5 Coolest Co-Working Spaces In Singapore

Fast-paced developments in technology and connectivity paved the way for the rise in online jobs and tasks, especially with our current flexible working conditions. If the distractions at home are too much to handle, try fulfilling your tasks in a co-working space.

You can access Singapore’s co-working spaces whether you are a freelancer, a startup, or a well-established company. Read the article to find a space that suits your budget and your needs.


Operating at twenty fantastic co-working spaces across seven countries in Asia Pacific, the Hive is recognized as a boutique co-working network. Since its inception in 2012, it has expanded to other locations such as Thailand, Japan, and Singapore. Frequent jetsetters can reap the benefits of accessing all the locations through the Hive Passports. Prices start at S$30 for a Hot Desk Day Pass.

Image Credits: thehive.sg

Location: Various locations including the Hive Carpenter at 36 Carpenter St., Singapore 059915
Website: thehive.sg


As one of the largest co-working networks in Asia with multiple locations in Singapore, JustCo blends functional spaces to the community. It raises the platform by offering the entertainment factor. The breezy spaces include a gaming room, a well-stocked pantry, a snooze lounge, and a meditation corner. Feel free to relax after a long day of work!

Image Credits: justcoglobal.com/sg

JustDesk Basic Plan starts at S$98 per month. Sign-up for a free trial to experience its services.

Location: Various locations including Marina Square, Raffles Quay, Robinson Road, and MacDonald House
Website: justcoglobal.com/sg


Tucked away on Cross Street, ClubCo is a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. This modern co-working space fuses value-for-money membership plans with contemporary furniture. Anyone from consultants to occasional office workers can come inside to use their amenities such as high-speed Wi-Fi, smart TVs, private phone booth, photocopying machine, and complimentary beverages. Private meeting rooms of varied sizes are also available. What’s more? It’s conveniently located right beside the Raffles Place MRT, with a rooftop space where you can unwind.

Image Credits: clubco.sg

A Day Pass is worth S$40, which is available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.

Location: #04-00, The Quadrant, 19 Cecil Street, Singapore 049704
Website: clubco.sg


The Great Room opened its doors at One George Street in 2015. It is strategically located in the heart of Singapore’s financial and business district. Since then, The Great Room has opened four more spaces around the country among vibrant neighborhoods that brim with restaurants, shops, hotels, and wellness facilities.

Image Credits: thegreatroom.co

You see, The Great Room draws inspiration from the best hotel lobbies with its hospitality-inspired layout and highly functional spaces. The flattering lighting, decor, and furnishings make it conducive for ideas to thrive. Its options vary from a dedicated office to a business club. Be treated to something special with a Day Pass costing about S$70!

Location: Various locations including One George Street, Centennial Tower, and Ngee Ann City
Website: thegreatroom.co


From lively spaces to prime locations, Spaces has it all. What sets it apart from the rest is its flexible plans that you can tailor to suit your needs. For some plans, you could work at your desk at any time of the day. This is perfect for people who work remotely with global businesses.

Image Credits: spacesworks.com

The Co-working Membership fees start at S$178 for 5 days in a month.

Location: Various locations including Clarke Quay, City Hall, and Robinson
Website: spacesworks.com

Sources: 1 & 2


What To Wear For A Job Interview

Choosing what to wear to a job interview is usually a stressful part of the preparation. Successful job interviews depend on how you present yourself and how you answer the questions. Begin by putting on an outfit that will help convince the hiring manager that you are a good fit for the company.

Below are some tips that you can employ to dress your best at a job interview.


Research the company’s environment to know how formal their workplace is. If you checked the company’s website and its social media pages, you could get a grasp of their branding. You can even call the HR department to know what the appropriate dress code is.

Consider the available position, the viable role, and the industry. If you are interviewing for a corporate position, wear formal business attire. This means that men can opt for a suit and women can opt for a tailored dress. For less formal positions such as carpenter and plumber, you can wear business casual.


