Disagreeing during a job interview: Why you shouldn’t be afraid

a job interview

You’re in the midst of your job interview, and things are going well.

The interviewer has asked you a few questions, and you’ve given some great answers.

But then the interviewer throws you a curveball. They ask you to share your thoughts on something you don’t agree with. What do you do?

Why it’s okay to disagree

For one thing, it shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your beliefs.

It also shows that you’re not afraid to ask questions and challenge the status quo. And most importantly, it shows that you’re confident in your conviction.

But there’s a right way and a wrong way to disagree. The wrong way is to be confrontational. So if you feel like you disagree with something your interviewer has said, go ahead and speak up—just make sure you express your views calmly and respectfully.

How to disagree tactfully
talking during an interview

Image Credits: theladders.com

There’s a big difference between being assertive and being aggressive, and you want to stay on the polite side of things.

Here are a few tips for how to do that:

  • Stay calm. Don’t get flustered if you don’t agree with your interviewer. Stay cool and collected, and state your case plainly.
  • Acknowledge the other person’s opinion. Start your disagreement by saying something like, “I see where you’re coming from, but here’s why I think…”
  • Make your argument clear. Be prepared to back up your disagreement with facts and reasoning. The more solid your argument, the more likely you are to convince your interviewer.
How to make sure you’re still likable

Let’s face it: we all want to be likable.

We want to be the person that people enjoy being around, the person that they think is fun and interesting. And when we go into a job interview, we want to be that person.

But what if you don’t agree with the interviewer? What if you have a different perspective? Do you have to keep your mouth shut, or can you disagree in a way that’s still likable?

Well, express your thoughts without attacking the interviewer or putting them on the defensive. You want to make sure that the interviewer sees you as someone they would want to work with. And you can do that by disagreeing with the subject matter, not against anyone.

You should never be afraid to disagree during a job interview. Chances are, your interviewer is looking for someone who has opinions and isn’t afraid to voice them. If you can back up your arguments with evidence and reasoning, you will only stand to benefit from the exchange. Disagreeing with your interviewer is an approach to show that you’re not fearful to stand up for what you believe in and to take on a challenge. Remember: it’s better, to be honest, and upfront than to hold back and regret it later.


How disagreeing more can benefit your career

in a discussion

You may not feel comfortable disagreeing with your boss or colleagues, but there are some real benefits to doing so.

When you hold back from expressing your opinion, you can quickly become seen as someone who’s not invested in the company or its success. In contrast, when you disagree respectfully, you demonstrate that you care about the company’s future. Your team will also more likely come up with better ideas when there are different perspectives.

Whenever you feel like you should keep your mouth shut, think again. Disagreeing more can benefit your career.

Get ahead

To move up the ladder, you need to be vocal and express your ideas—even if they’re not similar to everyone else’s. That’s how you can prove you’re capable of thinking and making decisions of your own. Of course, there’s a right and wrong way to disagree.

You want to be polite, but you also need to make sure your point is heard. So be assertive, but not aggressive. And above all, stay calm. If you can master the art of disagreeing more, you will be well on your way to advancing your career.

You will learn more

You see, when you have a dialogue that includes disagreements, you’re forced to listen to what the other person is saying. You’re not just trying to formulate a response; you’re taking in their point of view and trying to understand it.

And that’s a good thing because when you comprehend where the other person is coming from, you can find common ground. And from there, you can work together to come up with a solution that’s better for everyone involved.

Disagreeing shows you’re engaged
meeting in an open-plan office

Image Credits: unsplash.com

The next time you feel like you want to disagree with someone at work, go ahead and do it. But be prepared for the consequences. It can be a scary thing to put yourself out there, but it shows that you’re active and interested in the back-and-forth.

Disagreeing also shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your beliefs, and that can be a very powerful thing. It can also help you build relationships with your coworkers, as they will see that you’re willing to engage in healthy debates.

Disagreeing can make you look good

Have you heard of the saying, “there’s safety in numbers”? Well, that’s true when it comes to agreeing with everyone at work. But what if you disagree? What if you offer a dissimilar perspective because you’re different from the rest?

Well, it sets you apart from your other yes-man colleagues. You’re seen as someone willing to think for yourself, and that’s a valuable trait in the workplace. Plus, it shows that you’re not afraid to stand up for your convictions, even if they’re distinct from the norm.

So next time you feel like disagreeing with someone at work, go for it! You might be surprised at how well it can work in your favor. Just make sure that you disagree respectfully. No one likes a know-it-all, so be open to other people’s points of view, even if you don’t agree with them immediately.

When it comes to our careers, we’re often told that to get ahead, we need to be accommodating and agreeable. While this may be true to a certain extent, it’s also important to be able to disagree constructively and confidently. Disagreeing more can benefit your career. It can help you stand out from the competition and showcase your unique skills and abilities. Whenever you feel like you shouldn’t speak up or offer your opinion, remember that disagreeing can be a good thing when done wisely.