Get Better Sleep To Function Better At Work

Many people sleep less than the recommended hours and are under-performing at work due to sleep deprivation. A good night’s sleep includes both the quantity and quality of your slumber.

Pulling an all-nighter may provide short-term results, but regularly skipping sleep can be detrimental to your ability to focus and to perform higher-level brain functions for the days to come.

It is essential to give your body the restorative rest it deserves. Here are four ways to improve your sleep.


Exposure to LED lights inhibits the increase in sleepiness during nighttime. Aside from watching television, using your hand phones and tablets before you go to sleep can suppress melatonin levels. Melatonin is a hormone primarily released by the pineal gland at night. It has long been associated with the control of the sleep–wake cycle. Thus, having a lamp with a lower color temperature is recommended at night.


Caffeine is a strong stimulant that can interfere sleep. It can increase your adrenaline production and block sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain. Get better sleep at night by avoiding the consumption of caffeine. The National Sleep Foundation recommends avoiding coffee, tea, chocolate, and soft drinks before bedtime.

Apart from coffee and tea, chocolate contains caffeine in varying degrees. A dark chocolate bar may have about 30 milligrams of caffeine. This is equivalent to the caffeine content in a cup of instant tea.

Chocolate has other stimulants too! One of its stimulants is theobromine. Theobromine is the compound that makes chocolates dangerous for cats and dogs. Theobromine, found in small amounts in chocolate, increases heart rate and causes sleeplessness.


Ensure that your bedroom is welcoming and relaxing. Remove unnecessary distractions like the television and other devices with blue light. Moreover, you must keep the room temperature cool and use curtains to block the natural light. Natural light can keep you awake, while blue light will disrupt your sleep.


Sleeping routines can improve the length and quality of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to maintaining long-term healthy habits. Enjoying a quality slumber is free and is perhaps the most budget-friendly step you can take towards wellness.

At least 6 to 8 hours of sleep is ideal for teens and adults. Learn how much sleep you really need and maintain a consistent sleep schedule. Then, set up a conducive sleeping environment without distractions. You can also develop a curfew for your electronics usage.

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Please reduce the intake of caffeine and avoid physical activity before you go to bed.  Practice calming activities such as taking a warm bath or listening to relaxing music instead.

Have a wonderful rest!


5 Valuable Tips To Help You Succeed As A Freelancer

Due to the effects of the recent pandemic, companies began to hire more contract workers over full-time employees. The “freelance economy” became a viable option for many Singaporeans. However, with many freelancers in the market, it is harder to stand out.

Much of the freelancer’s income depends on his or her reputation and capability to fulfill the customer’s request. Here are some valuable tips to get an online job if you want to stay in the game for a long time.


Knowing yourself means recognizing different parts of your personality such as your strengths and weaknesses. The goal is not to criticize yourself, but to acknowledge where you need to improve and where you can excel. Be honest about your capacity to commit time, your home situation, and your attitude towards deadlines.

Some people look for a 9-to-5 job while others need more freedom. Some people prefer working with a team while others prefer working on their own. Find out who you really are to know who to work with.


Freelancers are project-based workers. This means that they can work anytime, as long as they finish their tasks. The downside is, they do not earn money when they do not have projects. The influx of projects is influenced by the season. For instance, you can feel an abundance of work during special events or holidays.

It is essential that you save money to cover the periods when you do not have a pipeline of projects coming your way. This way, you will be able to cover your bills and other expenses.


Entering the freelancing world is not easy. The competition is high! Making a name for yourself can be challenging. Thus, you must use social media or other websites to market yourself.

The key to success is being active in these platforms and having an attractive profile where your information as a freelancer can be retrieved. Samples, testimonies, and feedbacks from your past clients will make a big difference.


There are three main channels where you can get clients. These channels are inbound, outbound, and referrals. Inbound refers to using methods such as content marketing or search engine optimization (SEO) to attract potential clients. Outbound refers to reaching out to potential clients by sending emails, responding to job advertisements, and so on. Lastly, referrals refer to having clients recommend you by word-of-mouth.

Many freelancers focus on networking with prospective clients only. However, you can establish referral partnerships with businesses, entrepreneurs, and other freelancers. Having a wide referral network will help you gain more access to different clients.


Spend some time researching the market to discover online portfolios and to see what others are doing. Find out the supplementary skills that they have to improve yourself and your career (e.g., photography, video editing, or podcast creation).

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Grasp a bigger picture of what your competitors are doing and how much they are charging. This is vital in evaluating how much your service is worth. Set a reasonable price list afterwards.


6 Ways To Rekindle Your Love For Work

In these uncertain times, waking up and going to work is an achievement on its own. We have gone through a lot and we continue to adapt to our dynamic environment. Much like your personal life, your professional life is a work in progress.

When you start a job, it is all new and exciting. Do not get me started with the honeymoon phase! As time passes by, the job that once seemed so flawless may lose its luster. You may become complacent or disinterested without even noticing it. Before you call it quits, give yourself the opportunity to reconnect with your current job.


