Whether you like it or not, you are expected to know what you want to do for the rest of your life the minute you graduate from secondary school. It is understandable to strive for the highest paying field or job possible. However, that is not always the case.
If you were to invest money at a young age, you can build a nest that is enough to sustain a comfortable lifestyle in your adult years. This may lessen the pressure you feel when choosing a career path. To begin your investment journey, you must read books aimed at young investors.
Cary Siegel put an interesting twist to money management with the book entitled: “Why Didn’t They Teach Me This in School? 99 Personal Money Management Principles to Live By”. To Siegel, proper money management in accordance to the economy is an important lesson that the youth shall know. He imparts this knowledge by dividing his lessons into 99 principles. Said principles include investing, housing, spending, debit, credit, and budgeting. I, for one, am curious why these practical life skills are not taught in today’s curriculum.
You will get a sense of how to handle the financial aspects of your life as you read along. By combining solid advice on money and adulthood, your curiosity will be widened.
Looking for the perfect investment book for young adults? Search no further as John Bogle’s “The Little Book of Common Sense Investing” details the fundamentals of investing! It describes a plain approach that anyone can implement to achieve above average returns.
For people who are risk-takers, his methods may seem too simple. Consider studying further. After all, Warren Buffett included this book on his recommended reading list.
There is a reason why Warren Buffett’s name cannot be erased in the list of legendary investors. You see, he adapted his own investing style that lasted throughout the years.
It goes without saying, his results have been extraordinary!
His strategy was encapsulated in a book entitled “The Warren Buffett Way”. This books highlights how he invested in the past and in the present. For the young adult who wants to invest in businesses, the insight into Buffett’s thought process is of tremendous value.
Before Christmastime, a financial book from The Motley Fool entertainment was released to serve as the perfect Christmas gift for young adults. First and foremost, The Motley Fool is a “multimedia financial services company that has made investing fun and easy for millions of people since it was founded in 1993”. It aims to share information on how to efficiently manage your money.
David Gardner’s “The Motley Fool Investment Guide for Teens: 8 Steps to Having More Money Than Your Parents Ever Dreamed Of” is not as funny as it sounds. It is a piece of literature that gives you a guide to outperform your parents’ current professional success. It provides teens with a road map for sketching a financial journey from investing to saving or from budgeting to spending. Ultimately, it reminds the youth that every money spent is an investment. You have to make it count!
Image Credits: pixabay.com
The books listed above offer practical and understandable suggestions, solutions, and hacks about finance. I hope that these books may serve as an inspiration when you start your investment journey. Good luck!