Immediate Steps On Dealing With A Promotion

Several people are fortunate enough to receive a promotion. The glistening promotion is a chance to better yourself and your existing skill set. Higher roles entail more responsibilities and expectations. Some of your previous co-workers may be happy for you, while others may pull you down!

Consider these tips to guide you with the new challenge ahead.


When I was given the coveted promotion, a series of thoughts ran through my mind. I was deeply concerned about my new supervisor. Keep in mind that the internal roles will shift due to this promotion. Budding relationships, such as the aforementioned, shall work smoothly if you keep the streams of communication open.

Aim to schedule an appointment between you and the supervisor (or the HR representative). Discuss your upcoming responsibilities and duties, especially the operating systems that you are not familiar with. You may be tasked to hire new employees, track the department’s invoices, deal with employee reimbursements, or document employee hours. No matter what your new tasks are, you need to be familiar with the protocol for each new responsibility. Do you need your supervisor’s approval before hiring and employee?


Be honest with yourself as you contemplate on the type of leader that you aim to be. Do you want to be respected or feared? Do you want to build a bridge or a gap between you and your team members? You can be a great leader and a good friend by slightly altering your behaviors.

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Some experts suggest that you must totally disconnect from your team members (i.e., including in social media). This is due to the changing workplace dynamics. You do not want others to perceive that you favor a particular person due to the “preferential treatment”. You may still attend happy hours but, not often as before. Katy Tynan, the author of Survive Your Promotion!, suggests that you continue to spend time with your team members as you need to blow off steam sometimes. Furthermore, bonding experiences let them know that you can vent out whenever necessary.


Changing the manner of your speech is crucial in your daily interactions. From making a stellar interview to filling a complaint, your tone needs to change as you dive in different scenarios. Being a loyal friend on one hand and a critical boss on the other is a challenging task. Thus, you need to set a firm and authoritative tone when you are in the workplace.

Ensure that your team knows that you have their backs. However, they can no longer vent out in a “gossipy” manner. Use your bond to find a concrete solution and move forward in a professional manner instead. Focus on a solution that values customer satisfaction and employee happiness.


People react differently when it comes to internal promotions. As their new supervisor, you need to be emphatic with their initial thoughts. Actively listen to their feelings and do not be swayed by them. If you dive a little deeper into a conversation, they may start comparing themselves to you. Hurtful statements such as “my performance is better than yours” or “I have more experience than you”. Defending yourself may lead to damaging your professional relationship (e.g., by saying “the CEO did not see a great managerial potential in you”. That is not healthy! It is difficult to spend your days trying to repair the relationship while focusing on your new position.

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Work together to reach a beneficial solution. Communicate your desire to talk to each team member over lunch. Let the department know about your goals and how these will be actualized. It is important to cultivate a two-way feedback between you and them.

Sources: 1,2, 3, 45


4 Must-Have Items For A University Freshman

Going to university is a monumental step in a young adult’s life. The transition from your earlier years to university is not something to take likely as a student of life. Building a freshman’s arsenal goes beyond stocking up on pens, markers, and notebooks. You need to be prepared for the challenges ahead!

I understand the financial constraints of a student but, that does not mean that you cannot have nice and sturdy things. Buying less items of quality is better than purchasing more school supplies for less. May this list help you with your journey as a freshman.


As I was contemplating on the essential products necessary to make a freshman’s life easier, the “laptops” instantly popped into my head. A laptop acts as a weapon to combat sleepless nights spent on take-home tasks, group projects, and research papers. Laptop has been a vital part in our generation’s education that many scholarships or grants include allowance for gadgets.

As modern technology advances each year, you may want to consider investing on a hybrid. A hybrid device combines the portability of a tablet and the functionality of a laptop. Popular hybrid models include the Microsoft Surface Pro and the Lenovo Yoga.

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The specifications of the laptop that you must buy depends on your undergraduate major. If you are majoring in computer science or graphics design, strong RAM and GPU are parts of your criteria. As a Psychology student and a freelance writer, my MacBook Pro stood the test of time. Many of my previous classmates relied heavily on this product too. I would not trade it for any hybrids just yet!


In the span of your undergraduate studies, you will be subjected to several presentations such as the thesis proposal. Aim to look your best to provide a positive mark! I can still recall the day when I presented my final thesis to a panel of lecturers. My classmate told me that my “beautiful dress” saved me. He may be joking but, I dressed well for the part. I chose a black cocktail dress, which I felt comfortable and confident in.

Investing on some wardrobe staples such as quality heels or leather shoes and black blazers can give you an advantage. You may also opt for flats to avoid horrible blisters after your career fair. Invest in clothing articles that you are willing to wear or stand in for a long period of time.


