4 Affordable Home Remedies For Common Sickness

Worries and troubles pertaining to the economy are driving more people to consider alternative remedies in order to avoid expensive physician consultations and prescription medicines. One option that is safe, affordable, and efficient is going au naturel!

That said, here are expert-recommended natural home remedies for the common sickness:


It is forecasted to rain multiple times throughout the course of the month. As this cold weather is coming in, colds become increasingly common. The main virus that causes cold is still unknown. This is why the body relies on its own defenses. However, you can effectively ease its symptoms by staying hydrated.

Drink plenty of water, juices, or warm lemon water with honey to help prevent dehydration and loosen up the congestion. Stay away from alcohol, coffee, or caffeinated sodas as they can worsen your condition.


Coughing helps your throat clear out phlegm and other irritants. A short-term cough lasting for about 3 weeks can usually signify a flu or a sinus infection. While long-term cough lasting for more than 3 weeks can signify an allergy or other disorders. Treat cough in its early stages by using honey. According to a 2007 study, honey relieves cough more efficiently than over-the-counter drugs that contain Dextromethorphan. So create your own remedy by mixing honey with warm water or lemon.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)


Headaches are characterized by sharp pain, dull ache, or a throbbing sensation. It may appear abruptly or gradually and last from an hour to several days. To relieve the pain, grab a cup of brewed coffee. Studies show that 200 mg of caffeine (16 oz of brewed coffee) helps ease the headache and migraines. However, Dr. Robert Shapiro of University of Vermont Medical School suggests limiting caffeine intake and only using it to relieve headaches.


Sore throat is the irritation or pain of the throat that usually worsens when you swallow. It is the primary symptom of the inflammation of the throat (Pharyngitis). Treat sore throat by gargling a mixture of warm water (1 glass) and six pressed garlic cloves – twice a day. Stick to this routine for 3 days. This works because garlic has antimicrobial properties that fight pain-causing bacteria while the warm water soothes the inflamed tissue.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (CC0 Public Domain)

Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5


6 Affordable Home Remedies For Common Travel Sickness

According to a survey, 6 out of 10 people fall sick overseas every year. There is a higher susceptibility to common travel sickness such as colds, sunburn, throat infection, constipation, and insect bites.

You do not need to visit the doctor just yet! Be healthy after traveling with these 6 Home Remedies For Common Travel Sickness…


If you travelled in country at wintertime and came back immediately to sunny Singapore then, you can really catch a cold. The main virus that causes cold is still unknown. This is why the body relies on its own defenses. However, you can effectively ease its symptoms with these remedies:


Drink plenty of water, juices, or warm lemon water with honey to help prevent dehydration and loosen up the congestion. Stay away from alcohol, coffee, or caffeinated sodas as they can worsen dehydration.


Add moist in the air by purchasing an air humidifier that retails for as low as S$15.90. This helps loosen the congestion as well. But, remember to change its water daily and clean the machine according to the manufacturer’s manual. Stay away from steams as some can cause burns.


If you overexposed your skin to the sun just to get the perfect holiday selfies then, you can end up with painful sunburn. Until it naturally goes diminishes on its own, ease the discomfort with these remedies:


An aged-old remedy for sunburn relies on the magic of potatoes. Get two washed potatoes, cut them into small chunks, and put them inside the blender or food processor. The potato must reach its liquid form before you can pat the burned areas with it. Then, wait until the potatoes dry up so you can take a cool shower.


You shall not apply ice a pack of it to the burnt area. Instead, soak a cloth into cool water and apply it to the burnt area for several minutes. Apply this multiple times to help relieve discomfort throughout the day. Strengthen the cool compress by adding soothing ingredients such as baking soda or oatmeal to the water.


Without consulting your doctor, most insect bites and stings heals naturally. Unless if you feel other symptoms such as fever then, it could be Dengue. Otherwise, relieve the itching, pain, and swelling with these remedies:


Gently rub damp and cool tea bag over the bites. The natural tannins in the leaves will remove the excess fluid to decrease the swelling and pain felt.

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)

Image Credits: pixabay.com (License: CC0 Public Domain)


The natural antioxidants and alpha-hydroxy acids found in lemon juice are good for healing and cleansing the skin. Apply a few lemon juice particles over the mosquito bites with a cotton ball then, let it dry. Afterwards, you must rinse it well. You have to be careful when applying this remedy outside of your house because the oils in citrus fruits can make the skin more susceptible to sunburn.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4