If you find it challenging to drag yourself out of the bed for work every morning, the first step is to admit that your motivation to go to work is slowly dwindling. You are not as passionate as you used to be. Similarly, you may want to know the root cause of having unpleasant days at work. That said, this is nothing to be ashamed of! There are many factors that can affect your feelings such as the significant changes brought by the COVID-19 restrictions.

Instead of lamenting over it on your Twitter or Facebook feed, sit down and reflect. What are the possible causes of the issues you have at work? You must first examine the things contributing to what you are feeling in order to change for the better. Once the root of the problem is clear, you can start making small changes in your personal workspace and within yourself.


Whether you are staying on a partially enclosed office workspace (i.e., a cubicle) or sitting in your home office, filling your workspace with special items can help boost your mood. Gather your favorite souvenirs, your favorite family photographs, your favorite indoor plants, or anything that sparks joy into your life. In those moments when you are feeling down and frustrated, being surrounded by things you love can help lift your spirits.

Do your best to make your personal workspace comfortable. If permitted, you may even collaborate with your colleagues to decorate the communal areas of your office. Fill it with items that everyone enjoys.


Learning does not stop in school! You can broaden your knowledge and skills to ignite the curiosity from within. Sometimes, people feel frustrated at work because they lack certain skills that are necessary to succeed. On the other hand, you may be well-versed at your current job and still lack the knowledge to take on a desired new role. Not knowing how to approach an obstacle at work can affect your motivation levels.

The best way to tackle this roadblock is to invest in continuing education and to update your skills. Talk to your boss about the available trainings or certifications that will benefit you and the organization. Does the company offer in-house training? If not, you can search for online training programs that interest you. Look for online courses, in-person workshops, international conferences, and other training programs.


One of the profound ways to reframe your relationship with your work is to identify all the good things about it. Practicing gratitude may seem hard at first, because you must see through the unpleasant circumstance and recognize the positivity. However, you have to realize that what you focus on – grows.

The good things are there, you just have to keep digging deep. For example, you appreciate your respectful supervisor, or you simply value the paycheck that keeps a roof over your head. What made you fall in love with the position in the first place? Go back to that moment. Writing down all the positive aspects of your job can remind you that these things exist. Use its positive energy to keep you going.


“Habits can save us time, but they can also make us feel stagnant,” said Helen Godfrey of The Authentic Path.

Thinking outside the box or doing things beyond your usual routine can help you approach the day in a different light. If you always eat lunch in the same place, consider ordering food from a different store. If you rarely leave your desk, try taking a 5-minute exercise break. Approach tasks through new lenses to help you shake things up. Perhaps, a little variety or a change in perspective is what you need to refresh your relationship with work.


As we search for the elusive “perfect job”, we often lose sight of the good things in our current position. It is easy to get stuck in a loop of negativity and internalize frustrations during difficult times. Acknowledging that frustration exists can prevent it from being bottled up. Talking to someone who understands where you are coming from can help.

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You can approach a mentor, a peer, a friend, a family member, or significant other. Your trusted confidant can offer a different perspective or a shoulder to lean on. It helps to pause and reflect.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


How To Cope With Job Loss

Speak from the heart and try to answer this question: “What do you do?”

Many of us may respond to this query by elaborating on our professions. I would do the same thing too. You see, our jobs are deeply integrated into our identities. Work helps us to satisfy our needs to earn money, to achieve goals, and to connect with others. It gives a sense of purpose and greatly affects our means of living. Therefore, job loss can be overwhelming.

It is common to feel like a part of you was lost. This loss can take a toll on your mental and physical health. As you through the process of adjustment, the next phase needs to be intentional. Let this article help you with that. Here are some of the steps that you may take after losing your job.


The latest figures released by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) showed an increase in the country’s annual unemployment rate. The overall Annual Average Unemployment Rate in 2020 was 3%, compared to 2.3% in 2019. Many people have experienced unemployment during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Adjusting to unemployment and grieving over job loss takes time. If you recently lost your job, it is important to accept that the process cannot be rushed. Rushing your feelings may lead to projecting unpleasant emotions during a job interview. Let everything simmer down first.

Losing your job may feel the same way as losing an integral part of yourself. You will undergo the grieving process and may feel the following stages: denial, anger, depression, bargaining, and acceptance. Do not be too hard on yourself. Accepting that these changes take time can help ease the healing process.


There are two ways to perceive your current situation. In most cases, losing your job or your source of income is difficult. Whether it has something to do with your performance or with the current economic situation, it is normal to feel worried about the future after job loss.

You can either look at it as a career barrier or a temporary setback. If you look at things in a bird’s eye view, you will realize that success in life is measured by how we respond to its challenges and setbacks. It is up to you to alter your mindset.


At first, taking care of yourself is easier said than done. It is tempting to grab a bag of chips and wallow in self-pity as you sit in front of the television. The feelings you may experience in the first couple of weeks or months may be overwhelming. However, you must not neglect your own well-being.

