4 Time Management Tips To Help You Work Smart

We all posses a set of (or at least one) positive traits useful in the workplace. Mine just happens to surround time management. Time is a finite commodity that you cannot take back! Thus, I make it a point to strategically exhaust it.

Managing time is not about squeezing as many tasks as you can within 24 hours. Instead, it is about carefully choosing which tasks you can fulfill to alleviate stress and which tasks you can leave behind. Simplify your operations in order to accomplish your tasks at a faster pace. Consider these tips to work smarter:


As much as I want to discuss about the catchy Iggy Azalea song, I am going to expound on the seemingly unfamiliar territory of prioritizing. Prioritizing focuses on determining the order of the items in your to-do list. Stephen Covey, the co-author of “First Things First”, introduced four categorizations for one’s tasks. The categories are:

a. Important and Urgent,
b. Important and Not Urgent,
c. Urgent and Not Important, as well as
d. Not Urgent and Not Important.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Write down at least three “Important and Urgent” tasks that you must accomplish by today. Waste no time in addressing each one. Reap the sense of accomplishment as you fulfill each one of them. Use this motivation to tackle the less vital items.


No matter how busy your weekday can get, you still have a decent amount of down-time. Use your waiting time wisely by completing simple tasks such as calling possible sponsors for your company event. While you are waiting to board the next bus, you can answer important emails with your mobile applications.

As a pre-school teacher, I envision my lesson plans whenever I have idle moments. My finest thoughts spark when I am relaxing in the shower or when I am running a mile in the town stadium. Maximizing my spare time allows me to push my creativity beyond limits.


Taking a series of commitments can be detrimental to your schedule. Whenever you agree to help out a co-worker, you are increasing your personal workload. You may not be able to immediately tackle the tasks assigned to you!

It is hard to refuse to friendly requests from colleagues especially if you are the type of person who loves lending a hand. However, if you want to jump-start your productivity, it is important to learn to say “NO” or “not at this moment”.


It is no secret that I am an avid people watcher! Not to sound creepy, but it comes from my background in Psychology. Let us move on to the anecdote. As I was sipping my hot mocha, I overheard two women talking about their careers. One seems to be the other’s mentor. I realized that they were both dancing instructors as the discussion went on. The “mentor” shared valuable tips such as preparing an overall timeline and strict goals for each day. She said that it was better to record one’s routine to record any flaws, before the presentation comes. She made some valid points!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Having a realistic plan eases the tension of the coming days. You know your glistening target and the corresponding moves to achieve it. Now, you do not have to be prudent to absorb the future’s essence. Start by sparing at least 10 minutes before your shift ends to clear out your desk and to prepare your task for tomorrow. Alternatively, you may clear your desk as you arrive to the office. Allot the first 10 minutes to prioritizing your to-do list.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


6 Annoying Things That People Put In Their CV

Crafting a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume urges you to select the type of information that you need to put in or throw behind. You are in luck! You live in an era where vast career articles can readily be pull out for you to use at any time. You may even ask your parents, co-workers, and other people surrounding you to help you with your CV.

Mistakes can be made in the actual writing of your CV,. While it is impossible to pick the brain of every hiring manager in Singapore, you can still avoid causing irritation!


As a budding candidate, your top priority is to impress your potential employer. I completely understand that you want to display your grammar proficiency and vocabulary prowess. However, you do not need to throw a bunch of buzzwords to shine. Do you really know the meaning of synergy and “best of bread”?

This type of words or terms will make hiring managers roll their eyes! Opt for words that highlight what you actually did such as created, managed, achieved, negotiated, and launched. Action words will show off your skills and provide weight to your profile.


Catch the recruiter’s attention without sounding too annoying by avoiding unimpressive cliches. These are either too vague or repetitive. Using flowery phrases such as “people person” and “hard worker” are difficult to prove. It is better to provide concrete examples to present your accomplishments.

Remember, much like in courtship, it is better to get creative and straight to the point!


I know how efficient it is to send a generic CV to all the possible employers. As an unemployed fresh graduate, this is one of the strategies that I used to partake on. If you are as guilty as I was, you must ensure that you edit the company or institution to which you are addressing the document to.

Attention to the slightest details goes beyond proofreading. It sends out a message that you are customizing your CV to the right companies. Start by labelling the file with your surname and the company’s name (e.g., Wee_Google.pdf).