Walking, without a doubt, is the best way to go around any campus. With countless hours spent roaming in the halls of your university, it is vital to equip yourself with comfortable shoes. Accomplish a considerable amount of steps in your cheap sandals (without any sole support) is not going to help you! You need to switch to sneakers or flats with thicker soles.

Keep the elements of versatility and comfort in mind when purchasing your school shoes. A family relative of mine swears by the Skechers’ slip on. While, I personally prefer the classic Birkenstock as my school and work shoes. For a trendy student, a white Superga 2750 may pass your taste.


What is the one item that students often overlook yet overuse? The backpack, of course! The backpack serves a significant role in a student’s life. It is arguably the most versatile part of the university student’s arsenal as it houses important items such as laptops and books. It can transform from an everyday wear to a getaway wear. For its functionality, you must not settle for a flimsy and cheap one.

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I cannot stress how some university students live completely out of their backpacks. Thus, you must stay on the safe side by purchasing trusted brands such as the JanSport or by purchasing bags built for hiking. Bags like these are spacious and have various pockets to carry all of your essentials at once.


Article Resources: 1  & 2


5 Commandments Of Borrowing Money

Whether you are borrowing your friend’s stilettos for a wedding or your mother’s mixing bowl for a party, we live in a culture that embraces the culture of borrowing.

There are certain rules involving this act such as dry-cleaning the suit that you borrowed. But, do you know the rules involving money? Here are just some commandments to get you started!


Your hard-earned income must not revolve around debt repayments. Exhaust your resources to borrow an amount that is within your means. If you cannot afford an item then, skip it first! Save enough money and direct it to completing a purchase.

Many financial experts recommend that you maintain a Debt-to-Income ratio of 20%. How do you calculate this? Simply add up your monthly debt categories (i.e., excluding mortgage) and divide the total amount by your net monthly income. Ask for your partner’s help, if necessary.


There are several reasons why Japanese citizens uphold the value of time. For starters, paying on time is one of the vital rules of borrowing money.

It goes without saying that late fees or increased interest rates add insult to injury. Not to mention, being late can dramatically lower your credit score. In the long run, your bad track record will be reported to the credit bureaus.


Borrowing money is an act built on a strong purpose and an intention of repayment. For debt categories that yield a sense of profit such as for education or for business, loaning money makes sense. The same ideal applies to loaning items that you will use for a long period of time (e.g., a car).

However, you must contemplate on loaning money for fleeting pleasures. Do you really need the latest gadgets in the market? Is attending an international music festival a crucial part of your life? Are you willing to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding anniversary weekend? Lastly, is a designer bag better than a functional one? Aim to borrow money for the right reasons.


Close your eyes and envision the last time you experienced social pressure. Was it your first day at a new workplace? Or, does it go way back in your secondary school days? At a certain degree, all of us felt pressured to do something we do not want to. It exists in all forms including financial situations.

In said challenging times, a deperate move that people make is to borrow money. You get trapped into a situation that unable you to make smart financial situations. Combat this by creating an emergency fund. Cushion your financial problems and continue to cultivate this fund even when you are experiencing debt. Please do not borrow or lend money to friends or relatives, if you are solely pressured into doing so!


Upon entering a new field, my basic instinct is to do my research about the company. Before travelling to a new country, my basic instinct is to do my research about their culture. What basic instinct do I apply before taking on a loan? Well, research of course! I recommend that you do the same thing too.

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Comparing loans is more than the mere act of scoring the lowest interest rates. You must carefully read thru the essential elements such as penalties and add-ons. For instance, some insurance companies include costly add-ons such as specific life insurance. The extra elements will increase the interest rate of the money that you borrowed. Thus, you must approach everything with extreme caution.

Sources: 1 &2


Money-Saving Tips For Uni Students In Singapore

Many people believe that the “student life” is golden. I firmly agree! The holistic experiences and social exposures you receive during the course of your tertiary education are heavily treasured. You cannot get these things anywhere else!

Ease your financial load by following these tips:


Automobile companies lure us with their promise of privacy and convenience during our daily commute. Owning a car may add a level of prestige, but it comes with a hefty price! You must cover several expenses such as gas, parking, and maintenance. Just thinking about my car’s maintenance gives me a headache!

As a thriving student, it is a good idea to steer away from this financial burden. Consider the alternative types of commute such as public transportation, cycling, and walking. You are eligible to apply for an Undergraduate Concession Card as a full-time undergraduate from a government or government-aided tertiary institution (T&Cs apply). This card allows you to save a decent amount of cash for your entire matriculation.

