Accepting an unsuitable job offer is a common blunder made by many job seekers. A large portion of this is attributable to the joy of receiving a contract in the first place. Finding out you’ve chosen the wrong job can be a self-searching or blaming experience later.
However, if you’ve been listening closely or questioning yourself in the right direction, you will notice warning signs along the way that point to a rotten egg. Here are some telltale indications that the job is a flop to help you avoid making a career-altering misstep.
High turnover rate
You don’t want to work for a corporation for less than a year, do you? While this is unfortunate, certain office environments are indeed unhealthy. Consider inquiring as to what happened to the former occupant of the same post. Start examining alternatives if your interviewer begins slamming past employees or mentions anything that suggests the organization has a high turnover rate.
Dodgy on inquiries
If an interviewer brushes off your questions, he or she may have something to conceal. Because an interview is a brief glimpse into what your life may be like at the organization, you should bring up both the exciting and challenging aspects of the job. Consider it a method of determining how open people at the company are. If the interviewer avoids answering any questions, it’s a warning indication that they’re intentionally concealing the facts.
Forced to compromise
Ask yourself ahead of time what attributes you want in a position, and then see if the proposed post meets all of your requirements. Don’t make a rash decision if you find yourself sacrificing on your must-haves and then justifying those sacrifices. You shouldn’t have to push yourself to fit the work in most case scenarios since it should be the other way round.
Unclear job requirements
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The job description said that it was a marketing role when you applied. However, when you go for the job interview, you discover that it is a mixture of everything from PR to business development. Well, many current roles do combine several responsibilities into a single position.
However, gently decline the offer if your potential boss characterizes the work obligations so generically that it seems like three positions in one, and you believe they’re imprecise on essential specifics about the scope of the position.
Even if you need a position desperately, there are instances when you just have to decline and forgo those follow-up interview tests. Sometimes it’s a negative feeling, a shady interviewer, or something strange about the job requirements that give you the goosebumps. Though we can’t advise you not to accept a job because every occurrence is different, think about the above circumstances you could come across throughout your job hunt and make an informed choice before signing on the line.