Why I Failed At My Previous Job Interviews

I can vividly recall the rush of emotions that I felt upon receiving a pleasant message from an esteemed insurance company. At the crack of dawn, the HR department of the international company emailed me to meet up for an interview. I immediately agreed to a job interview at Raffles Place.

This was not my first rodeo, but I was overly excited. I had been dreaming about becoming a party of this company for the longest time. Unbeknownst to me, being overeager was a part of my downfall. You will come to that conclusion later on.

On the day of my interview, I solely entered a spacious room. The recruiter came in and handed me with two Psychological tests. With my background in Psychology and human behavior, you may think that these tests are easy to accomplish. I knew how to answer in a manner that is both genuine and acceptable. However, I was too excited that my mind blacked out she stated the instructions. The tangible gravity of the reality overwhelmed my spirit! She had to repeat the instructions again because I committed several errors. The situation was embarrassing! I compensated by extending our chatter. The excessive conversations made me seem desperate. Needless to say, I did not land the coveted job.

Although the recruiter did not mention the reasons why I got rejected, most of our application rejections are due to basic issues. This is why you must avoid these certain mistakes: being overeager, including documentation errors, and not caring about personal appearance.

The scenario that I shared above is a prime example of the negative consequences that can spring from being too eager and excited. Much like speed dating, a candidate that seems too desperate is a major turnoff. Constantly calling or emailing for updates is a waste of the recruiter’s time. Remain calm and wait patiently for a call back.

Secondly, most people commit typographical errors in printed and written documents. Even professionals cannot escape this wrongful pit!

While I was scanning through my old emails, I noticed that I misspelled a couple of simple words (e.g., “the” became “teh”) in an old application. This happened long before I started to make a living out of writing articles. However, its value holds true until today. The materials that you submitted signify an impression. This is why you must give a substantial amount of time to proofread or revise everything. For handwritten forms, do not forget to do the “i’s” and cross the “t’s”. Pay attention to details!

Lastly, you must dress to impress. Let us face it! We live in a relatively superficial world where physical appearance plays a huge part in our interactions. A recent study even highlighted that tall people get paid more. Look professional during an interview by dressing appropriately. Show that you respect the position that you are vying for by properly grooming yourself. Add a tad of moderate make-up if needed.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

We all learn from our personal experiences and job interviews are no different!

Sources: 1 & 2


Make A Lasting Impression To Land Your Dream Job

The minute that you walk into the door, the pressure is on! You have to make a standout first impression.

Be remembered in the best way possible with these helpful tips:


Whether you are in favor of it or not, we live in a society where we are constantly judged by how we look and how we carry ourselves. This is why it is important to dress for success before entering the interview room.

For women, it is recommended to wear moderate makeup. Women who decorate their faces with makeup seemed to rank higher in trustworthiness and competence according to several studies. Moreover, a study in the American Economic Review found that women who wore makeup made 30% more than their co-workers who did not wear makeup.

For men, appearing to workout regularly makes boosts your appeal. Topping it off with the sleek clothes that you are comfortable with can affect the way that people perceive you.


As a sign of politeness, handshakes are internationally accepted and encouraged. Start the interview with a bang by having a firm handshake that lasts for 2-5 seconds. A firm handshake is in between the incredibly tight and limp handshakes. You want to convey that you are confident and excited.


It is ideal to arrive about 10 minutes in advance for an interview. This allowance will give you enough time to settle in, calm your nerves, and lounge at the reception area. Arriving too early makes you seem excessively eager. On the other hand, arriving late for an interviews makes you seem unreliable and irresponsible. You do not want that!

Commit to the optimum time by visiting the location before the big day. Identify the appropriate travel time and adjust your schedule.


Many individuals are very much prepared for the different interview questions. They have wonderful ideas and significant points to impart. However, some of these people speak either softly or loudly. These candidates tend to be skipped or overlooked.

Give your interviewer a reason to listen to you by speaking calmly and confidently. Interestingly, studies have shown that people who talk in a deeper voice are taken more seriously.


