Need Help Looking for a Job? Get Your Job Search & Career Related Questions Answered for Free!

Looking for a job after graduation?

Feeling like you’re fighting a losing battle against this bad job market?


The job market is a very different one now from when it was pre-COVID…

So maybe what you need is actionable advice and someone to answer your job search and career-related questions.

If that sounds like a good idea, then this latest SeedlyTV episode will help you better prepare yourself as a job seeker and increase your chance of securing a job.

Just tune in on Tuesday, 30 June 2020, at 8pm to find out more about:

  • What do job seekers need to know about the current job market?
  • Why is it dangerous if job seekers stay unemployed for too long?
  • What can we do to leave an impression during an interview since virtual job interviews are becoming more common?
  • Will a low starting salary affect your career, especially for fresh grads embarking on their first job?

And many many more.

If you’ve got questions of your own, you can also start ask your questions now and tune in later to have them answered LIVE!

Not sure why you should watch this episode of SeedlyTV?

Well, here’s why.

The Seedly team has brought on thought leaders and career professionals who can resonate with your job-search problems and offer real career advice and help.

Here’s a snapshot of who they are.

The Thought Collective

The Thought Collective is a group of social enterprises which aim to create a new generation of socially-minded Singaporeans.

For this SeedlyTV episode, you’ll get to interact with Tong Yee (Co-founder, The Thought Collective) who is a sought after public speaker, trainer, and thought leader who shares his insights with various national level committees.

He will be speaking about what fresh graduates need to know about the current job market, how it is changing, and what to watch out for.

If you’re looking to score a job, he’ll also be sharing about how you can stand out amongst the numerous candidates.

And give valuable tips like how to leave an impression during a virtual job interview.


Glints is a career discovery and development platform which has helped over a million young professionals discover their dream careers.

Goh Duo Geng (Special Projects Lead, Glints) will be sharing the macro trends in the APAC and Singapore job market and how does that apply to you in your job search.

(Hint hint: you might have a better shot if you know which industries or businesses are actively looking to hire)

And if you’re a fresh graduate or a mid-career job seeker looking for a job or a job switch right now.

He’ll share more about what you can do to improve your chances during your job search.

Jeraldine Phneah (Seedly Community Member)

Jeraldine is a Seedly Community member who contributes actively on the Seedly platform.

She has voiced her opinions on topics like how to build rewarding careers and how to navigate difficult times like this COVID-19 pandemic.

On her personal blog, she has shared job search tips like what are the best job portals in Singapore for millennials and how to optimise your LinkedIn profile.

Discussed sensitive topics like whether it is disadvantageous to graduate from a private university in Singapore.

And how effective is MyCareersFuture — a government initiative to help Singaporeans find jobs smarter — as a job search portal.

Look out for her during the SeedlyTV episode as she’ll be sharing her personal experiences and lessons!

Special Bonus: Receive a Super Exclusive Seedly Career Assistance Package

To give you as much help as you can get.

The Seedly team also wants to send YOU a super-exclusive Seedly Career Assistance Package!

All you have to do is sign up for a FREE Seedly account and look out for it in your email.

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Whether you’re a fresh grad, a mid-career jobseeker, or would like to explore your options in the job market (read: because your job sucks).

The package includes the best career and job search-related content and resources from local personal finance sites and platforms like SG Budget Babe and The Woke Salaryman!

To help you with your job search and to get your career on track!

Sounds good?

Source: SpongeBob SquarePants | Giphy

Just remember to sign up for a FREE Seedly account.

And the Seedly team will send it to you!

If you already have a Seedly account, just make sure you sign in to your Seedly account between 30 June 2020 to 12 July 2020!

You can ask or answer questions or leave a review.

Or catch the SeedlyTV episode later if you missed the live screening.

Just be active on the Seedly platform and they’ll send the package your way!


Why Working From Home Mashes Dark And Light Sides

Ever wondered what it was like to work from home (WFH)? Wish granted! In line with the social distancing measures posed by the Government, most of the Singaporeans are now working from home. It allows you to earn Singaporean dollars despite being in your pajamas. However, what most people do not know is that this perk come with a price.

Your ability to glide through the setbacks of the home office depends on your personality. For instance, people who are disciplined or conscientious can easily work through the domestic tides. While, people who are procrastinators or crammers may have a hard time fighting the distractions at home. On that note, here are the light and dark sides of WFH.


