Sensible Strategies To Split Expenses with Your Partner

There is truth to the idiomatic expression – “it takes two to tango”. With a relationship that spans for nearly a decade, I came to realize that giving and taking is an essential element to success. Arriving at an agreeable place avoids potential conflicts from rising. Compromise is vital when it comes to financial matters.

Who would be primarily responsible to pay the bills or to account for outstanding debts? Use the following strategies to help you split the expenses.


Living together entails the discussion of bills, loans, and other expenses. The most concrete way to divide an expense is to split it in half. From groceries to rent, you may share the household responsibilities by contributing an equal amount of money.

Keep track of your purchases and bills by creating a document or a spreadsheet file. You may want to consider setting a monthly price threshold to avoid conflicts.


If you and your partner belong to similar salary divisions, the first strategy is beneficial. However, it can be difficult to split everything by 50-50 if you belong to both ends of the salary spectrum. Contributing S$1,000 per month to the household expenses may mean nothing to you. While, it can mean everything to others!

One of the most sustainable ways to conquer this situation is to contribute a certain percentage of your income. For instance, you can agree to allocate 30% of your income towards household expenses and other miscellanous. Both parters will be paying the same percentage to other expense categories such as utilities and transportation.


Some couples prefer to establish a joint account with a foundation of trust and mutual understanding. With this account, you may allocate a percentage for entertainment. Entertainment includes funds for hobbies as well as vacations. Maintaining an account to fund an expensive vacation allows you to team up to achieve a common financial goal.

Motivation is elevated as you work together. Furthermore, your dual streams of income widens the resources for your funds.


Another strategy that can be just as effective is separating the expense categories based on one’s financial capacity. You will be responsible to pay for specific bills from your own account or savings.

Under this strategy, each person remains their individual bank accounts and identifies which expense they are responsible for. According to Andrea Rizk, the founder and CEO of of Risk Public Relations, this arrangement maintains maximum financial independence.

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At the end of the day, you must choose a strategy that works well with your personalities and relationship dynamics.

Sources: 1 & 2


Going Head-to-Head With Your Financial Fears

Fear, a primitive human emotion, refers to the physiological and psychological response to threatening situations. The sources of fear may have evolved throughout the years, but I am putting focus on the Singaporean’s financial fears.


Unemployment is a global phenomenon. Our economy continues to narrow down jobs at an alarming rate. Do you know what is worse than that? Being unemployed in one of the most expensive cities in the world. Losing your job can trigger anxiety as it opens doors to uncertainty. However, you may conquer this fear by improving your “job seeking skills”.

A good place to start making connections is LinkedIn (i.e., a professional networking site). Moreover, you may ask your family and friends if they can recommend you to work for their companies. Do not hesitate to approach your resources!


Devastating and crippling – these two words are not enough to encapsulate what you will feel when a catastrophic event wipes out your entire fortune. The abundance of disaster stories on social media and on the paper media supports this fear. It is undeniable that the society highlights negative stories (e.g., bankruptcy, divorce, or scam) due to its significant impact.

How do you turn the tables around? For starters, you must assess whether your fear has supporting evidence or objective data. Moira Somers, a renowned Clinical Neuropsychologist, once said: “If you focus your energy on what you can control, then all of the things that you can’t control will have less of an impact if the worst were to happen.” Establish control by building a sufficient emergency fund and by reviewing your insurance policy coverage. Work with what you already have!


Getting swindled by an individual or a corporation is not something that you should take lightly! From soaring handphone scams to tempting dating scams, it is easy to fall prey to exploitation. Awareness of the process is the first step. You need to get involved in your financial plan.

Figure out your current monetary standing. Then, map out a future by setting at least 5 financial goals. You may even hire a professional adviser to understand the process better. Remember that getting rich does not happen overnight!


A recent government survey shed a light on the public’s attitudes toward marriage and parenthood. The participants were 2,940 singles and 2,861 married Singapore residents, ranging from 21 to 45 years old. Majority of the single participants intend to marry. Although, 6 in 10 are not dating with marriage in mind. Finding the right partner and diving into a serious relationship seems to be more challenging now. Thus, several people left the romantic game to chance.


When the cards of chance is not on your side, you may be considered as a woman who is “too old for marriage”. Some women are not comfortable with being an old maid. They believe that marriage is critical to fully supporting themselves. Overcome said fear by building a financial plan based on your income. The written projections show that you can rely on yourself for financial security.