Acting that you are curious and interested can help you engage the attention of the interviewer. Share your ideas and experiences.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Then, ask stimulating questions to learn more about the organization. Doing so will help you determine whether you must pursue the position or not.

Sources: 1 & 2


Practical Ways To Stand Out As An Exceptional Employee

There is more to an exceptional employee than mere attention to detail and laser focus!


You are happily employed at a small-scale advertising firm along with 8 employees. Your boss decided to gather all of you to discuss about the reinvention of your website. He asked your opinions about the potential problems that can occur with this shift. You raised a couple of issues including the lack of stock images. You immediately suggested to organize a cost-efficient photoshoot. Your boss was impressed!

As you can see, there is a fine line between highlighting and complaining about an issue. Pointing out the issue helps to get the attention of the people involved. However, it must not end there. You have to come up with realistic solutions to conquer the problems.


In my experience, there is always that one employee who exudes a pessimistic mindset in the workplace. It can lead to lack of motivation and poor work etiquette. Negative thinking may also start to rub off on other employees and reduce the overall productivity. It is important to find ways to handle the pessimistic employees.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

It is impossible to live in a world where conflicts do not exist. Stressful days are bound to occur as you need to meet the deadlines and work on a strict budget. Despite the emergence of these days, it helps to remain positive. A resilient employee is able to stay optimistic about the future and encourage others to share the same mindset even during the most difficult circumstance.


On a different scenario, imagine that you are a contributing writer for a large-scale lifestyle website. The boss assigns your daily topics but, you are free to come up with your own ideas. Your interaction with the team made you realize that your boss is passionate about Golf. You decided to do your research about the distinct sport. You wrote an article about it and handed it to your boss on the next day. Furthermore, you included 3 more topics that focused on the current trends in Singapore. Your boss was shocked – in a good way!

Outstanding employees do not wait for the tasks to be assigned. If there is an urgent need, they act upon it appropriately. They are proactive in other areas including communication. Instead of responding to a selected few about a project, they keep the whole team in the loop.


I witnessed a petty office brawl between two supervisors before. They came from divergent departments and each of them had a point. However, the other one was fueled with aggression and took things personally. A mediator had to break the tension between them. Obviously, you must deal with the same situation in a mature manner.

Exceptional employees are able to tolerate conflicts and take constructive criticisms. Instead of displacing the blame to other people, accept the idea that you need to make some changes.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Committing a mistake is not a mark of a poor employee – failing to adapt is.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


You Snooze, You Lose: How Missing Opportunities Can Cost You

If you are not knowledgeable about the existence of English idioms, I bet you are wondering about the meaning behind the title.

What is it with me and my adoration for idiomatic expressions? For starters, most writers dance with the words to choreograph deeper stories. My fondness for the underlying meanings attracted me to this type of phrases. Let us go back to the matter at hand.

“You snooze, you lose” pertains to the rationale that waiting too long for an opportunity can result to not gaining what you want or to the success of someone else. Someone else can beat you at opening the doors of great possibilities if you let things slide. I cannot blame you! It is usually difficult to pinpoint if a certain opportunity can bring future rewards.

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

If you had a fortune-telling ability or a magic crystal ball then, you could envision whether your decision is a clever move or a huge mistake. That sounds undeniably useful when used with precaution. However, it is far from reality! Just take a moment to reflect upon the missed opportunities at the tech industry. I will start with a story that is close to social media addict’s heart.

Facebook giant Mark Zuckerberg once invited five people to participate in his upcoming business venture. About a decade ago, only two people showed up. These two people namely Dustin Moskovitz and Eduardo Saverin are billionaires today. I can only imagine the impact of Facebook’s success to these three close-minded people.

The next story highlights a relevant brand in today’s culture – the Apple. Steve Jobs offered his boss, the Atari Founder Nolan Bushnell, a chance to invest US$50,000 (about S$67,000) to Apple. He let the opportunity pass by. If he accepted the offer, he would have owned a third of the company. Its market value now is about US$535 billion (about S$724 billion).

