Energizing Breakfast Meals For Busy Singaporeans

When it comes to preparing breakfast meals, the options are endless. Adding pressure in time and health in the mix can narrow things down. So stay alert and sharp with these four meals:


To ace a job interview, it is crucial to leave a lasting impression. Exude enthusiasm while answering the interviewer’s questions by eating a protein-packed breakfast. Egg has about five grams of protein along with other vitamins and minerals. It also contains choline, which may delay your fatigue.

If you are feeling a bit fancy, you may add some smoked salmon in your omelet. The Omega-3 in salmon will help you sharpen your concentration. Save some time by purchasing the marinated salmon at the nearby grocery.


Put a healthy spin on the classic peanut butter toast by adding chopped bananas and a dash of chia seeds. The fusion of banana and peanut butter spread will make your stomach feel easily satisfied. Furthermore, chia seeds are rich in dietary fiber and protein! Your body needs all these to keep your mind pumping as you start an early meeting with the board members.

Worry not about the accessibility of organic chia seed as you can get a S$19-bag at FairPrice.


In Singapore, it is common to encounter a co-worker or a friend who juggles a full-time and a part-time job. Having overlapping deadlines can be stressful for these people. The keep to keeping your mind calm under stress is consuming folate. Folate and vitamin K are present in avocado.

Prepare a quick meal by mashing an avocado and spreading it across a whole grain bread. Add two “sunny-side up” eggs for a well-rounded breakfast. Then, finish it off by sprinkling some salt and pepper.


Congratulations! Your boss finally entrusted you with presenting a proposal to your important clients. Speaking in front of a “demanding” panel can make your stomach growl with extreme nervousness. What must you do?

Make a cup of plain yogurt your morning staple. Yogurt helps in boosting your energy and digestion. Look for a brand with no added sugar or flavors to avoid stomach irritation. You may add fresh fruits if you want.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

One serving can cost you about S$4 or less!

Sources: 1 & 2


Advantages & Disadvantages Of Sharing Your Salary Information

Conversations about money in our deeply rooted Asian culture needs to be handled delicately. You must discuss your earnings in a strategic manner. It does not matter if you are sharing your salary information to your closest friends or trusted parents!

Do take note of these advantages and disadvantages:



Whether you want to believe it or not, salary transparency is a valuable tool to have in the workplace dynamics. Employers are highly encouraged to open up about how the compensation and benefits are determined. This will make the employees feel that they are being paid fairly. Moreover, it boosts job satisfaction and aids in employee retention.

Salary is the most common reason why individuals leave their positions. However, you may feel underpaid when you are actually not! Employers can avoid this scenario by increasing the transparency when it comes to compensation practices.


Sharing your salary information to the people whom you trust the most (e.g., your spouse or parents) may be beneficial to your finances. More often than not, the conversation does not stop at sharing your monthly salary. Your family members or friends may grill you about your savings, negotiating skills, and the organization’s salary transparency. Thus, you must carefully select the people whom you will disclose these information to.

Your trusted confidant may point out the loopholes in your contract or the company’s wrongful practices. You can learn so much from the people who are genuinely concerned about your wellbeing. Make the necessary improvements afterwards.



When it comes to disclosing your salary information, you need to be wary about your co-workers. Imagine how uncomfortable your co-worker (i.e., who holds the same position) will feel if you make more than them! You may come across as boastful and arrogant. Remember that anything you say may be used against you.


The main reason why some Human Resource professionals suggest to keep your salary confidential is because of the inevitable diversity in the marketplace despite possessing similar descriptions. That is the reality! The varying salaries depend on the individuals’ set of skills and experiences.

You might be a teacher earning an average salary, but my salary could be different from yours due to a cluster of reasons.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Just because you shared how much you earn does not mean that the other person will do the same! Although being open about your salary information may be beneficial at times, it is a personal choice that you have to carefully consider.

Sources: 1, 2 & 3


How To Prepare For The CEO’s Nerve-wrecking Questions

Shifts in the workplace have occurred, along with the screening methods for position placement. It is no secret that preparing for any job interview takes effort and dedication. Moreover, it comes with a considerable amount of stress. Its final phase, the interview with the company’s CEO or President, may heighten the tension. This is the coveted peak of the candidate’s journey.

What shall you do to ace your final interview?

Well, researching on the company’s background is an obvious priority. Familiarize yourself with the company’s offerings (i.e., products or services) and history (i.e., including hierarchy) as well as the mission and vision. Knowing more information about the company enables you to prepare better.

Your next task is to uncover your own self. Understand how your journey was like before you decided to apply for the position. Were you a fresh graduate who stayed with the same company for 3 years? Or, were you not afraid to hop between jobs? The CEO or President will have so much insight based on the decisions that you made along the way.

Aside from these two elements, you must make your way around the tricky interview questions. Know how you will answer the following:

1. Can you describe your learning process?

My background in Psychology and education highlights the fact that everyone learns in a different manner. This is why I am a devoted advocate of individualized instructions. That being said, your answer to this question will show how you will perform given the demands of the available position.

As Stephen Baker (CEO of Attivio) once said: “Having a candidate articulate how they would learn a new topic or skill is a great sign of discipline, organizational skills, and intellectual curiosity.”

2. Why are you here today?

It may sound simple, but the answer entails profound introspection. Be specific when it comes to discussing your career motivations. Ensure that these motivations are in lined with your long-term goals.

This question will help the interviewer judge whether you are there for purely personal reasons or whether you desire to flourish the company’s current state. Gordon Wilson, the CEO of a UK-based software firm, urges that you must find a split between the personal benefits and that of the company’s. He was quoted saying: “if you benefit the enterprise the personal thing will come.”