Reality check, please! Property in Singapore is far from cheap. Younger generations of working Singaporeans are coming into the realization of how hefty housing has become. The prevailing sentiment among people in their thirties surround how unaffordable condominiums are and how costly HDB flats are.

Diminish your fear toward housing by determining how much you will need to save and invest for the future. Be sure to adjust for inflation.

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The first aid to your financial fears is strategic planning. Analyze your current financial circumstance and the supporting objective data. Make a plan that is reflective of this. Getting started is as easy as having a plan.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


FUNtastic Ideas To Spice Up Your Dates

I am not familiar about your dating habits, but predictability is not a part of my book! My significant other and I are actively browsing through online articles and asking for recommendations. We make it a point to “shake things up” every once in a while.

On that note, here are just some of the romantic and fantastic ideas that we have gathered throughout the years:

1. Let us start with a nostalgic date. Share your most intimate memories with your beloved by exchanging family albums. Then, reminisce the milestones you had as a couple by going back to where you first met.

2. Take the slang “Netflix and Chill” in its literal sense by streaming your favorite shows while indulging on ice cream. Eat as many ice cream flavors as you want! Personally, Ben & Jerry’s Cookie Dough is my guilty pleasure.

3. Stay in touch with your artsy side by attending craft workshops. From Calligraphy to Bento Box classes, there are many interesting workshops in Singapore! For starters, you can create a spectacular keepsake by Pottery Painting for as low as S$15 at Goodman Ceramic Studio.

4. Be the star of your own editorial by pretending to be famous photographers for a day. You can either take turns in modelling or find a stranger to do the work for you. Snap pictures of your model at the picturesque spots in Singapore (e.g., Haji Lane and National Gallery of Singapore are totally Instagram-worthy).

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5. Immerse yourself into the art of storytelling by attending poetry slams. Artists gather together to eloquently spread their messages out to the public. Considering reserving a free spot at the “Slam: A One Man Show by Neil Basu” on September 30 or October 1!

6. We might be known as a concrete city, but that does not mean that we lack furry companions! Spend a day with adorable felines as you drop by The Cat Cafe. Unlike other establishments, The Cat Cafe only charges for the entry fee of S$15 (i.e.,including a complimentary drink).

7. Aside from furry cuteness, you can get up close with over 100,000 marine animals at the S.E.A Aquarium. Be dazzled with one of the world’s largest acrylic panel that houses over 800 marine species. Their interactive displays will entertain you too! Prices for adults start at S$30 (T&Cs apply).

8. Celebrate your love for sultry Jazz music by visiting the Blu Jaz Cafe. The establishment hosts free-flowing jazz bands that are open to improvisations. Check out their menu to know how to keep your tummies full while you heart sings with glee!

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9. Reconnect with nature by visiting the highest pedestrian bridge in the country – the Henderson Waves. Jog in the Mount Faber Park before watching the sun set in this creative spiral bridge. The wonderful reflection of the the sun shall set the romantic mood for your outdoors date.

10. Inspire each other to reach the optimum physical health by joining fun runs or marathons. Engaging in these activities will not only give you a fitness boost, but it will also allow you to consistently motivate each other along the way.

11. Tired of seeing your partner glued to his or her gaming console? Well, you can ditch the virtual games and immerse yourselves in an intense reality game with Exit Plan. Exit Plan is a local escape room that offers thrilling rooms for friendly prices. Admission starts at S$15 for off-peak hours.

12. Strengthen your bond by revealing your inner self to your partner. Start by writing ten personal questions. Test how well your partner knows you by throwing said questions to him or her. The person who gets the highest score wins, while the loser will have to do a consequence.

Sources: 1 & 2


How To Balance Your Busy Work And Blossoming Romance

No one ever said that cultivating a successful career is easy. Throwing the element of romantic relationship into the mix may make things more challenging. But, you can survive it!


Many Singaporeans choose to shift all their resources to professional aspirations. There is nothing wrong with that. But, isn’t it more fulfilling to share your promotion with someone special?

For those of you who agreed, consider prioritizing both your work and your relationship. Prioritizing one thing over the other does not entail that you have to sacrifice entirely. It just means that you have to commit to temporal adjustments. Start by building a strong ground for both your professional and romantic life. When your employer and your significant other understand that they are mutually valuable, disruptions when priorities shift may not be a problem.


