Highest-Paying Jobs For Fresh Graduates Of Singapore

For individuals who are in a serious search for a management consulting firm with global grasp, Hay Group is a viable option. Hay Group aims to transform your company’s distinct strategy into coveted reality. It makes things possible by developing and motivating talent to be more efficient at the workplace. In its relatively recent survey, this firm tackled the salary expectations of approximately ninety-five organizations in Singapore.

The aptly called “Fresh Graduate Pay Survey” found the average monthly salary for degree holders without Honors, with Second-Lower Honors, and with Second-Upper honors. The 2014 starting salary for these said categories were $2,741, $2,853, and $2,939 respectively. Furthermore, the researchers showed that the employers were likely to pay more for degree holders than for mere diploma holders. The gap in credentials and certificates is understandable as the country poses importance in education.

The highest-paying positions for diploma holders were in the industry of Engineering, Marketing, Administration or Support, and Information Technology. Diploma holders holding positions in the field of Engineering had an average salary of $1,976. While, diploma holders in the Marketing field had an average salary of $1,938. If you are planning to reap an administrative or client’s support position as a diploma holder, you will likely to have a salary of $1,925. Lastly, diploma holders in the Information Technology industry can expect a salary of $1,920.

Let us dive into the highest-paying positions for degree holders. The top four slot belongs to Project Management. The average starting pay for this position as a degree holder without Honors is $2,813. Project managers oversee and document most of the aspects of a certain project.

The third spot belongs to the field of Information Technology (IT). Many of my friends have spouses who thrive in this fast-paced scene. You see, IT has a myriad of offerings including programmer, systems analyst, and software engineer. Find one that fits your preference and expertise. Know that the average starting pay for this position as a degree holder without Honors is $2,816.

The Legal positions still holds a sense of prestige next to becoming a certified physician. There has been a shortage of fresh law graduates, which is why possessing a law degree is easily attractive. The average starting pay for this position as a degree holder without Honors is $2,856.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

As a specialized degree, it is no wonder that fresh engineering graduates earn the highest median salary ($2,888) of among the list.

The main takeaway from this research is the fact that the primary motivation of the fresh graduates is not the salary. Most of the participants highlight thirst for the accelerated career development as money will follow. Cultivating the aspects of the well-being such as autonomy and self-expression in the workplace is a must.


5 Significant Signs That You Aren’t Right For The Job

Not everyone is blessed with their ideal occupation. However, you should not spend most of your life enduring a job that you are not satisfied with. I hope that you long-term goal is to secure a position that suits your personality and lifestyle.

On that note, here are five telltale signs that you are not suited for the job.


As a university student, I had a friend who waited tables during the term break. He was transparent about his working experience. He said that he had no prior experience related to this. His fellow waiters were happy to receive decent incentives. However, he often receives poor customer comments and lower tips. The consistent negativity surrounding his performance took a toll on his confidence. Needless to say, he stopped working for that restaurant.

Let us look at the situation with shiny “objective lenses”. I knew my friend’s work ethics were good based on our group assignments. The constant negative feedback might not be due to his work ethics. And, the entire restaurant is not conspiring against him!

The solution is simple – being honest. He needs to be honest with himself. His knowledge and skills were just not suited for the job.


If you are looking for distinct “red flags” that you are not suited for your position…look no further! One of the first few flags that you may notice is your lack of motivation. When you cannot seem to complete all your tasks, this indicates that something is incredibly wrong.

Are you blankly staring at the tremendous deadlines? Or, perhaps you feel that every project seems pointless? Recognize the lapses in your motivation levels and address it.


Roughly 50% of the participants left the job to get away from their bosses, a study found. Whether you want to admit it or not, your relationship with the boss plays a pivotal role in your work experience. Tension may rise in several areas including employee autonomy, corporate social responsibility, leadership styles, and methods of communication. A horrible boss can make your job miserable no matter how much you enjoy its scope.

The initial interview is the perfect place to start. If you realized that your potential boss’s values and approach does not mesh with your personality, there is a significant chance that you will end up unfit for the job.