It goes without saying that WFH enables you to become your own boss. Without a manager in sight, your deeply rooted passion will motivate you to be creative and productive. You make your own schedule and rules. To illustrate this, a 2014 Stanford University study allowed call-center employees to WFH.

Graduate student James Liang and his Economics professor allowed Ctrip’s employees the opportunity to work from home in a period of 9 months. Ctrip is a travel website owned by Liang himself. The study found that the remote employees had higher productivity levels (13.5%) and lower chances of quitting (50%) compared to their counterparts. Moreover, these remote employees reported that they are happier with their job. Imagine the output that satisfied employees produce!

According to Liang and his professor, the positive results may be attributed to the quieter space that the employees created for themselves. You are free to paint the walls blue or to have classical music on the background as you freshen up your own working environment.

Apart from that, setting your own work hours enables you to do more of the things you want such as baking or teaching your children how to read. You may also initiate a video conference with your workmates whom you miss.


As with everything, there are two sides of a coin. A pervasive drawback of WFH is the vulnerability to distractions such as noisy family members, accessible electronic devices, and abundant chores. Chores do not seem to end for some reason!

There is a considerable lack of separation between work and home during the initial stages of having a home office. Based on personal experience, there were days when I worked beyond my designated hours. The absence of a management enforcing strict working time may add to the pressure of grinding endlessly. Case and point, I work on weekends too.

Higher utility costs is inevitable if you barely leave your house. Lastly, you may experience negative states as you were plucked from the “interpersonal office environment”. I am referring to feelings of isolation, depression, and loneliness. This can be prevented if you stay in touch with your co-workers.

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The current situation opens our eyes to the wonders and the unpleasantness of working from home. Comparisons aside, accepting the reality and working with your at-home environment will enable you to embrace the work-from-home structure.


Advantages Of Having Multiple Sources Of Income

Times are tough. Amidst the chaos, who does not have an additional source of income? Side hustles are lifelines in this ever-changing economy. As my full-time position is on halt due to school closures, I exhausted all of my efforts in writing for a couple of websites.

Having multiple income streams allows you to secure your savings in the long run. If you are working full-time as a teacher and are selling cupcakes on Instagram, then you have two income streams. Say you are an investor too! That grows your income streams to three. Not to mention, you may also earn money by selling your stock photos online. That will enable you to generate income from four streams.

As you can imagine, maintaining a day job and running multiple side hustles can be quite overwhelming. Such endeavors require a considerable amount of time, effort, and commitment. However, you cannot deny the benefits of having multiple sources of income!


Your multiple streams of income allows you to experience different issues and solutions. It will widen your skill set. Some experiences will call for an analytical mindset, while others will require your creative juices. You have to be able to adjust to the demands of your tasks.

You can develop new skills as a result. Not only can this be extremely gratifying, but they also provide you with an extra layer of security should you apply for a promotion or leave your job.


It does not take a genius to conclude that leaving your fate in several wheels will expand your chances of winning. Industry wages simply have not caught up with inflation over the years. Even if your job provides you a six-figure paycheck monthly, that goes out the window once you hit retirement age.

Multiple streams of income creates a good safety net. You may also invest some of your extra income to a diverse portfolio.


Having multiple businesses or positions allows you to meet different people and acquire several partnerships. In the age of social media, opportunities to collaborate with big brands or personalities are as abundant as ever.

Do not underestimate the power of a useful content. You will never know who might be reading, watching, or listening!


There is a learning curve to all of this. Do not feel bad if you stumble during the initial phases. Your first attempt to sell your items online may not be successful, but you have learned valuable lessons along the way. Use what you learned in digital marketing and e-commerce to provide better consumer services on your second round.

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According to Meir Ezra: “Your income is proportional to your control.” The willpower to control your finances is in your hands. The future is in your hands. Start growing your income today! Chances are, you already have a few ideas tucked away anyway. So, do your research and char potential clients and suppliers. Your bank account will thank you later.


How To Be More Productive During Quarantine

With the beaming light from my phone and a distinct “ding”, I received a message from my friend. She was up until the wee hours to finish her Interior Design plates. She asked my professional advice regarding the root of her need to procrastinate.

