6 Surefire Ways To Ace A First Impression

Present yourself in the right light with the help of these tips.


The fine strokes of impression starts as soon as you walk the room. In Japan, they have mastered the management of time. Most Japanese naturally acquired the habit of punctuality. Showing up early or on time displays their respect for other people. Nothing is more disrespectful than having your interviewer or potential client wait for you for 30 minutes.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

If you are running late due to unforeseen circumstances, it is best to let the people know. Call the interviewer or the client as soon as possible. He or she will appreciate this gesture more than hearing a lame excuse upon your arrival.


Who does not want to be seen as well put-together during the first meeting?

It goes without saying that the quickest elements of impression formation include the physical appearance. It does not matter whether you are interviewing for a modelling gig or not. You will be judged with thru way you look. Showing up in a neatly pressed suit or a tailored dress comes across as professional and organized.


When you are nervous or lying, your autonomic nervous system goes into an overdrive. You will unconsciously make significant movements such as scratching your nose, pulling your hair, or touching your cheeks. Some may even chew the pen’s cap during written assessments. These body movements give off a sense of judgment and lack of confidence.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Be mindful about your actions during the interview or the product proposal!


As obvious as this may seem, shaping a stellar impression includes being present at the given moment. Physical presence does not stop at the face-to-face interactions. You must be mentally active during the conversation too! Ensure that you are coming across as someone who is interested and engaged with the other person.

Start by calling the interviewer or the client using their name during the entire conversation then, you may paraphrase their thoughts from time to time. Listen to what the other person is saying and tailor your responses accordingly.


Putting your devices and smartphone away is primarily applicable in this modern age. Do not immediately turn to your phone while waiting in the lobby. Use this time to double-check your CV or to contemplate on the proposal topics.

When the interviewer or the boss comes, you will appear prepared for the task at hand!


A person with a pleasing personality is hard to find. This is why positive people give a lasting impression. It is easy to connect to a person who portrays a friendly attitude through his or her command of words and body language.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

So, greet the interviewer or the potential client with a genuine smile. Then, ensure that the topics that you will discuss are on the neutral ground. Showing a hint of your sense of humor would not hurt too (i.e., during appropriate instances)!

Sources: 1 & 2


Tips On Balancing 2 Jobs While Maintaining Sanity

In Singapore, it is not uncommon to hold two or more jobs. You may quickly browse thru your social media profiles to observe how some people seem to do it all. What you do not see behind the lenses is its challenging nature. It is difficult to balance several fulfilling commitments while maintaining your sanity!

On that note, here are some sensible tips that may help:


Whatever career path you may take, your mindset echoes the way you act and feel. Start by accepting that you will acquire multiple jobs to cover your needs. Realize that the compact schedule will be a norm for you for the next couple of months or years.


Foresee how the upcoming weeks will pan out by having an organized planner. List down the priorities, tasks, or assignments that you need to accomplish next week. Distribute the week’s load as evenly as possible. Keep track of important appointments as well! Then, make smart decisions about social gatherings based on your schedule.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Are you coughing intensely during your second shift? A healthy well-being is essential to juggle multiple jobs in a day. Self-care boils down to the basic needs: quality sleep and balanced diet. Combining these two with regular exercise and social support will help you reach your goal without experiencing burnout.


Transparency is a precautionary factor to avoid “conflict of interest” and other issues. If you are thinking of mainting two or more position for a long period of time, keep the communication lines open. Your primary employer must be aware that you are committing yourself to a second job.


Many people choose to block a day off during the week to replenish their strength. While we may not have the luxury of blocking an entire day, we can settle for a break of several hours. Take your mind on a pleasant ride by doing the activities that surround your passion/s.


Focus on the task at hand! Completely surrendering yourself to one tasks enables you to accomplish it faster. Work at a conducive space that eliminates distractions, ignites relaxing music, and inspires you to think.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


Let us face it! You are not exhausting your physical and mental efforts for nothing. You are accepting these multiple jobs with an end goal in mind. Hold that goal dear to your heart and never lose sight of it.