You can learn a lot from a person by merely checking out his or her email handle. Well, when was the last time you’ve changed yours? Answering “while in secondary school” may not be good. Chances are, your email may be something along the lines of [email protected] or [email protected]. You do not want to get flagged by tech-savvy companies just because of your humorous email address!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Upgrade your profile by setting up a separate email for work. Choose a handle that is as similar to your name as possible. Gmail is highly recommended as it includes document sharing and group chat applications, which are helpful in the workplace.


Outward appearance or “face value” shapes the first impression. Recruiters and potential employers are bound to notice the document’s font and formatting before they read the contents of your CV. Thus, it is essential to keep things neat and professional.

The most acceptable fonts include Times New Roman and Arial, in font size 12 and color black. You may also apply Tahoma, Goudy Old Style, Lucida Sans, Garamond, and Century Gothic. It goes without saying that Comic Sans MS and Chiller are not welcomed in this club!


The rise of modern technology urged us to evolve our technical skills. It is a common thing for recruiters to browse through a list of software that the candidate is familiar with. At this point, all of us are expected to be familiar with the Microsoft Office products (i.e., particularly Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel). Including other programs can boost your job profile. However, you do not have to add every piece of technology that you came in contact with!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

You need to be confident with your experience and skills in that area before adding it in. For instance, it is best to write “Final Cut Pro” to your CV after editing videos extensively. The same idea applies for the languages that you speak. Being part Mexican does not guarantee your proficiency in Español!

Sources: 1 & 2


How To Keep Your Sanity When Working Overtime

Spending extended hours at work is tough – to say the least. When you cannot stop thinking of the looming tasks ahead, you will end up more tired as the day ends. This is not beneficial for your sleep and your holistic health.

When you leave the office, you must make sure to leave everything else there! This is just a tip to keep your sanity. Here are the others…


Make sleep one of your top priorities! Quality slumber is a good weapon to possess while you work overtime.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Sacrificing your sleep for the sake of your job is destructive not only to your physical, but also to your mental health. Studies have shown that sleep deprivation was associated with a myriad of unpleasant things such as lack of concentration, weakness of muscles, and increased food consumption. Other things will start to fall into place once you had a good night’s sleep.


You may be working for 10 hours today, but you are not the only one! Having a person to talk to makes the long day seem more tolerable. Cultivate a genuine friendship with someone at work. Finding a work friend does not change the fact that you are working overtime or on the weekend, but he or she can make the extra hours more enjoyable.

Your work friend can serve as a source of validation and distraction. After all, he or she knows exactly how you feel. However, you must not constantly bombard the person with your negative complaints and stories. Doing this will make your relationship toxic! Treat your work friend as an outlet to mutually boost your positive mood.


Constantly enduring and accepting the long hours can lead to a counterproductive cycle. This said cycle begins when you reach high “overtime levels”. Continuous battle with the extra hours can lead to the depletion of your health. Absenteeism may eventually rise. Unfortunately, this leads to more overtime (i.e., to make up for the pay loss).

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Maximize your resources to deal with the situation. When all else fails, voice out your concerns to your employer. Feeling burnout or highly exhausted is not something that you should take lightly.

Sources: 1 & 2


5 Helpful Tips To Achieve Work-Life Balance

Focusing on your career and enriching your personal life can be challenging in today’s busy world, but it is possible!


Efficiency at work is a trait that I take pride in. I search for the quickest and the smartest ways to finish the tasks. Whenever I am bombarded with serious deadlines, I make it a point to list down all of them. Doing so enables me to examine which task I should prioritize first. For instance, I would rather rearrange my closet at noon than putting my assignment on hold.

Avoid feeling overworked by accepting that you cannot be on top of everything in your life. Hence, you must devote your time and energy into the tasks that will deliver the most beneficial outcomes.


Be honest with yourself. How much time do you spend on things that matter to you? Does your day align with your priorities? Maximize your time by eliminating unnecessary slots (e.g., time spent on worrying about the opinion of others).

After listing down all the tasks that you have to accomplish within the day, assign a time slot for each one. Organizing your timeframe allows you to take breaks in between. Also, it highlights the importance of scheduling your private time. It is not what you think it is! Your private time refers to the opportunity to reduce your stress and to recharge your energy. Whether you want to sip a cup of tea or read a book in solitude, give your own time the same respect as a work meeting. Abide strictly to your schedule…unless there is an emergency!


In lined with scheduling the flow of your day, you must set a period for sabbatical. At least 14 days off work per year would do. You may think that spending two weeks off is not economical! However, you must focus on its benefits for your holistic wellbeing. Consider an affordable staycation in Singapore or a worthwhile weekend trip in the Southeast Asian countries. Use your paid leaves wisely!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

If a vacations sounds a bit far-fetched, set aside at least an hour of each day to focus on yourself. Whether you want to walk your do to the park or to get a Thai massage, it is good to have something to look forward to.