Turning down an innovative idea may cost you. But, what is worse than taking a conscious effort to say “NO”? Doing nothing!

Indifference toward an opportunity has its consequences and sometimes these consequences exceed that of a bad decision. For instance, Amy hired a financial consultant to help manage her trendy restaurant. The financial consultant exhausted all his resources to search the most profitable location for a new branch. Despite the priceless efforts that the financial consultant gave, Amy opted to do nothing about it. Among her reasons for indecision was lack of time to discuss about the matter. This can potentially cost affect the entire brand.

Aside from close-mindedness and indecisiveness, there are other ways to dodge a shining opportunity. Do yourself a favor and beware of these instances:

a. by beginning with a negative mindset or a wrong goal in mind,
b. by not being persuasive enough to make a recommendation,
c. by not doing sufficient research on the company you are applying for, and
d. by ignoring your online reputation.

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Image Credits: www.pixabay.com

Analyze the situation and make a calculated decision when a blossoming chance comes along. The expense of missed opportunity can be exorbitant to your job performance, work relationships, credibility, and wealth. Do not risk these things due to indecisiveness and close-mindedness.

Sources: 1, 2, 3


Time Is Money: Importance Of Punctuality In The Workplace

One cannot simply deny that time is among the most valuable commodities on Earth. The idiomatic expression of “time is money” was first recorded in 1572. Time was seen as a finite resource that shall not be wasted since then. We must complete tasks as quickly as possible because time is irreplaceable. You can always stream shows online but, you can never bring back time.

The nature of time is understood in diverse ways by different cultures. Generally speaking, the manner that the Southern Europeans perceive time opposes how Americans and Asians perceive it. Southern Europeans put more weight on multi-activity. They will feel more fulfilled if they accomplished more things simultaneously. Setting appointments is less important than living in the present moment.

On the other end of the spectrum, Americans put more weight on linear activity. In a capitalistic society, time is considered as a fast flowing and precious currency. You have to take immediate actions if you want to benefit from its passing.

For Asians, I am only focusing on the Japanese and Singaporeans. Japanese are globally renowned for their punctuality and ability to commit. They have a high degree of predictability and consistency. This is why you must not bring “surprises” (e.g., hidden costs) during a business deal.

Lastly, Singaporeans practice courtesy most of the times. One of the cultural values we possess is the potent adherence to hierarchical relationships in the society. This is partly influenced by the Confucian teaching. A good way to maintain courtesy and respect toward our superiors is by honoring their time.

Fortifying Timekeeping In The Workplace

Timekeeping is an important skill to practice in the workplace. A dimension of timekeeping is punctuality. What is special about punctuality is that it can communicate a basket of positive characteristics to your superiors, subordinates, and peers. It creates initial and long-lasting impressions.

At first glance, it manifests that you are dedicated to your position and that you controlled the responsibility handed over to you. Punctuality is crucial to efficiently finishing assignments and projects. Sticking with the deadlines assures your clients that they can depend on you to get the job done.

In the long run, punctuality acts as a sign of professionalism. In an interdependent working environment (seen in many Singaporean firms), you must do your own part so that things can run smoothly. Can you imagine how many patients will suffer if the resident Physicians were an hour late to the hospital? The nurses are not equipped to do some of their tasks.

Aside from the impressions, punctuality has team and personal effects. You can display that you are a great team-player when you arrive on time for meetings and shifts. The way that you value your time demonstrates your respect for your colleagues and clients. Let us be honest! It is usually frustrating to cover for someone’s shift with no valid reasons.

Lastly, punctuality is beneficial due to its personal effects of building discipline and self-confidence. Discipline is a result of constantly paying attention to your tasks and organizing your time based on your priorities. While self-confidence is shaped by mastery. The more promises and tasks you fulfill, the more you will believe in your own capabilities.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

May you begin to realize that timekeeping is essential in the workplace. Stand out from the crowd and assure your employer that you are worth keeping by being punctual!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4