Sources: 1 &2


5 Dollar-Worthy Personal Transformations

The year 2017’s closure is upon us! There is always something about the turn of the calendar that makes people itch for a dramatic change. Dramatic life change begins in personal transformations. Reinventing yourself can be the most profitable investment that you will make.

The unwavering effort that you put into investing in yourself plays a significant role in determining your quality of life at present and in the future.


One of the quickest transformations that you can employ is wearing a red lipstick. Its classic and feminine shade is universally wearable for all skin tones. It makes your teeth look whiter too! Furthermore, it can leaves a lasting impact on job interviews or first dates.

Choosing the perfect red lipstick is similar to choosing the perfect jewelry. You must go for the piece that attracts you the most. I, for one, recommend MAC’s Ruby Woo or Smashbox Bawse by Lilly Singh.


Even at a young age, my father imparted the importance of fitness. Fitness is more than just a hobby for him – it is his way of life. He makes an effort to choose healthier options as much as possible. Awareness of your physical health is a crucial part of self-care. Improve your holistic health by getting sufficient sleep, having a balanced diet, and taking a break.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

You do not have to spend too much to recharge yourself. You can either eat out with your workmates, briskwalk at the nearby park, or binge watch on Netflix. Unloading your stress every once in a while reduces the damage in your “overloading system”.


Recruitment officers typically receive a volume of video and PowerPoint resumes. These methods shape one’s professional brand. You know that you live in the 21st century when you have to think of your online and offline branding.

Our dependence to the Internet paved way for the emergence of social media. Use social media to your advantage by keeping your online profiles relevant or current. Ensure that your pages carry the same profile picture, contact details, and writing style. Headhunters or recruiters can easily reach you when you reguarly update the essentials.


One of the core values that my alma mater embedded on us was the importance of lifelong learning. Investing in the expansion of your knowledge and skills can take various forms. The common route is to take a graduate degree. You can also advance by taking extra classes, relevant certifications, or online courses.

Other forms of skill investment avenues include creative workshops such as painting and pottery workshops. It is no secret that the scope of your education and the variety of your skills increase your employability.


Who says that personal transformation and endless entertainment do not go hand in hand? Roaming the globe entails immersing into someone else’s culture while having a relaxing getaway.

Traveling enables you to taste different cuisines, to smell different aromas, to listen to different types of music, and to observe other people’s opinions. Engaging in conversations with people from various ethnic backgrounds opens your mind to new perspectives. That mental transformation contributes to your maturity.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Personal transformation begins with cultivating a newfound thought. Whether or not you are open to change, it is inevitable that it will happen. You can either experience minute changes such as cutting your hair or widescale adjustments such as starting a family.

Once you have committed yourself to a decision, take confident action. Remember what the Latin proverb once highlighted: “Fortune favors the bold!”

Sources: 1 & 2


Helpful Tips For Hiring Employees As A Startup

One of the most stressful tasks that business owners ought to face is the hiring process. In particular, each new hire for a startup causes a significant impact on the work culture. Why is this so? Cultivating a business from scratch entails that the stakes are high. The owner is diving into the market with an innovative business model. Thus, he or she needs to ensure that the recruits are creative, passionate, and committed.

Considering all these factors as well as the limited resources makes the hiring process more complicated. On that note, here are 5 helpful tips to ease the stress of recruitment.


Whether you are aware of it or not, many startup owners undermine the worth of a position. These owners offer salaries based on the company’s size instead of the market’s competitive rate. As a result, the recruitment efforts seem to be unsuccessful. Who can blame the candidates?

If the going rate for administrative officers or receptionists is S$12 per hour, why would you settle for S$7 per hour? You would receive better response by offering a salary that matches the market or at least a dollar off it.