3. Would you rather be feared or be respected?

If you are applying for a higher position, it is likely that you will be asked about your leadership style. This particular question never fails to catch individuals off-guard, according to Michael Gregoire. Michael is the CEO of an IT management software company called CA Technologies.

There is no distinct “correct” answer for this question. However, you must lean towards the answer that is best suited for the role. For example, it will be better if you are respected than feared in a collaborative workplace environment.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Consider these tips while you are preparing for your upcoming interview. May the odds be in your favor! 🙂

Sources: 1, 2, 3 & 4


5 Habits That Reek “Unprofessionalism” In The Workplace

Being successful in your field takes constant sacrifices and conscious effort. With all the things that you have invested, do not let these unprofessional habits drag you down.


Many Singaporeans tend to mind their own business. There is nothing wrong about that as we just value our own privacy. However, it can be harmful if you translate the “lone wolf habit” in a collaborative workplace. The lone wolf habit occurs when you prefer to accomplish tasks on your own rather than doing it swiftly as a team.

Say you are a part of the marketing department. You must communicate with the client as well as you teammates in order to minimize errors and to achieve satisfaction. You will not achieve the client’s vision if you called the shots for everything. Not only does this habit influence your professional reputation, but it may also lower your risk of getting a promotion.


There is a practical reason why the broadened Road Traffic Act includes the utilization of the hand-phone while driving. Under it, motorists caught using any mobile devices while the vehicle is moving will be violating the law. Accident prevention is the practical reason. You see, the act of juggling two or more things can deteriorate your concentration. It is best if you exhaust all your senses into one task at a time. The same idea can be applied in the workplace.

Browsing with your laptop, messaging your friends, or checking your social media during a meeting sends the wrong signal to your boss. It conveys that you are not interested with the important matter at hand. Pay attention instead.


In 2015, a local article featured a story about a man who suffered from a mental breakdown due to the constant bullying in the workplace. Mr. Kenny Leong was previously shunned by his boss and co-workers due to his physical characteristics (e.g., being soft-spoken and having gentle gestures). In most places that he worked at, he was labelled with terms such as “Chao Ah Gua (slang for effeminate)” or “Woman”. Can you see how the constant exposure to bullying affected him?

Well…Mr. Leong is not alone! Surprisingly, statistics have shown that 1 in 4 Singaporeans have suffered from workplace bullying with the top aggressors being their bosses (62%) and their clients (21%). Unprofessional habits such as name-calling and spreading rumors can cause deterioration in work performance as well as mental distress.

Related Article: How To Deal With The Infectious Workplace Bullies


Remaining calm during stressful situations is one of the abilities that you need to master in life. However, it is easier said than done. Not everybody was wired to have the patience of a preschool teacher!

Consumed by stress, you can display unpleasant behaviors ranging from spewing an audible sigh to purposefully hitting a co-worker. These said behaviors may develop a pattern in the long run. Imagine turning into the “Incredible Hulk” whenever you are faced with heated moments. There can only be one end result for your temper outburst – getting fired.


Tear-jerking stories of alcoholism, extramarital affair, or bankruptcy are fascinating twists in movies and television series. But, these problems have no place in the office! Your boss does not need to know about your outstanding student loans. Your co-workers do not have to listen to you while you argue with your spouse on the phone.

Regularly bringing your personal issues in the workplace implies that you have a problem with establishing boundaries. Save the heart pounding drama for your trusted confidants and close family members. Only discuss these matters outside of work.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

What other unprofessional habits are common in the Singaporean workplace, or any workplace for that matter? Feel free to share your thoughts in the section below.

Sources:1, 2, & 3


The Contemporary Social Media And Financial Affairs

Here is how social media platforms can blend well with your personal monetary affairs.


Content meets entrepreneurship as modern technology allows you to craft an online business persona. Use social media platforms to reach as many consumers as you can. You are free to advertise your products or service, but be wary of oversharing. Oversharing information may cost you plenty of money.

As Robert Siciliano, the online security expert for McAfee, once said: “Online reputation management and mitigation companies are a booming business because people just can’t stop posting things they shouldn’t, which often have long-term negative effects on their personal and professional lives.”


To increase mutual engagement between the financial literacy material and the students, educators can present a video inside and outside the classroom. Video sharing websites such as YouTube allows lecturers to upload their lessons, which can easily be shared by the students. This enables the students to process the money issues at their own pace.

Turn up the kinesthetic facet up a notch by asking your students to create a video to supplement their assigments related to budgeting or managing debts. This activity will connect them more to the lessons that you are teaching.


One of the “online rules” that you must live by is to assume that your posts are all public. This assumption will make you accountable for your actions. After all, your employer may be stalking your every virtual move.

If you despise your job or your boss, it may be tempting to rant endlessly on Facebook. Posting does not cost a cent! However, doing so could sabotage your career. Do you remember the former NTUC Assistant Director who got fired due to her racist comments on Facebook? Well, NTUC’s Membership Partnership & Alliance took immediate actions as they have zero tolerance for racism. On that note, never post anything negative or unpleasant about your previous or current employer. Always use common sense!


Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Experts provide significant financial education that will benefit you throughout your lives. This is where the power of social media comes in. Social media platforms present a tremendous opportunity to reach diverse generations, especially the Millennials. Millennials use technology to learn about their personal money matters. So, use specific hashtag such as #financialaid or #guidetobudgeting to expand the discussion to more users.

Sources: 1,  2, & 3