Generally, you can enter a job interview wearing professional or formal business attire. Men can wear a suit, a pair of slacks, a shirt, and button-down. Women can wear a tailored dress or a blouse.

Feel free to incorporate modern trends into your outfit. However, you must avoid wearing anything too flashy or bright as these will distract the hiring manager.


If you are having an interview in an informal working environment, you can wear a business casual attire. Business casual attires are relaxed and polished. You can wear relaxed-fit khakis and dark-wash jeans.

Before dressing up in the business casual attire, make sure that you know the company’s dress code. You can contact the person who scheduled the interview to ask him or her for advice.

Image Credits: pixabay.com


When it comes to accessories, you must keep your choices simple. Avoid large, chunky, or distracting bracelets, earrings, or necklaces. Wear stud earrings, delicate necklaces, and one simple bracelet. You do not want your accessories to get tangled with your face mask.

Keep your nail polish classic and muted too. Remember that you are the star of the interview.


Try on the complete outfit a few days ahead of the interview. This will help you perceive if everything fits properly and smells clean. Do a mock interview with a friend or a loved one while wearing this outfit to see how it fits. Check the outfit one last time for any wrinkles, stains, or holes.

Sources: 1 & 2


Which Career Path Should You Take?

Your career has a significant impact on your future. It can affect many facets of your life such as your lifestyle, income, identity, and family. Carefully consider your options and follow these steps to help you decide what career to pursue.


You must assess yourself first before choosing the right career path. Your interests, soft skills, aptitudes, personality, and values make you a good fit for a particular occupation.

What subjects did you enjoy at school? What activities have you done well at? You can use self-assessment tools to gather information about your traits. Others work with career counsellors to help them navigate this process.


Narrow down your list of potential careers. Keep in mind that you must choose a career in which you are interested. Aim to match your qualifications and personality with your top four choices.

See if these choices feature similar skills and other qualifications. Make note of these similarities as it can help you decide what your future study options can be.


Now that you have the basic information about each occupation on our list, it is time to do your research.

Image Credits: pixabay.com

Look for job descriptions, further training, and licensing requirements. Learn how you can advance in a particular position. You can also research on the job outlook and your potential earnings.


Begin eliminating careers that you do not want to pursue any further. You should end up with two occupations on your concise list.

Eliminate everything with duties that do not appeal to you. Remove careers that have weak job outlooks! Lastly, get rid of careers that you are unable or unwilling to fulfill the requirements.


Narrow your choices further by conducting in-depth interviews. Find credible people in career resources such as LinkedIn. Arrange to meet with people (i.e., online, or offline) who work in the occupations in which you are interested. These people can provide firsthand experience about their careers.

Study their answers and go back to your list. Contemplate on your potential career options.

Sources: 1 &2


Self-doubt: How Impostor Syndrome Can Hold You Back At Work

You are suited up and ready to impress!

On your way to a job interview for a company that you care about, you brought a C.V. that highlights how perfectly you fit in the position you applied for. You are more than qualified for the position, and the team would be lucky to have you. The hiring manager said so himself!

However, you start questioning whether you are capable of the job as you meet the company’s supervisor. Self-doubt can cripple you and hinder your success.


Impostor Syndrome is the overwhelming feeling that you do not deserve success. You become convinced that you are not talented, attractive, intelligent, or capable as you may seem. You suspect that your achievements are due to luck, good timing, and other external factors.

Particularly in male-dominated environments, impostor syndrome has been thought to affect women more than men. However, recent study showed that it affects both genders equally.

A person with impostor syndrome (impostor) has a sense of being a fraud, a difficulty internalizing his or her success, and a fear of being discovered. Usually, the stressor triggering impostor syndrome involves getting a new opportunity such as a new job or an advanced degree.