The capabilities of social media are not limited to sharing adorable cat videos to your friends. Its primary purpose is to reach out to the people whom you care for. Allotting a significant amount of time at the office in unavoidable. It is a part of your responsibility as an adult. However, ruining your relationship because you are occupied by your job is avoidable.

Spare at least five minutes to write a sweet message to your significant other via Facebook. You may even send a quick video on WhatsApp. Or, you may call each other before going to work. Simple gestures can make your partner feel appreciated, wanted, and loved. Furthermore, having someone’s support makes it easier to get through a busy day.


Managing your time is a crucial factor in creating a work-love balance. Personal issues can be avoided with a little forward planning. Let say that your career exhausts much of your time as it demands you to work long hours. As much as possible, plan a weekend getaway with your beloved. Do you fancy staying at these affordable and Instagram-worthy hostels in Singapore?

After this much-needed staycation, you will come back to the office energized. Spending your time wisely may show that you are both devoted to your career and your personal life.


More often than not, people stay committed to each other because they see a brighter future ahead. I am distinctly referring to couples who are in long-term relationships. Financial stability is important in strengthening the future that you want to build. Although the fantasy of winning the Singapore Pools Toto is attractive, but it can become a barrier to accomplishment.

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It is time to bring a reality check! Take serious steps toward financial stability. Write down your financial goals together and discuss your monthly expenses. Be aware of each other’s financial situation and current income.

Sources:  1 & 2


Bad Money Habits That You Need To Drop When In A Relationship

Maintaining a healthy relationship with your significant other entails stabilizing the disposition of your finances.

Read thru this article to know how bad monetary habits can potentially harm your relationship. Furthermore, you will get an idea on how to conquer these habits.


A healthy long-term relationship is built on trust and transparency. As things get serious with your partner and marriage becomes a viable option, consider discussing about finances. You need to resolve your potential spouse’s money problems before it is too late.

Fully disclosing about your financial circumstance to your partner can be uncomfortable at first but, you have to at least try. Tell your partner about your outstanding debts, financial obligations, income sources, and other assets. This will make you empathize with each other more. From time to time, do not forget to check if your goals are in lined with each other.


Improve your financial state this 2017 by establishing a robust budget. The budget that you created when you were single may be efficient, but you are now budgeting for two. Being in a committed relationship means that you have to take on more expenses with more resources. Begin by studying each other’s spending habits. Then, trim down unnecessary expenses after compromising. You may also adapt the budgeting techniques of your partner.

I, for one, allocate a small portion of my income to date nights. Let us face it! We belong in a generation where it is acceptable for women to split the tabs with their dates. Give this new perspective a chance as a loving relationship is a two-way street.


I know how much travelling can ease the stress of a hard working Singaporean. However, consistently deducting your romantic vacations on your credit card can take a toll on your wealth. Spending money that you do not have is a dangerous habit to possess. Imagine the arguments that boil down due to the frustration of not being able to meet up with the outstanding debts. This is why you must cultivate a travel fund in advance.


According to the internationally-acclaimed book by Gary Chapman, there are five ways to express your love to your partner. These five ways include gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, and acts of service. Understanding your partner’s love language will help you to strengthen your bond.

I am only going to focus on one love language – the gift giving. For people who place importance on the tangible symbols of affection, it is important to remember your special dates. You are bound to celebrate various occasions together such as anniversaries and birthdays. Not to mention, Valentine’s Day is coming up soon. Is your wallet ready?

It is a good idea to allocate a budget for gifts before buying one. Otherwise, you have to face budget trimming and other financial woes.


Secrecy is rarely beneficial to a relationship. Research showed that 1 in 10 people considered breaking up with their partners upon the discovery of a financial secret. Millennial participants were even less forgiving as reaped a figure of 1 in 5. These numbers convey how secrets can strain a “loving” relationship.

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The impact of keeping a monetary secret depends on the couple’s income, the item purchased, and the frequency of purchases. Another significant monetary secret is having a stash for escaping the relationship. Having undisclosed assets and secret bank accounts can affect the level of trust given by your partner. The primary source of damage is not money on its own, but it is the unpleasant habit of concealing the truth.

Sources: 1 & 2