Unwind With These Insanely Relaxing Activities

After a long day in the office or school, even the calmest of people can blow like a volcano at times. This is why it is important that you focus on de-stressing.

Bid farewell to your work or academic stress during the long weekend by accomplishing one or all of these activities.


I understand that you had a heated argument with your partner, but you do not have to swipe your credit card for a much needed “therapy”. Find the inner peace that you crave for by hopping into the shower. Researchers have found that singing in the shower can boost one’s mood. Its effect is as potent as practicing Yoga.

The study showed that a person singing in the shower releases endorphins (i.e., dubbed as happy hormones), which can lower the levels of the stress hormone called cortisol. Tell your partner to get some earplugs as you will let your inner Beyoncé or JJ Lin out!


Heighten your sense of satisfaction by writing down all your daily victories. Perhaps you decided to regularly walk to school instead of taking the bus. Doing so kills two birds with a stone! You will not only shed a few pounds, but you will also save money in the process. There are other personal achievements such as helping a stranger cross the road.

No matter how small your deed may seem at the moment, it sparks a step closer to your financial goal.


Workplace stress has various adverse effects on your physical and psychological processes. It may result to poor concentration or even something as serious as substance abuse. Avoid drowning yourself in negativity by making your mind wander away.

For instance, you may let your creative juices flow through art. A recently published study highlighted that art making sessions may reduce one’s cortisol levels. Well, you do not have to worry if you do not have the talent of Picasso. You can reap the benefits of art by purchasing the cheaper alternative to painting classes – a “Paint by Numbers” kit.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

You may get a canvas for as low as S$0.99 at Paintastic Art Craft. Paintastic’s kits come with acrylic paints, manual, brush, and an easel.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


The Secret Habits of Financial Savvy People You Must Adopt

Some people struggle to make ends meet while others succeed in their finances. Have you ever wondered why? The answer may be a combination of different factors that play a significant role and one of them is repeated behavior. An individual’s repeated behaviors or habits are learned from young and affects the person’s decisions in the long run.

So, understanding the value of money and being taught at an early age to save your allowance, watch your spending, and note down your expenses can really boost your finances throughout your life. As the saying goes, old habits are hard to break. Without further ado, here are the Secret Habits of Financial Savvy People That You Must Adopt


The first step is to be aware of your spending patterns and exactly how much you are spending per month and per annum. This will help you decide how much you shall save and help you to highlight the unnecessary expenses.

Recording all your expenses, no matter how big or small they may be, can help you plan your budget wisely. Find the perfect (and Free) money management app for you here.

Lastly, stop buying useless stuff that you do not need. Rethink if buying overpriced coffee rather than making your own coffee at work saves you more. Instead of buying lunch, pack your own lunch for at least 2 months. It may seem simple, but these unnecessary expenses add up.


Develop a habit of financial goal setting to know where you are going and to plan how you can get there. Write down your financial goals with a witness (e.g., spouse or a close friend) and contemplate the monetary milestone you would like to accomplish in the next 2 to 5 years. Track down your monthly progress.

This habit is practiced in businesses that have quota system or in fundraising events, but it surely works for personal finances too!


In most cases you must you shall practice the habit of being accountable and owning the responsibility in your spending. Be accountable of your spending by managing it and by following your financial goals. It is an important habit if you want to maintain consistency and progress.

Image Credits: TaxCredits.net via Flickr

Image Credits: TaxCredits.net via Flickr

In order for a habit or a behavior to be repeated, it must be rewarding. Set aside at least 3-5% of your income to a category called “incentive or shopping money”. I personally do this through the envelope budgeting system (learn about it here). Giving yourself a well-deserved treat after the whole month’s work will surely keep you going.