Raising grateful kids: Tips for teaching your child to receive gifts with gratitude

kid delighted with a Christmas gift

It’s the holidays, and that means one thing: your child is going to be getting a lot of gifts.

From friends and family to teachers and coaches, your child is probably going to be feeling pretty spoiled by the time Christmas morning arrives.

Introducing your child to the idea of gratitude can be a challenge, but it’s worth the time. Below are a few tips for teaching your kid to receive gifts with gratitude.

Talk about and discuss gratitude

Talking about gratitude is a great way to start teaching how to be grateful.

Invite them to share things they’re grateful for, big or small. You can also ask them how they think showing gratitude can make someone’s day better. This will help get your child thinking about gratitude in a positive light.

Another way to help your little one express gratitude is to encourage them to say thank you. Teach them to say it not just when they receive a gift, but also when someone does something nice for them. It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference in someone’s day.

Get creative with thank-you cards

Another way to get your child into the habit of thanking people for gifts is to get creative with thank-you cards.

Why not have your kid create a card or letter that is handwritten and uniquely designed for the person who gave them the gift? This will show them that it’s always nice to put thought and effort into expressing their gratitude.

Not only will this help your child learn how to be more appreciative, but it will also teach them to hone their writing skills and help them develop their literary style. Plus, it’s a fun way to get creative and express themselves through words!

Establishing gifting traditions to encourage appreciation of gifts
child decorating cookies

Image Credits: unsplash.com

One tradition you might want to try is the gift of giving.

Have your child pick out a toy or game they’re no longer interested in and give it to a younger child who will be excited to receive it. This teaches them two things: first, that it feels good to give to others, and second, that not everything they own needs to be kept.

Another tradition you can try is the gift of service.

Have your child do something nice for someone else in your family or community. Maybe they could bake cookies for their grandparents, write a thank-you card to their teacher, or strike up a conversation with the elderly neighbor next door. This teaches kids that there are ways to serve others that don’t involve lots of money or things.

Setting a good example: modeling gracious gift-receiving behavior

When you receive a gift, whether it’s from your friend, spouse, or family member, take a moment to express your appreciation.

You can say something like:

  • “Thank you so much for this lovely sweater. I can’t wait to wear it.”
  • “I’ve been wanting this book for a while. Thank you for thinking of me.”

Your child will be watching your reaction and taking cues from you on how to respond when they receive gifts. So make sure you set a good example!

When it comes to raising grateful kids, start early and be consistent. Explain the concept of gratitude, and model it yourself. You can also suggest writing thank you cards, letting your child experience giving gifts, or encouraging them to volunteer. When you look back, it’s going to be one of the best investments you’ve made in your parenting journey.


How Gratitude Can Improve Your Financial Life

Showing appreciation to others and to ourselves is characterized by gratitude. Gratitude makes us more aware of the sources of hope, joy, and wonder in our lives. Being grateful can improve your health, strengthen relationships, and help manage your finances.

Here are just some of the financial benefits of practicing gratitude:


Practicing gratitude can affect your patience. Researchers found that feelings of gratitude reduced financial impatience, according to a study published in Psychological Science journal. Those who showed gratitude had increased willingness to wait longer to receive their money. While those who wrote about neutrality tended to opt for immediate payouts.


Psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough showed that people who counted their blessings had a more positive outlook in life, exercised more, and were more likely to help others. These findings were supported by Psychologist Nathaniel Lambert who found that feelings of gratitude were associated with lower materialism.

Feeling thankful for what you have can enhance your satisfaction in life and reduce your desire to buy more things. Think about that!


As said above, generosity can increase the likelihood of helping others. The goal of financial planning is to allocate money towards things that you value most, which can be the welfare of others. Gratitude was shown to motivate people to pay it forward or to give back in many ways including financially.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

An article published by the American Psychological Association reported that gratitude facilitates generosity. People who were feeling gratitude were able to share more money with others, despite the recipient being a stranger.


When it comes to gratitude, the first step is to acknowledge the gifts and benefits we have received. Secondly, you must recognize that you have been blessed by others, luck, or divine intervention.

Gratitude requires us to see how we have been supported and affirmed by other people. In return, it can make us feel satisfied and secure.


A 2015 study by researchers at the University of Georgia found that gratitude can help couples to manage financial conflicts. Expressing appreciation and feeling appreciated are hallmarks of strong partnership, according to couples’ therapist Ed Coambs.

Ed said:

“In a flourishing, healthy relationship, gratitude flows naturally and pretty easily. In a functioning relationship, it’s more intermittent, a little less consistent. In a dysfunctional relationship, it’s absent.”

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Many financial conflicts stem from partners not feeling appreciated for their efforts to save money and to look after the couples’ future. This is where gratitude can come in.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


5 Things That Are Far More Important Than Money

Hustling through the most expensive city in the world, it is impossible not to get consumed with making money. We sacrifice our time and energy just to make sure that all the bills are taken care of. A lot of focus is really on building wealth in our society. But if we are mindful about the present, we will realize that there are far more important things than money. Start with these:


As the old saying goes: “health is wealth”. As long as the fountain of youth has not been located, our brain and body deteriorates as time goes by. Although we are aware of the benefits of physical activity to our health, most of us do little of it. So, instead of getting consumed by earning, lead a healthy lifestyle packed with exercise and balanced diet.


If there is something money cannot buy, it is absolutely time! Time is one of the most important commodities on Earth. It is limited. And, once it is gone, you cannot take it back. Adding health into the equation, if you have been living with an unhealthy lifestyle then your time may be shorter than the rest. This is why you must make every second count.


Since our time here is limited, we must constantly put effort into making our loved ones feel that they are appreciated. Show affection by your presence, hugs, and kisses. Help one another in the time of need as this will only keep the bond stronger. Furthermore, one’s overall health is improved by continued support from his or her family and friends.


William Shakespeare once said: “A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

Wisdom comes from the knowing how minute you actually know. Submitting yourself to updated books and new experiences can fuel the lifelong learning process. Be amazed with how much knowledge you gained, often far beyond what you had hoped. Ultimately, this will lead to personal growth – another thing that money cannot buy.


Thankfulness increases happiness within you and beyond you. Instead of focusing on what you do not have, be appreciative of the things that you have. Before you go to sleep or the after you wake up, think of 3 things you are thankful about. This changes your focus from your stressors to the beautiful things that you might have taken for granted.

Image Credits: Evelyn Lim via Flickr with CC License

Image Credits: Evelyn Lim via Flickr with CC License

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4