Let’s face it! Millennials crave dynamism in all areas of life – including the workplace. Said generation has shifted away the traditional view of holding a position for 20 years and beyond. Millennials are looking for jobs that will fulfill their present purpose. So, consider luring them in by offering opportunities for advancement.

What can the position offer aside from monetary gains? Is this position a stepping stone for more responsibilities within the company? Highlight the skills and knowledge that they cannot learn elsewhere. Self-enhancement through experience is a priceless and valueable incentive.


Another way to attract the Millennial employees is to know where they lurk. Millennials frequent social media pages and popular recruitment sites. Advertise on these platforms to widen your search. For instance, you may set up a public Facebook page for your startup. Regularly post the vacancies on your feed (i.e., at different time-slots). You may also post a job advertisement on JobsCentral or Gumtree. You need the nationwide traffic that these online classifieds receive.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Aside from refining your job search, you may assess a potential employee by scanning his or her online profile. A standard background check may provide a supplement to your initial interview. The candidate’s social media profiles can give you a better picture of his or her personality and working experience. The latter can be achieved by examining one’s professional blog or online portfolio.


Given that you are nurturing the crucial years of your company, it may not be a wise idea to exhaust all your efforts and funding to the employees’ wages. It is acceptable if you are not able to shell out the monetary incentives right away. Consider adding the surrounding lifestyle as an incentive. Attract a potential quality employee by selling the non-monetary benefits of working in the startup.

If you are fortunate enough to be located in a place where there are various dining options, sell that too. If your business includes a health facility (e.g., a meditation spot) or is near the town park, sell that too. If there is a possibility to work from home, sell that too. Other enticing workplace features can play a part when the candidate decides to take your offer.


More and more employees in Singapore are opening up to the idea of deviating from the 9-to-5 jobs. Top talents desire to have the choice of accomplish their tasks at the coffee shops or at home (while in their pajamas). I, for one, am one of these people. I am certainly guilty of wearing my slippers and comfortable clothes as I wrote this. With its convenience, flexibility is a strong selling point.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

As long as your humble team can meet the goals and collaborate well, you may consider putting the flexible schedules on the table. Think about the amount of electricity and water consumption you can save by minimizing the “office” costs. If it is doable, allow remote once in a while.

Sources: 1 & 2


Beat The Rushed Deadlines With These 4 Tips

Singapore’s highly competitive society values the ability to work at a faster rate. The problem with focusing on urgency is the maintenance of quality. You may question whether there are smarter ways to get things done quickly without sacrificing premium standards. For starters, you can consider adding these four tips to your work or academic routine.


Be honest with yourself! Are you an early bird or a nocturnal owl? The good news is, either of these personas can work to your favor. Determine the specific time of the day when you are most productive. Exhaust your creative juices to the important tasks and use your “low-energy hours” to fulfill less essential tasks such as household chores.


Parkinson’s Law is among the most relevant concepts in business. It highlights that “work expands to fill the time available for its completion”. In other words, the effort you exert on a task stretches to suit the allotted time. Work at a quicker pace by setting a clear schedule. Doing this will motivate you to beat the clock!

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com


It goes without saying that procrastination is an enemy during crunch time. It is best to eliminate all the possible distractions that are within your reach. Please toss your handphone and other electronics on the side. To power through a long period of concentration, you may increase the volume of your preferred music. Jazz and classical tracks may soothe your mood to focus better on the tasks.


No matter what you are working on, you can always breakdown the process into smaller chunks. Examining each step aims to make an efficient progress. Furthermore, your “mini victories” will motivate you along the way.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Imagine that you have to write an essay as a Poly student. The first step is to choose an interesting topic. Secondly, you need to do an extensive research and make a rough outline. Thirdly, you must accomplish a draft. The fourth step is to edit and review your draft. Lastly, you must proofread and print your assignment. Tackle the task…one step at a time!

Sources:  1 & 2