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Secondly, cycling to school is beneficial for the environment and for your health. The same benefits apply to walking. When I was a university student, I spared 40 minutes of my day for travelling. I walked to school every morning with music in my ears. I can either feel the breeze or focus on my thoughts. Do the same thing if you are going to travel short distances.

As a friendly reminder, stay safe by having someone accompany you while walking to isolated areas. Let a family member or a friend know about your whereabouts at all times.


It goes without saying that the product of one’s intellect comes with a price. Reference books or textbooks suited for tertiary students costs as low as S$50 each. It is a significant price to pay for a book that you will use for barely 3-4 months. Thus, students must employ different strategies to save money on their books.

Firstly, you can rent a book for free at the National Library. Secondly, you can purchase second-hand books online. Lastly, you may sell your old books to afford another one. Aim to sell your books to the next batch of students.

I am well aware that some people refuse to discard their belongings, including the ones that are seemingly useless (e.g., old newspapers). Hoarding can harm your chances of getting the best deals as the books’ resale value lessens in time.


In general, tertiary students are divided into two financial groups. The first group of people can survive solely with their allowance. While, the second group survives by earning money on the side. It is easy to immerse yourself with your academic responsibilities without having to worry about your finances. However, you may want to invest on your financial freedom. Extra money entails that you can build a travel or an emergency fund.

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I belonged to the first group. During the first year of my tertiary education, I underestimated the weight of earning my own money. I handpicked the friendly gatherings that I will attend to maximize my allowance. My perception all changed when my friend pointed out that I must choose the restaurant to eat at. I was given the tasked as she perceived me to be the “poorest”. I decided to boost my financial capacity by working as a secretary at my mother’s workplace. This experience has exposed me to the diverse work culture in the country. Not to mention, it benefited my career profile.

Make money on the side by working part-time at a restaurant, by distributing flowers, or by opening a blog shop. Find part-time jobs at


4 Time Management Tips To Help You Work Smart

We all posses a set of (or at least one) positive traits useful in the workplace. Mine just happens to surround time management. Time is a finite commodity that you cannot take back! Thus, I make it a point to strategically exhaust it.

Managing time is not about squeezing as many tasks as you can within 24 hours. Instead, it is about carefully choosing which tasks you can fulfill to alleviate stress and which tasks you can leave behind. Simplify your operations in order to accomplish your tasks at a faster pace. Consider these tips to work smarter:


As much as I want to discuss about the catchy Iggy Azalea song, I am going to expound on the seemingly unfamiliar territory of prioritizing. Prioritizing focuses on determining the order of the items in your to-do list. Stephen Covey, the co-author of “First Things First”, introduced four categorizations for one’s tasks. The categories are:

a. Important and Urgent,
b. Important and Not Urgent,
c. Urgent and Not Important, as well as
d. Not Urgent and Not Important.

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Write down at least three “Important and Urgent” tasks that you must accomplish by today. Waste no time in addressing each one. Reap the sense of accomplishment as you fulfill each one of them. Use this motivation to tackle the less vital items.


No matter how busy your weekday can get, you still have a decent amount of down-time. Use your waiting time wisely by completing simple tasks such as calling possible sponsors for your company event. While you are waiting to board the next bus, you can answer important emails with your mobile applications.

As a pre-school teacher, I envision my lesson plans whenever I have idle moments. My finest thoughts spark when I am relaxing in the shower or when I am running a mile in the town stadium. Maximizing my spare time allows me to push my creativity beyond limits.


Taking a series of commitments can be detrimental to your schedule. Whenever you agree to help out a co-worker, you are increasing your personal workload. You may not be able to immediately tackle the tasks assigned to you!

It is hard to refuse to friendly requests from colleagues especially if you are the type of person who loves lending a hand. However, if you want to jump-start your productivity, it is important to learn to say “NO” or “not at this moment”.


It is no secret that I am an avid people watcher! Not to sound creepy, but it comes from my background in Psychology. Let us move on to the anecdote. As I was sipping my hot mocha, I overheard two women talking about their careers. One seems to be the other’s mentor. I realized that they were both dancing instructors as the discussion went on. The “mentor” shared valuable tips such as preparing an overall timeline and strict goals for each day. She said that it was better to record one’s routine to record any flaws, before the presentation comes. She made some valid points!

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Having a realistic plan eases the tension of the coming days. You know your glistening target and the corresponding moves to achieve it. Now, you do not have to be prudent to absorb the future’s essence. Start by sparing at least 10 minutes before your shift ends to clear out your desk and to prepare your task for tomorrow. Alternatively, you may clear your desk as you arrive to the office. Allot the first 10 minutes to prioritizing your to-do list.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3