Why Are Millennials So Challenging to Manage?

Fully understanding how the minds of Millennials work is a near-impossible task! However, it is crucial to address a few generation-defining characteristics to help enhance your understanding.


Regardless of their co-workers’ relative seniority, level of education, or other remarkable accomplishments, Millennials view themselves and other generations as equals. You can either interpret this as a sign of entitlement or a sign of secured self-image. The perception of equivalence is partially rooted from the fact that they bring a unique skillset to the workplace, and they know it.

Millennials are fluent in technology compared to previous generations. Their recommendations often provide increased organizational efficiency, and they expect to be taken seriously for that.


Previous generations considered Millennials as more sensitive. A part of it is true and it’s not all bad. Millennials have low tolerance for injustice, disrespect, and hostility.

They are willing to speak up about the quality of their experiences (i.e., the good and bad) and are willing to apply compassion in what they do. Thus, they are aware of the harm inflicted by toxic management. They are wary of its risks including burnout and diminished performance arising from unsupportive working environments.


According to data from Gallup, 60% of Millennials are open to new job opportunities, making them the generation that is most likely to change jobs when they get the chance. Millennials are eager to climb the metaphorical ladder. They keep a constant eye out for professional growth.

The desire for professional growth may be influenced by social comparison and social media. From peers publishing their latest accomplishments on LinkedIn to the implicit follower counts on other platforms, Millennials often measure their accomplishments against their peers.


Millennials have seemingly insatiable craving for feedback and instant gratification. In response to technology, the Internet has become a background noise for constant positive and negative feedback. Beyond the noise, this generation has come to rely on crowd-sourced data to guide their every move.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Regardless of whether you are giving constructive feedback or compliments, it is important to understand their expectations about frequency when determining how to communicate with them in the workplace.


If you are concerned about how to manage them in the workplace, you need to learn how to communicate in a way that encourages them to stay open. For instance, you may start by saying: “I am going to be frank with you about your performance because I see your potential and I trust that you can handle this feedback.”

Using this strategy frames the feedback no matter how difficult it is to deliver. Moreover, it puts your employee in a position where being receptive to feedback affirms their reputation as a respectable peer. Additionally, you can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Millennials can be your greatest allies and your hardest working group of employees if you manage them correctly. Consider the generation-defining characteristics mentioned above to guide your leadership style!

Sources: 1 & 2


Going Online to Find the Right Job

job search

As many people will know from experience, trying to find the right job can be a real challenge these days. While there are plenty of career options that you can consider in Singapore, it is important to choose the right type of job for you based on your interests, qualifications, skills, and preferences. However, you also need to remember that there is a lot of competition for jobs in all industries these days, so you have to go the extra mile to find and get the job that is right for you.

The good news is that you can turn to internet technology these days if you want to find and get the right job. In fact, many people now head online in order to help them to find the right job in the ideal industry, and many even improve their skills and qualifications online in order to boost their chances of success. Whether you are looking for specialist jobs on a full-time basis or part time jobs in Singapore, going online can help. In this article, we will look at some of the reasons to go online to improve your chances of finding the ideal job.

Some of the Benefits of Going Online

There are many benefits of going online to find the ideal job, and this is why a lot of people go down this route. Some of the key ones are:

You Can Train Online

One of the key benefits of going online is that you can train and study to get into the perfect job. If you have researched the type of job you want, but you do not currently have the skills and qualifications required, there are plenty of educational and training facilities that you can access. This then means that you can gain the qualifications and develop the skills needed to get into your chosen field.

There Are Job Sites to Register With

Another of the benefits of going online is that there are now plenty of job agency sites that deal with jobs in all sorts of industries. You can save yourself a huge amount of time and inconvenience by registering your details on these sites along with information about the type of work and hours that you are looking for. The details of relevant jobs can then be emailed to you directly so that you can take a look and complete an application if you are interested.

You Can Complete Online Applications

One of the other key benefits that you can look forward to when you go online is the ability to complete and submit your application with total ease and convenience. You do not have to complete lengthy forms, use snail mail to send the application and supporting documents, and wait forever for a response. Everything can now be done electronically, which makes it faster and easier to apply for your chosen jobs.

These are just some of the many benefits that you can look forward to when you go online to find the right job.

By going online, you will find it easier to locate the right job, as you will not have to trawl advertisements when you register on job agency sites. In addition, you will be able to complete everything from your job search to the application without any issues and from the comfort of your own home.

With the internet becoming a hugely popular platform for employers, you will also be able to benefit from greater choice when you go online to look for work. This then makes it easier for you to find the ideal position for your needs.



MOE Teachers and Allied Educators to Get up to 10% Salary Increase from October 1

Over 37,000 Ministry of Education (MOE) teachers, allied educators, and kindergarten teachers will get a 5 to 10 percent increase in their monthly salary from October 1, according to MOE. In a press release last August 16, MOE said that 35,000 education officers, 1,600 allied educators, and 800 preschool teachers in MOE-run kindergartens will receive the pay bumps.

The salaries for teachers and allied educators were previously reviewed in 2015, while the scheme for preschool teachers in MOE-run kindergartens was last introduced in 2019. MOE’s current move will ensure that the educators’ overall salary packages remain competitive, so that it can continue to attract and retain good educators.

Aside from this, the 30-year retention plan for teachers will also be enhanced. Moreover, teachers who do not hold key personnel appointments could also be eligible for a higher salary ceiling from next year, with the introduction of a general education officer (GEO) 5A substantive grade.


