This may sound odd to you, but there are some instances where shelling out more will actually help your finances in the long run. You read that right! Just because you saw a glistening opportunity for you to save a few bucks, does not mean that you have to take it. You need to consider your priorities and financial goals as well.
Congratulations on bagging a coveted job interview in the company of your dreams! The next step is to prepare for the “big day”. If you are aiming to convey your best image to your potential employer, it is alright to splurge on transport. You may be setting yourself into trouble just because you want to squeeze every cent you have on transport.
Let us face it! Bus delays and MRT breakdowns can happen when you least expect it. Furthermore, you are putting yourself at risk of being late as you are unfamiliar with the location. You do not want to arrive looking sweaty and stressed out due to your commuting woes. So, book yourself a comfortable ride through an Uber or a Grab app.
I cannot recall how many times I experienced the country’s dichotomous weather cycles. I found myself shielding from the sun’s rays and experiencing moderate rainfall in one day. Singapore’s weather is generally characterized by high humidity and abundant rainfall. In fact, thunderstorms graced the forecast for the next couple of weeks.
Brave the country’s weather by purchasing a sturdy umbrella from an established store. Cheap umbrellas from the street vendors or the bargain stalls tend to break easily. You see, your frequent S$14 purchases will add up eventually!
It is best to seek professional guidance when you are planning to allocate your retirement savings on an investment portfolio. Yes! It may be cheaper to do things on your own or to do pitch in with a fund manager. However, you need to consider spending money on an Independent Asset Manager.
Most fund managers charge a commission of about 2% for supervising your wealth for you. If your entire portfolio is managed in this manner, you are paying commission for the total lifetime value of your assets. Imagine how much money that adds up to!
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Taking the Independent Asset Manager route entails that you will only be paying for his or her hourly fees. You may be shocked to know that said consultation meeting can occur as little as twice a year.