As a child, I used to play the game called “The Boat Is Sinking”. The premise of the game can be easily absorbed. The game-master dictates how many passengers can board the boat. He or she can mutter any number, as long as the people present are sufficient (e.g., group yourselves into 2). The game ends when most people were booted out and the winners unite. Picture this game as it is parallel with the workplace dynamics.

In the workplace, we have a tendency to create divisions. You gravitate towards the group whom you trust. If your group or organization is in one page and you are in another, it may be time to explore change. Otherwise, your ideas may be completely ignored. Not identifying with the vision of the organization endangers the person-position match.


Employees who successfully fit the bill play to their own strengths. Whatever they are doing comes naturally to them. For the ill-fitted employees, tasks require more effort and energy. Their roles ask for strong attention to details and ability to follow precise instructions. They may feel like their job becomes stagnant or robotic.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Constantly feeling dragged to go to work or feeling overwhelmed by your tasks can be a hint of unhappiness. Please address the situation.

Sources:1, 2, &  3


How To Appear More Professional At Work

The truth is, no one is perfect! There will be days when you feel consumed by the weight of your work. In the fast-paced Lion City, there are several reasons why you may feel dragged. Perhaps you lack confidence on the management or you are too tired from yesterday’s night shift. Similar events can take a toll on your performance.

Fortunately for you, there are several steps to boost your professional image. You read that right! You can appear confident and motivated in the workplace, regardless of how you feel on the inside.


A night before you go to the office, the first step is to ensure that you wear an appropriate attire. Portraying a professional exterior is not limited to following the strict dress code. Your choice of clothing conveys your approach to work. If you want people to take you seriously, steer away from baggy pants or indiscreet dresses. These ill-fitting articles of clothing may convey the wrong impression to your employer and your clients. Opt for tailored pieces instead.

A sharp look can only be achieved if you pull it all together. This is why you must pay attention to minor details such as the wrinkles on your top or the loose threads on your trousers. Noticing these small details shows that you are likely to see the bigger picture when faced with certain situations at the workplace.


As Don Marquis, an American novelist and poet, once said: Punctuality is one of the cardinal business virtues.” He believed that punctuality must always be insisted on one’s subordinates. I cannot agree more! It is a virtue that exudes your respect towards the people around you.

If you are expected to be in the office by 9 am, arrive before 8:50 am. If your lunch break is at noon, ensure that you will be back by 1 pm. Punctuality manifests that you are motivated to accomplish your tasks. Make it a habit to be on time!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Adding an email signature is the quickest way to show that you are communicating on a professional level. I am referring to the salutations that dictate your departure. It not only provides information for future reference, but it also differentiates your message from the spams.

A simple format includes your full name, your position, your contact number, and the company you work for. You may choose to make your email signature using inexpensive generators like NEWOLDSTAMP and HubSpot.


As your employer makes his rounds, he will notice the assembly of your desk. Scattered rubbish and excess litter can make your employer feel that you are distracted. It is best to keep things tidy! Start by organizing the items on your desk. Then, put the important papers in the labeled drawers or in the computer’s folders. Doing so will help you to stay on top of your projects or tasks.

Having a neat desk may seem like you have everything under control, even if you do not.


Seeking constructive feedback from your superior and your co-workers is the last step. The mere act of being critique sounds scary. However, it will help your performance in the long run. Getting feedback demonstrates that you care about your job and you desire to succeed in it.

Instead of focusing on what you did wrong, focus on your strengths and the areas that you can improve on.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Professionalism refers to having the skills and the competence expected from an employee like you. The way you present yourself influences the level of professionalism that you exude. It is challenging to remain professional every minute of the day, but it gets easier when you make it a habit. Start with the relatively significant changes mentioned above.

Sources: 1 & 2


How To Ace A Last-Minute Job Interview

A few days ago, my friend approached me with a career dilemma. He needs to prepare for two consecutive interviews in less than 20 hours. Rescheduling was not an option as he enthusiastically agreed to both parties. He managed to move his schedule around to have a day off. But, will he be able to handle the pressure of two companies that are vying for his attention?

The answer is YES! It is possible to survive this significant day.

