Here’s another promo code you can use to enjoy discounts on your taxi ride!
ComfortDelGro has partnered Lazada to offer you a $5 off promo code that you can use to offset your taxi ride in conjunction with Lazada’s 11/11 Online Revolution Sale.
Simply enter the promo code “LAZRIDEAWAY” in your ComfortDelGro’s taxi booking app to enjoy the discount!
Valid for the first 2000 customers only from 11 – 13 Nov 16
* Editor’s note: There’s another promo code that is concurrently running until 14 Nov. Enjoy $5 off when you enter “FB5”. For more info, click here.
Promo code is valid for $5 off taxi fare per trip from 11 to 13 November 2016 and is limited to the first 2000 redemptions.
Promo code can only be redeemed one time per mobile number.
Promo code is applicable only for bookings made on ComfortDelGro Taxi App.
Promo code must be accurately entered into the “Promo Code” field and submitted together with the taxi booking for the ride to be entitled for the promotion.
Promo Code value will be deducted from the final taxi fare at the end of the taxi ride.
The passenger forfeits the ‘Promo Code’ entitlement once a confirmed taxi booking is cancelled.
ComfortDelGro Taxi reserves the right at its absolute discretion to terminate the promotion or vary, delete, add to any of these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice including without limitation the date of the promotion.
For more information, visit Comfort DelGro Cab Rewards(Lazada)
We are only just getting started with the promos. Here’s the next one to warm you up!
Book a taxi via the ComfortDelGro Taxi Booking App from 8 to 14 Nov, and enjoy $5 off your taxi fare when you enter promo code FB5! Limited to 1 redemption per mobile number and for the first 1000 bookings every day.