Productivity is premium at this time. It is usually expressed as a ratio of input to output. You may illustrate it as the number of products produced per working hour. Given the cost of the working hours, productivity can also measure the efficiency of a business.

Productivity matters because there is so much that needs to get done in a day. In most business models, profitability is a function of productivity, price, and volume. Interestingly, productivity can be seen as subjective. You define how productive you are. Often, there is a gap between reality and perceived productivity. Combat this by following these tips.



You do not have to finish everything in one consumption. For instance, I have taken the Google Digital Garage Digital Marketing course for three days. Initially, I have the choice to finish everything in one day or to follow the rhythm of my pacing. I chose the latter. It is healthier that way!

Create a schedule for tasks that need to be completed and break these down into tiny parts. Segmentation allows you to celebrate the completion of each task. This boosts your confidence and helps increase your motivation to continue on.


Create a schedule following a specific time-slot to guide your work from home. Focus for periods spanning from 90 to 120 minutes. Then, pause and walk within your flat or nearby. This will help you refresh your mind.

You may also indulge yourself in distractions. It does not hurt to play a game for 10 to 20 minutes. Do the things you were told not to do at the workplace. You deserve this short break. Afterwards, go back to the task at hand.


Going back to my friend, I analyzed her need to procrastinate. In her case, it is because she is a perfectionist. She feels the pressure of designing her plates right to get the approval of her supervisor. People envision outcomes so outstanding that their expectations become more intimidating than inspirational.

“Perfectionists aren’t people who do something perfectly. Perfectionists are people who fantasize about doing something perfectly.” – Mr. John Perry, a Philosophy Professor at Stanford University

For entrepreneurs who hold accountability for everything, procrastination is a problem. It usually happens when they have no experience or are not familiar with the topic at hand. Knowing why you procrastinate is the first step!


Oh, mindfulness! I have completed 11 days of my mindfulness meditation journey. In my path, I realized that being present is a great way to be productive.

A mindful person knows how to differentiate what is “important” and what is “urgent”. Knowing these labels can help you prioritize certain tasks. Moreover, you will be able to lessen the time spent on unimportant tasks.


Productivity does not equate to perfection! Allow yourself to abandon the plan for the day. Sometimes, things do not go the way you want it to. With the uncertainty knocking in our doors, it is helpful to focus on the progress and allow yourself to fail once in a while.

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Technology can either help or distract you. Does it mean that you will quit using it entirely? Of course not! Allow your brain to move from one task to another whenever it pleases. After all, the circuit breaker period is teaching us the importance of slowing down and focusing on what is important.

Sources: 1 & 2


Surefire Ways To Sell Your Items On Instagram

Whether Snapchat agrees or not, Instagram reigns supreme when it comes to engaging its audience. These days, many Singaporeans refer to Instagram as their catalogue of all things travel or lifestyle-related.

Consider the following tips to help you figure out how to sell your items on Instagram with or without its pesky algorithm.


Over 200 million people use Instagram stories on a daily basis. More than one-third of this number view stories for business purposes. Instagram stories last for 24 hours, and they do not show the comments or likes publicly. This means that you can post as many stories as you want to feature a spotlight product or a flash sale.

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Use text, drawing tools, stickers, and GIFs to bring your brand’s creativity to life.


As an Instagram user, you are probably aware of the importance of hashtags. Hashtags are important to brands as these tags direct the specific consumers. Branded hashtags represent the majority of big brands such as #BMW or #Prada.

The most used hashtags come from these well-known brands. You may either use their power to your advantage by using related hashtags or use hashtags exclusive to your brand.


Instagram provides a variety of targeting options through its Instagram Ads feature. You can choose specific targets that will suit your business’ needs. With promotion, you can choose how much you will spend, where your ads will be seen, and how long you want to run them.

Simply set up your business profile account and click the “promote” button. Instagram ads are critical to the marketing strategies of any business.


With Instagram, you may host an Instagram-only promotion for your followers. They can click the link in your bio to join. To amp up your promotion, you may consider establishing partnerships with Instagram Influencers within the area such as Melissa Koh.

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Instagram influencers continue to be popular given that sponsorships have nearly replaced digital ads these days. The personal recommendations that they add boost the brand’s image. The personal touch makes it easier for consumers to imagine themselves while using your products.

Sources: 1 & 2