All he had to do was to maximize his limited time. This is what I recommended him to do:


As with most things in life, it pays to come prepared. Spare at least 10 minutes of your time to research about the company and the position that you are applying for. Review the company’s visions, objectives, locations, awards, and offerings (products or services) with a fine-tooth comb. You must have a system of thorough searching for keywords that you may highlight on the interview.

Moreover, it is crucial to read about the responsibilities and characteristics of the ideal candidate. Visualize yourself as a Sales Associate applicant for Honda Singapore. You managed to browse through the company’s social profile and official website. It paid off as you were asked about the new Honda Accord. A less informed applicant will not be able to answer the questions correctly.

Image Credits: facebook.com/HondaSingapore

Image Credits: facebook.com/HondaSingapore


What factors differentiate you from your competitors? The answers on your mind are your Unique Selling Points (UPS). In the entrepreneurial sense, UPS refers to the qualities that a certain brand has and others don’t. Focus on your personal skills and other qualifications that other candidates are less likely to have.

Your blogging skills may come in handy when making narratives as a teacher. And, your communication skills may help you fit into an office with diverse employees. Put emphasis on these stellar qualities to make a lasting impression during your interview.


What is worse than having limited time to prepare? Well, not being able to reach your destination because you were lost. This is why you must get the accurate location of your interview. Do not forget to leave early to cushion unforeseen events (e.g., traffic jam or MRT breakdown) that may consume your time. Use the navigation app called Waze, if necessary!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

For a hassle-free interview, know the name and the contact details (i.e., handphone number or email) of the interviewer beforehand.

Sources: 1,  2 , & 3


Are Sick Leaves Rewardable Or Punishable?

More often than not, Singaporean companies offer a sick leave policy. The sick leave policy is crafted to provide salary and position continuation in the event of illness, injury, or hospitalization. Some of its forms translate to paid hospitalization leave and medical reimbursement. The necessary absence must be backed by a company doctor, company-approved doctor, or government doctor.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

This policy has a myriad of benefits. For starters, employees do not have to worry about losing money when the inevitable happens. Its mere existence can boost employee satisfaction. Moreover, it isolates the contamination of the illness. Sick employees will not have a chance to infect more people in the office.

Due to the buzz-worthy complaints by some Singapore Airlines cabin crew, issues surrounding this policy was in the limelight in the recent days. A Straits Times report showed that said crew members allegedly lost incentive points when they submit medical certificates (MC) for common ailments like colds or cough.

Is this a flaw in the company’s current sick leave system?

Well, the Director of Talent Acquisition at Quantum Leap Career Consultancy had his own take. Mr. Alvin Ang said: “I don’t think this is the right thing to do. You are using something which instills fear.”

One thing is for sure, this system is rare! Fear may be triggered due to the tangible sense of lower incentives. Employees must work towards a goal of minimizing their MC. It sends an intriguing message that we can control when we get ill. Since we do not have supernatural powers, some persistent employees turn up to work despite their alarming conditions.

Let us get down to business!

From the entrepreneurial standpoint, the primary problem that companies face is the loss of production. Loss of production happens when the employee was not able to accomplish his or her output for the day. Part-timers and interns may step up, but this will lead to reductions in their valued time. The added hassle leads to the loss of money.

In addition, co-workers who constantly have to cover for the sickly employee can develop personal resentment over the situation. Take note of this! This moral flaw in the work culture may hurt the company in the long run.

The final boiling problem rises from the employees who are less than honest about their health condition and personal lives. Say company Alpha has no robust sick leave policy in place. The company has an employee who submits MC twice a week. The employer cannot simply deduct the day from the employee’s salary due to the nature of the contract.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Fortunately for you, there are many ways to fight against the employees who are abusing their allotted sick leaves. A sensible step to take is to examine the existing policy. Determine if you need to tweak some words, which encourage unscheduled absenteeism. Policies requiring the employee to file a report why they missed work may be helpful.

You may also confront the employee before things get out of hand. Privately discuss the reasons why he or she missed so much days. Support your claims by keeping a record of everyone’s attendance. Interview his or her peers if necessary.

Lastly, you must contemplate on the possibility of impaired mental health. Is your employee suffering from Psychological issues such as alcoholism or substance abuse? Consider providing counselling in your medical benefits.