Previous studies have shown that multitasking is associated with less productivity. Our brains are essentially “task switching” when we do two or more tasks at a time. The gravity of the situation can be illustrated by imagining your brain as a computer. The more programs you have in operation, the slower it will function overall. Multitasking not only affects the quality of your work, but it can also affect your gray matter volume. This brain component is responsible for memory and decision-making. You may recall juggling two tasks and forgetting some elements in the process.

So, be sure to empty your thoughts when it is time to work. Leave your household chores behind you! Once it is time to go on a romantic date, do not think about the report that you are going to present in the morning. You will be more productive when you are not dividing your attention into small fractions.


How many times have you heard the saying: “LIVE IN THE MOMENT”? This statement has been posted in several of my friend’s social media walls, yet is impact is underrated. We cannot help it! It is easy to feel attached to technology. I once attended my sister’s graduation ceremony. The mother in front of me brought her laptop and hand-phone along. She was shamelessly answering calls and typing away as the students march to the stage. This situation stresses the clash of work and personal life.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

The downside of modern technology is that work can follow you wherever you go. Your client may even reach you while you are catching waves in Bali. Robert Brooks, a Psychology professor at Harvard Medical School, says that “phone notifications interrupt your off time and inject an undercurrent of stress in your system”. Shut down your devices upon reaching home. Enjoy interacting with your beloved ones to build an authentic quality time. By not reacting to the updates from work while you are at home, you will develop a stronger habit of resilience. Unless it is an immediate emergency, the job situation can wait.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How To Survive The Daunting Night Shift

You have been scheduled to the night shift! The anticipation of working in the evening gives you constant anxiety. Why so? For starters, the night shift usually begins from 10 or 11 pm and ends by 6 or 7 am. Positions that experience this varying work hours include customer service officers, traders, and nurses.

The duties and responsibilities may be no different from the person who works in the daytime, but the night shift poses unique challenges. The workplace atmosphere and its uncommon nature requires the employee to make significant adjustments in his or her professional and personal life.

A friend of mine is a nurse who is currently shifting from morning and night shift. With the majority of his patients asleep, he must find ways to manage his workload in between the continuous monitoring of the patients and their documentations. The sudden changes in his sleeping and eating patterns were initially tough. However, he was able to adjust in time.

Before Your Shift

Adjusting to the sleeping patterns is a primary concern when faced with the evening post. It is understandably challenging to fall asleep during the day, especially when you are stimulated by external cues (e.g., beaming sunlight and city noises). You must create a comfortable sleeping environment to help you doze off. Somewhere relatively dark, quiet, and cool.

The next step is to assign a sleeping schedule and stick to it. Reset your body clock by waking up and going to bed at the same time each day. Developing a healthy routine will help you adjust at a quicker pace. Alternatively, you may take a power nap before your shift begins. A power nap lasts between 10-30 minutes. Going beyond 30 minutes will put you at risk of feeling groggy or weak. It takes a considerable amount of time to conquer this unpleasant feeling. It is best to stay disciplined.

During Your Shift

Another concern that you must address is the way you eat. It is better to munch on small portions throughout your shift than having a massive meal before it starts. You see, the change in your physiological patterns can make your digestive system more sensitive. A heavy meal becomes difficult to digest than lighter ones. Healthy snacks such as apples and nuts can boost your energy levels while you work.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Let us move to your caffeine intake. You may think that coffee will help you stay alert throughout your exhausting shift, but that is just counterproductive! Consuming coffee or other caffeinated drinks during your shift makes affects your sleeping routine. You may not be able to fall asleep immediately when you get home. So, stay awake by engaging in an interesting conversation with your co-workers or clients. Actively absorb the conversation. Who knows? Your co-worker may share some tips to cope with the shift transitions.

After Your Shift

Working the night shift can have adverse effects to your physical and mental health. You are more likely at risk of experiencing insomnia, high blood pressure, menstrual irregularities, and weight gain compared to “day shift employees”. Experts stressed the importance of effectively monitoring one’s health. Taking care of your health refers to knowing when to stop. It is as simple as taking a cab home rather than driving by yourself.

On the other hand, taking care of your emotional well-being entails strengthening of your relationships outside work. The night shift isolates you from your friends and family members who work or study in the morning. You can no longer be a part of spontaneous hangouts, nor join for family dinners. It takes conscious effort to make appointments with the people whom you love. Make time for your friends, partner, or family members by meeting on the weekends or by requesting a leave.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Do not let your important relationships fade away!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3