I can vividly recall the rush of emotions that I felt upon receiving a pleasant message from an esteemed insurance company. At the crack of dawn, the HR department of the international company emailed me to meet up for an interview. I immediately agreed to a job interview at Raffles Place.
This was not my first rodeo, but I was overly excited. I had been dreaming about becoming a party of this company for the longest time. Unbeknownst to me, being overeager was a part of my downfall. You will come to that conclusion later on.
On the day of my interview, I solely entered a spacious room. The recruiter came in and handed me with two Psychological tests. With my background in Psychology and human behavior, you may think that these tests are easy to accomplish. I knew how to answer in a manner that is both genuine and acceptable. However, I was too excited that my mind blacked out she stated the instructions. The tangible gravity of the reality overwhelmed my spirit! She had to repeat the instructions again because I committed several errors. The situation was embarrassing! I compensated by extending our chatter. The excessive conversations made me seem desperate. Needless to say, I did not land the coveted job.
Although the recruiter did not mention the reasons why I got rejected, most of our application rejections are due to basic issues. This is why you must avoid these certain mistakes: being overeager, including documentation errors, and not caring about personal appearance.
The scenario that I shared above is a prime example of the negative consequences that can spring from being too eager and excited. Much like speed dating, a candidate that seems too desperate is a major turnoff. Constantly calling or emailing for updates is a waste of the recruiter’s time. Remain calm and wait patiently for a call back.
Secondly, most people commit typographical errors in printed and written documents. Even professionals cannot escape this wrongful pit!
While I was scanning through my old emails, I noticed that I misspelled a couple of simple words (e.g., “the” became “teh”) in an old application. This happened long before I started to make a living out of writing articles. However, its value holds true until today. The materials that you submitted signify an impression. This is why you must give a substantial amount of time to proofread or revise everything. For handwritten forms, do not forget to do the “i’s” and cross the “t’s”. Pay attention to details!
Lastly, you must dress to impress. Let us face it! We live in a relatively superficial world where physical appearance plays a huge part in our interactions. A recent study even highlighted that tall people get paid more. Look professional during an interview by dressing appropriately. Show that you respect the position that you are vying for by properly grooming yourself. Add a tad of moderate make-up if needed.
Image Credits: pixabay.com
We all learn from our personal experiences and job interviews are no different!