t overbuy. Create a detailed shopping list based on your needs and weekly menu plan, and take into account how you plan on using leftovers.”

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Moreover, you may bring your last grocery receipt along as a guide.

Sources: 1 & 2


4 Times That Fast Food Chains Stole Your Money

When fast food chains offer their tasty meals, they go beyond advertising on television and social media. They employ different marketing strategies to entice the consumers into spending their hard-earned cash on the spot. Just take a look at their slogans!

Burger King once used the slogan: “IT JUST TASTES BETTER”. They provide no further explanations as to why their burgers and products tastes good. They simply implant this idea because they are business-oriented people. On that note, here are the 4 Times That Fast Food Chains “Stole” Your Money:


It is no secret that smell can induce cravings. These cravings can later lead to spending money.

Some companies (like ScentAir) are in the business of copying the natural scents of different food such as grilled burger, cinnamon bun, and popcorn. They sell these scents to companies that want to enhance the overall aroma of their stores. It works because smell can actually make your food taste better.

Dr. Brian Wansink once said: “it [odor] definitely makes the dining experience much more attractive to people, but unfortunately it also makes you want to get the fries instead of the salad.”


Seeing me sip a cup of soda is a rare sight but, I always fall for the “bundle price” marketing trick regardless of that! Bundle pricing occurs when the company sells 2 or more products as a package with an intent of saving the customers’ money. Fast food chains habitually engage in this strategy which they refer to as “value meals”.

Currently, Burger King is offering value meals that come with burgers, cheesy fries, and sodas for only S$4.95 each. How can you not fall for a price that is significantly less than the amount of each item separately?

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One drawback is that the portions are lesser than the usual.


From the logos to the interior, two colors seem to stay at almost every fast food chains. These two colors are red and yellow. Red and yellow stimulate appetite, which probably explains why your stomach starts to make noises as soon as you see the yellow arches or the red logo. You cannot resist spending more inside!

Interestingly, you can combat how colors affect the way you eat by controlling your own plate. Researchers at Cornell University found that when they reduced the contrast in their plates and tables or in their plates and the food itself, people tend to serve themselves less food. To eat less, pair your white plate with your white table-cloth or a blue plate with a blue table-cloth.


With the continued advocacy against obesity, consumers have been warned about the health risks of various fast food joints. Some companies heard this plea and incorporated healthy options to their menu. These companies came up with low-calorie ice creams, fruit bowls, veggie wraps, and salads.

Included in these said companies are McDonald’s and Burger King. Let us take Mac’s “Chicken McNuggets® 6pc Delight 500 Meal with Dasani Drinking Water” as an example. I was impressed with the website as it showed the nutrition facts, allergen information, and food sensitivity. In fact, the amount of cholesterol is this meal is only 59 mg!

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My friends at the fitness studio who are always on the go will enjoy this seemingly healthier option. Well, you know how popular healthy detox and other healthy alternatives are in the Singaporean social media.

Sources:  1 & 2


6 Budget-Friendly Ways To Select Clothes Like A Fashion Editor


Simplicity translates to sophistication in most cases. The simpler and sleeker the clothing article is, the better. This is why you must avoid handbags or clothes that are filled with bargain embellishments or distressed denim patterns. If you want to accessorize, opt for a thick bracelet rather than stacking three little ones to increase the outfit’s impact.


Manufacturers prefer gathered seams as they are more forgiving and can fit the majority compared to smooth seams. To seem that you bought your clothes from a high-quality store, shy away from pieces that have gathered seams. Select pleats and sharply tailored garments instead. I once spotted a lovely S$10 pleated skirt at Bugis Street.


Having your jeans tailored for about S$5 or S$8 is worth every buck as it can transform your poorly fitted S$13 Forever21 jeans into a seemingly designer piece. It goes the same for a tailored blazer or a tailored jacket.

While you are shopping, look for uncomplicated garments as they are cheaper to tailor. Another alternative is to make basic stitches on your own by using this helpful post.


I am your typical “girly girl”. My wardrobe is filled with floral blouses, form-fitted skirts, and other feminine pieces. This is why I am absolutely fond of lace. The only problem with an outfit covered with lace is that it can look inexpensive.

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Lace made by the machine can appear flat and flimsy. Try to stick to tops and dresses that use lace only as an accent. Look for lace that seems raw, uneven, and delicate.


Wear one hue or color from head-to-toe because splashing yourself with every color in the rainbow can look cheap! For example, you can wear the different shades of black (i.e., Jet-Licorice) to look slimmer and more stylish. Monochromatic clothing creates an illusion of supreme quality.

Although, this does not mean that you will avoid experimenting with color all together. You may suit up with bold pastels or deep jewel tones and still look as regal.


Classic pieces such as black pencil skirts and white cocktail dresses have a timeless charm. If you are going to spend your hard-earned money on a wardrobe, wear articles that you can style for years to come.

Even InStyle‘s Special Projects Editor (who has been a fashion editor for decades) highlighted her adoration for the classic. She once stated this: “my big investments are all classic shapes. No crazy one-off trends such as culottes, designer sweatshirts, or 1970s-inspired fringed jackets.”

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Sources: 1 & 2


Boost Your Social Media Feed By Using These 4 “Beauty” Apps

Do you want to share beautiful selfies but think that it needs several tweaks and extra filters? Fret not because several beauty apps that have near-professional quality are available for free on iTunes and Google Play Store.

Look more attractive in an instant by taking advantage of these four apps:

For Flawless Features

1. CAMERA360

Available on Android and iOS

Aside from their music, Korea and Japan are known for their skincare products. Since its release in 2010, Camera360 has been one of the go-to beauty apps of many Korean and Japanese celebrities. Take it from them and look good in every angle by downloading this app.

There are endless possibilities as you can apply over a hundred of filters and options such as lightening your image or putting cartoon effects. To improve your looks, you can capture images using the “beauty selfie” setting.

Image Credits: Camera360 via Itunes

Image Credits: Camera360 via Itunes


Available on Android and iOS

I will let you in with a little secret of mine. Like most of you, I occasionally get acne and blemishes. What keeps my pictures flawless is enclosed in a magical app called BeautyPlus. There is no need to visit the dermatologist, dentist, or plastic surgeon as you can achieve similar results by tapping a few buttons in this app.

BeautyPlus allows you to slim your face, erase your pimples, whiten your teeth, and enlarge your eyes, among others. Take a look at the before and after versions of my self-portrait:

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For Gorgeous Filters


Available on Android, iOS, and Windows

Try adding stickers or filters to amp up your selfie game! Photo Editor by Aviary includes a comprehensive set of basic editing tools such as crop and rotate as well as a set of lovely filters such as Arizona and Lucky. Other highlights of this app include adding drawings, stickers, and text. If you own a Smartphone that operates on Windows then, this is one of the premium editors you will meet!

Who says that you can only edit individual snaps? Here is an example of a glamorized photo of two women:

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Available on Android and iOS

This list will not be complete without the “filter-packed” app – VSCO. This popular app can improve your #OOTD shots. It gives you a wide range of filters and a complete set of editing tools. The filters are coded in the format of letter and number such as X1, G3, B1, and my favorite HB1.

Its editing tools include contrast, brightness, fade, tint, crop, rotate, highlights, shadows, sharpness, and so much more. Not bad for something that is free, right?

From virtually applying makeup to removing your pimples, these are some of the best beauty apps to download now.

Sources: 1 & 2