The True Cost Of Workplace Conflicts

This month is filled with a roller coaster ride of emotions. Concluding my September was a big event that my branch held. This nationwide event stirred varying conflicts of different degrees. The highly stressful environment induced a simple misunderstanding, which became a whole ordeal among the team. You see, some people began taking sides. A week has passed before my boss noticed that something is wrong. He needed to resolve the problem immediately! Fortunately, his intervention worked out.

While business owners know that workplace conflicts affect productivity and employee morale, not many are aware that office drama can drain their funds. In 2008, the publishers of the Myers-Briggs Assessment and the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument conducted a study on workplace conflict. Results showed that American employees spent nearly 3 hours per week in dealing with workplace conflicts. This is equivalent to approximately S$490 billion in paid hours or equivalent to 385 million working days. These crazy numbers pose an alert to people running the workplace.

Workplace conflict’s effects are not limited to time wasted. 25% of employees reported that they avoided conflicts by skipping work or by calling in sick. Equally alarming, nearly 10% reported that conflicts led to project failure. These negative behaviors translate to financial losses, especially felt by small businesses.

It is no secret that we spend our time comparing, gossiping, retaliating, and playing defense. These countless amounts of time is much rather spent on customer interactions and other productive activities. Navigating yourself around the whole drama is important. You do not want to lose some loyal customers just because two employees are tarnishing your organization’s image!

On that note, I have listed some practical ways to deal with workplace conflicts.

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1. Employers shall create a workplace environment that empowers employees to manage conflicts. Regardless of your employee’s role in the organization, HR officers must conduct behavioral questions that tests how one shall react during conflicts. For instance, an applicant may share about his or her previous experiences in dealing with workplace issues.

2. As a part of cultivating a conducive environment, you may encourage healthy dialogues or debates in small groups. Help your employees appreciate the value of differing perspectives and analyze each one.

3. As much as you want your employees to resolve their conflicts on their own, you must know where to draw the line. Do not expect that everyone can handle every problem on their own! Ensure that your employees can count on you when they have encountered inappropriate or illegal behaviors. You must be immediately notified when there are indications of physical violence, sexual harassment, theft, or substance abuse.

4. Remind your team that they shall focus on the unpleasant workplace behaviors and its consequences when trying to address a particular conflict. They must not take things personally. They are not there to assassinate someone else’s character. They are there to improve their team’s dynamics.

5. Provide ongoing training on conflict resolution and stress management. These types of training can lead to self-assessment and self-understanding of one’s conflict-management skills. Drills can help them identify the pros and cons of using a certain style.

6. As an employer, you must not put the workplace conflicts on top of your priority list. Actively listen to your employees and support them in every way possible. But, you do not have to automatically take ownership of their problems. Be able to discern whether an issue needs immediate action or not.

7. Say that one employee is consistently causing the workplace dramas. Furthermore, you do not see any improvements as time passes. Pull this employee aside and talk to him or her in a mature manner. Monitor his or her progress by talking to the team periodically. This can help prevent any future conflicts from spiraling out of control.

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As a leader, you must navigate around the issues with objective lenses. Know the truth of each sides and run through the possible interventions that you can offer. Every move counts!

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Everything You Need To Know About: Value For Money

When you hear the phrase “value for money”, what is the first thought that pops to your mind? Most people would say that it involves cost-effectiveness. Its definition goes beyond that. Value for money is a utility derived from every purchase or every sum of money spent.

It is based on the minimum purchase price and the maximum effectiveness of the purchase. Simply put, value for money should have four different dimensions. These four dimensions are: economic, efficient, effective, and equitable.

The value of money should be economic in terms of its processing. Inputs must have been procureed at the least cost for the relevant level of quality.

The value of money should be efficient in terms of its outputs. The value of outputs should be considered in relation to the total cost of the inputs.

The value of money should be effective in terms of achieving program outcomes. Sometimes, equity considerations are put in here.

Lastly, the value of money should be equitale in terms of ensuring that the benefits are distributed fairly.


There are different ways to evaluate the value for money. Here are just three of the common ones:

1. Cost Utility Analysis

When the evaluator needs to consider individual preferences, this is usually the method that they turn to. This approach takes two or more alternatives and compares their costs to their values. However, it can result to a number of potential outcomes.

2. Cost Effectiveness Analysis

This approach can be employed when you need to compare the programs that aim to achieve the same goal. It involves evaluation of two or more alternatives based on the relative costs and outcomes.

3. Cost Benefit Analysis

If you want to know whether the costs outweigh the benefits then, you must use this method. This approach is the evaluation of alternatives by determining the costs and benefits of each one. It highlights whether a course of action is worthwhile or not.