“The person who achieved this level of success begins to have negative thoughts that the success was not really earned. These negative thoughts, which are often referred to as ‘cognitive distortions,’ are based on fear and anxiety and not based in objective facts.” – Ms. Cara Maksimow, LCSW


An impostor may procrastinate or put off assignments due to the fear of being unable to complete the necessary ambitious standards. On the other hand, the imposter may over-prepare by spending too much time on the task. If his or her behavior creates a successful outcome, it will be written off as luck or fluke in the system.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Success can create a cycle of self-doubt for imposters. Even when they achieve important milestones, they are unable to recognize their own achievements. Instead of celebrating these, the impostors are worried that others will discover the “truth” about their abilities. This is an irrational thought.


There are many ways to manage the impostor syndrome. Here are just some of them:

a. Create a list of your strengths and prior accomplishments at work. Refer to this list when you are questioning yourself.

b. Talk to mentors who are more experienced in the field, when you feel like you do not belong in the situation.

c. Set realistic goals. Often, a fear of failure and a need to be the best can lead to overachievement.

d. Acknowledge what you are feeling. Do your best to keep a journal. Whenever you experience feelings of self-doubt or inadequacy, write your thoughts down. Be specific about why you are feeling this way.

e. Handling with Impostor Syndrome takes long-term effort. You need to employ strategies to deal with it at particularly stressful situations. When the negative self-talk takes over your mind, try to confront it by distancing yourself from the “emotional power” of the voice.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3



6 Telltale Signs That You Need To Walk Away From A Job Interview

With the status of today’s economy, you cannot be too picky. In your efforts to filter out your job applications, sometimes the position just does not feel right. It can be in your best interest to pass on a position if any of the following red flags are present.


Have you ever walked into a room and felt like a complete nuisance? If the hiring manager makes you feel that they are not expecting you, you may proceed with caution. Observe the questions of the hiring manager and determine whether the person you prepared for has glanced at your profile. Working for someone who does not respect your time and presence is not ideal.

The hiring process is an expensive endeavor, so potential employers should not be frugal with their time. It is highly likely that they frequently make hiring mistakes if they are paying less attention to you and other candidates.


A candidate can expect a few hiccups in the interview scheduling process. After all, it is not easy to coordinate multiple people’s schedules. Moreover, bosses often get pulled out for last-minute meetings.

Scheduling becomes a concern if the hiring manager keeps rescheduling your online interview or in-person interview. These actions convey that he or she thinks you can adjust your schedule endlessly to accommodate to them.


Some companies use intimidation tactics during the interview. Whether the hostile behavior reflects how people treat each other in the company or is a way to test its candidates, companies want to observe how you will act under pressure. Intimidation can go as far as forcing you to accept the job offer upfront. That happened to a friend of mine.

Hiring managers that use this technique expect the candidates to calmly approach the situation. Candidates with other options will not tolerate it.


No matter if you are applying to be an entry-level staff or the chief financial officer, the hiring manager should be able to explain the responsibilities of the role as well as how success will be measured. If he or she fails to do so, you will probably have a challenging time forging a clear path in the company.

You deserve to know what the job entails before you take it. If the answers of the hiring manager changes, it poses a concern.


Test how open the hiring manager is about growth potential and other matters. Everyone should have an opportunity to progress in the company’s ladder. If the hiring manager acts weird or gets annoyed when you ask about growth potential, you can expect that they have something to hide.

An interview is a preview of what your life could be like in a company. You can politely ask about the exciting and frustrating elements of the job to increase your awareness.


Yes! Times are tough, but the hiring manager should not act like he is doing you a favor. Telling you that there are many people competing for the position and that you are lucky to have an interview is an intimidation tactic. Perhaps, this is embedded in the work culture. It is not ideal, especially if you end up dealing with it every day.

Image Credits: unsplash.com

Interviewer red flags are not difficult to spot if you know what to watch out for. Do not disregard these telltale signs during the job interview. Instead, turn your attention to finding employment or opportunity elsewhere.

Sources: 1 & 2