MOE’s 30-year retention plan for education officers, also known as the CONNECT Plan, will also be enhanced by about 20% from next year. Currently, a flat rate quantum between $3,200 and $8,320 is set aside for officers each year. The amount depends on their length of service. Payouts comprising a portion of the money accumulated are given every 3 to 5 years of their career.

From 2023, MOE said that the annual deposit quantum and payout ratio will be increased to better support the education officers in the earlier years of their career.


To better recognize the contributions of well-performing teachers who do not hold key personnel appointments (e.g., subject head or senior teacher), MOE will also establish a new general education officer (GEO) 5A substantive grade from 2023.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

MOE highlights that “teachers are the core of our education system”, which is why the Ministry will continue to provide opportunities for educators to learn and develop themselves throughout their careers.

“This includes providing in-service courses to help teachers deepen their content mastery and pedagogy, as well as exposing teachers to diverse experiences outside the classroom through external work attachments,” said the Ministry.

Sources: 1 & 2


Why Celebrating Small Triumphs Matter

Of all the things that can increase inner professional life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work. Celebrating small wins can give you the boost you need to be reminded that you are constantly making steady progress. Furthermore, it highlights that you are not behind on your goals and that what you are doing is enough.

This is how it works:

Action –> Result –> Feeling good –> More action –> Continued result

Small triumphs come in exist in different forms such as learning a new language, helping others in need, witnessing growth in a houseplant, working out for the first time, and cooking with ingredients that you grew yourself. Celebrate these small triumphs using the following creative ways.


There is an urgency culture that exists in our current society. We often hear “hurry”, “be quick”, or “too late”. It is no wonder that many people find it hard to rest.

Rest is vital. You earned a day off! We are not meant to be rushing all the time. Having a personal day will help avoid burnout, realign your goals, and prioritize self-care.


Create a group chat where you and your friends can share work-related stories of successes and failures. When anyone shares a small triumph with the group, you can react in a celebratory fashion. If you are having an unpleasant day, your friends can provide you support and understanding.


Bust out your journal and write down all your feelings regarding your progress. Do not forget to include the important details of your triumph such as the issue that you solved. You can use this journal entry to motivate you or to help you land the coveted promotion.

Related Article: Celebrate These “Small” Financial Achievements


Acknowledging your progress requires a change in your thinking. It is alright if you fail to produce the results you want or if you make mistakes along the way. If you are doing something to make a progress, you should be proud of yourself.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Singapore’s longest-running annual sale called GSS ran from June 6 to July 7, 2021. During this period, Singaporeans were able to pamper themselves while enjoying great deals. A good way to reward yourself is to get a simple gift.

Whether you want to purchase a box of cupcakes or a new shirt, preferences will play a role in what is perceived as valuable. Remember that the value of the gift must be congruent with your point of progress.


You need to learn how to win consistently to make progress on a daily basis. This can be accomplished by using helpful habits. These habits come naturally to you because you have programmed your mind and body. Thus, you must strive to establish habits that ensure daily wins.

It is essential to acknowledge and celebrate your small triumphs to fuel your mental strength and keep going despite what you are facing. These triumphs will help you lean into the joy of why you are doing what you are doing.

Sources: 1 & 2


How to Nail Your Exit Interview

Exit interviews are conducted by the employer or the HR personnel to learn more about the position and the reasons for turnover. The organization wants to know why you are leaving. Moreover, they want to take it as an opportunity to think critically about your experience. Use this to provide feedback and suggestions.

What did you learn from your position? How might the organization improve? Here are some things to keep in mind.


Jobs play a huge role in our lives. Leaving a job can stir a pot of strong emotions. So, it is best to prepare. Treat the exit interview like any other interview by practicing your answers. Anticipate the questions and research the possible answers.


Regardless of your experience, you need to find something good about it. Perhaps, you learned a new skill from your boss or had incredible workmates. This is the time to be specific about the people who helped you along the way.


Be honest and calculated when it comes to answering the exit interview questions. Consider the following sample answers.

a. Why are you leaving?

“I really enjoyed working here and learned a lot over the course of my employment. However, I found a job with more opportunities for growth. It is time for me to go in a different direction.”

b. How do you feel about the management?

“Overall, I am grateful and satisfied with how the management guided me with the position. However, there is always room for improvement. Management sometimes overlooked the ways they could utilize my role and I felt stagnant. You can empower the employees more by encouraging innovative ideas and providing new tasks that will ignite their creativity.”

c. Did you receive proper and adequate training?

“The best thing you can do for the new hires is to make sure that they understand their roles and supply them with tools to perform their job well. You can also incorporate the discussion of career enrichment in the onboarding process.

Personally, I did not always feel that the resources were enough for me to do the job well. I think new hires can benefit from more frequent training. To fully prepare new employees to meet the company’s expectations, management might consider additional training for them. Current employees may also get refresher courses to maximize their abilities.”

d. Would you recommend the company to others?

If your answer is yes, please explained why you want to genuinely endorse them to your friends and family members. If your answer is no, you can consider the sample answer below.

“If someone asked me if they should apply here, I would ask them to elaborate their background and preferred work environments. This organization may not be suitable for everyone, but it could really work well for certain people.”

Image Credits: pixabay.com

On an employee’s last day, the organization wants to gain context around why an employee is leaving.

End the exit interview conversation by wishing everyone well and by opening doors for (potential) return.

Sources: 1 & 2