The healing of your mental health requires physical resilience. It takes a lot of effort to take care of yourself and to build healthy habits that will keep your immune system strong. Start by being intentional with what you eat. You may even grow your own greens at home. Furthermore, you can plan out an exercise routine that will work best for you. Use your energy to fulfill productive tasks such as gardening and job hunting.


As you are dealing with a range of emotions, refrain from isolating yourself. Having social support is crucial in times of struggle. It will help you overcome the loneliness you feel during the grieving process. Moreover, talking to someone about your current situation will help you acknowledge your feelings.

Talk to the people whom you trust. Your confidant does not have to offer upfront solutions, he or she just needs to be a good listener. Good listeners listen actively without passing judgment or being distracted. Alternatively, you may join support groups online.


Maintaining a daily routine goes together with taking care of yourself. While it is possible for you to stay in bed the whole day, setting a regular schedule can help regulate your mood. Studies have shown that following a routine can help ward off depression. A routine will give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment as you complete your daily household tasks. Furthermore, not setting boundaries for yourself may lead to eating poorly or other unhealthy habits.

Write down the tasks that you aim to fulfill within the day. Maintain a body clock by setting up a timer. The timer will give you an external cue to wake up and to sleep on scheduled hours. This will help you create a sense of normalcy and prevent you from staying up all night. Additionally, you may incorporate your meal preparations, family visits, skin care regimens, and exercise plans within your daily routine. Remember that practicing self-care and maintaining good hygiene can help boost your mood.


Try not to add unnecessary pressure on yourself! You are already going through a lot. Despite how anxious you are to get a new job, spending all your time on job search can be stressful and frustrating. Know that you are doing your best.

Try setting aside a certain number of hours within a day for your job applications. The remaining parts of your day may be dedicated to self-care, taking care of your family, and to other productive tasks. The unexpected time off can be challenging, but you may use it as an opportunity to do something that you have always been busy for.

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What are some of the things that you have put aside because you were too busy with your job? Whether you want to learn a new language or to clean out your closet, find hobbies and projects that will occupy your time. Now is your chance to focus on the things you are passionate about!

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


You Need To Know These 7 Job-Hunting Tips

Due to the global economic shifts brought by the pandemic, the unemployment rate in Singapore raised to around 4.38 percent in 2020. Unemployment has forced many Singaporean workers to reinvent themselves and pursue different career paths. It does not necessarily mean that they will try to get back the job they once lost.

If you are one of this people, you may turn to technology for advice. As you dive into the pool of job vacancies, you will encounter a massive wealth of job-hunting advice online. It is easy to get lost in the pile of articles found in Google. Avoid overwhelming yourself.

Let me start by cutting down the list of timeless job-hunting tips to help you survive this complex process.


When applying for a job online, it is highly likely that your Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or resume will be screened by an applicant tracking system. The first human encounter your C.V. will encounter is from a recruiter or an entry-level HR officer. It is best to tailor your application to the company you are applying for. Make it obvious that you are fit for the job!

Start by studying the job description and all the available information about the vacancy. Then, mirror the words and phrases found in the job description. Showcase your strengths in the areas that are important to the role being filled. Connect your skills to what they are looking for.


While most companies accomplish the initial hiring process online and thru Zoom interviews, you must not limit yourself to online applications. Accelerate your chances of getting the job by dropping by the office and handing over the application in person.

Schedule informational interviews with would-be peers, if possible. You may also approach the internal recruiter and ask a few questions. This will get you on their radar. Remember that decision makers usually interview people who were recommended or referred. Letting the company know your genuine interest can help you set yourself apart.


Always come prepared. Do your research on your target companies. Once you know what you want, it is time to find out what the companies want.

A great tip is to find out the company’s culture and structure through their LinkedIn page and website. Figure out what questions they commonly ask during job interviews and discover the approximate amount of salary you may get.


It goes without saying that modern recruiters search through the Web to find out who you really are. It is best to build a brand that showcases your expertise and passion. Most recruiters use LinkedIn as their primary search tool. Use it to your advantage!

Moreover, you must be cautious about you post online. It can make or break your chances of getting the job.


During the early stages of job-hunting, you must gather all the documents supporting your claims. This includes Transcript of Records and Recommendation Letters. Ensure that your C.V. and cover letter are up to date. Then, determine how many hours per day will be dedicated to job-hunting or networking.

You can neatly compile all the professional email accounts and job interview schedules into a spreadsheet. This way, your job search process can be faster and easier.


During the end of your job interview, it does not hurt to become vulnerable. It is alright to ask your interviewer for advice on how to build strong working relationships and how to succeed in the current vacant position. Do not forget to admire their company and the work they do.


Carry yourself well during interviews. How many times have you heard this: “body language is vital in job interviews”? It is in your interest to take this advice seriously. Watch out for your posture, gestures, and non-verbal cues. These may either exude confidence or incompetence.

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Communication, much like dancing, is a two-way street. Pay attention to your interviewer’s body language too. This will help you know if you are on the right track.

Sources: 1 & 2