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It is essential for an evaluator to consider a variety of methods for determining whether an activity is value for money or not.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


Is Employee Training Worth Spending For?

In the past few months, I have been attending seminars and training conventions nonstop. Two of which were products of my personal efforts. While the succeeding three were given freely by the company I work for. These statements may sound a little too textbook heavy. However, I valued it all.

Well-trained employees do come at a cost and it can contribute to a better workplace in the long run. Yes! You are required to shell out time, money, and resources. However, it is a worthy investment. Here are some of the reasons why:


Employees who are not equipped with tools to efficiently do their jobs are likely to be less productive than those who are well-trained. I remember lodging a resignation letter due to not having sufficient training, which led to burnout. Underperforming employees can be a burden for any business. Think about the costs that come with that!


Times have changed! Several industries have embraced the modern advances of technology. No business shall be left behind! It is important to comply to the current industry regulations mandated by the government. This can be achieved by attending training. Furthermore, ongoing training ensures that your staff’s knowledge and stratgies are up-to-date.


Undergoing proper training can ensure that the responsibility of supervision will be lessened. I am not saying that you need to eliminate supervision completely. But, you do not have to micromanage everyone in the workplace. Well-trained employees will know how to complete their tasks or goals in a uniform manner.


When prospective employees go for a job hunt, they assess whether a specific organization is a good fit for them. Employee benefits can draw the best talents from the start. Offering continued training or compensation for further education creates a “good image” to a business. Training is a key feature that many people look for within their job search.


The premise is simple: employees who are happy with their jobs stay at a longer period of time. Proper training contributes to employee satisfaction. You see, employees who are satisfied with their roles are the ones who understand the scope of their jobs. They know what strategies or resources to exhaust to get the job done!

Happy employees are more productive. Moreover, they want to contribute beyond what their job entails.

Sources: 1, 2, and 3


Feng Shui’s Guide To Attracting Luck In Business

The ancient principles of Feng Shui can be used to draw more customers, to attract positive energy, and to create a financial foundation. Let us take the toilet or restroom as an example. The toilet is a “Yin” water energy space, which can have a draining effect in the sales.

If you do not want your sales to go down the drain then, do not call attention to your store’s toilet!


Location plays an important part in the business’ costs and revenues. For starters, owners must consider whether a particular location is accessible to their target clients. Now, let us add Feng Shui into the mix.

A good location includes a main door that faces the open space. The main door’s strategic placement allows light to enter. A well-lit office or store enables positive energy to flow throughout the day.


Without a shadow of doubt, people are influenced by emotions when making a purchase. In Feng Shui, emotions are symbolized by energies in motion. Create inviting energies by incorporating pleasant music, vibrant scents, quality air, and well-designed lighting.

The key here is motion! That being said, Feng Shui suggests that you change or rearrange your diplays on a regular basis.


To attract more customers and to stimulate sales, Feng Shui advocates that you keep things fresh! There are many ways maintain a “fresh” establishment without breaking the bank.

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Firstly, you may rotate your merchandise every season. Secondly, you may diversify the products offered in each branch. Lastly, online shops can provide a variety of options at different price points.


Speaking of online shops, your business’ website can act as a strong promotional tool. Stimulate the harmonious energy by setting a neat and simple homepage for your online consumers.

Furthermore, you can create a good business energy by using smooth or curved lines and graphics. You read that right! Avoid straight and sharp lines at all costs.


Cash registers must be placed in powerful spots called the “commanding positions”. Commanding positions are usually diagonal from the entrance.

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For the “lucky corners”, you may place the special products or the attractive products. Lucky corners are usually opposite and diagonal to the door. Adding plants to the lucky corners can increase the growth energy, which can boost sales.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3


4 Time Management Tips To Help You Work Smart

We all posses a set of (or at least one) positive traits useful in the workplace. Mine just happens to surround time management. Time is a finite commodity that you cannot take back! Thus, I make it a point to strategically exhaust it.

Managing time is not about squeezing as many tasks as you can within 24 hours. Instead, it is about carefully choosing which tasks you can fulfill to alleviate stress and which tasks you can leave behind. Simplify your operations in order to accomplish your tasks at a faster pace. Consider these tips to work smarter:


As much as I want to discuss about the catchy Iggy Azalea song, I am going to expound on the seemingly unfamiliar territory of prioritizing. Prioritizing focuses on determining the order of the items in your to-do list. Stephen Covey, the co-author of “First Things First”, introduced four categorizations for one’s tasks. The categories are:

a. Important and Urgent,
b. Important and Not Urgent,
c. Urgent and Not Important, as well as
d. Not Urgent and Not Important.

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Write down at least three “Important and Urgent” tasks that you must accomplish by today. Waste no time in addressing each one. Reap the sense of accomplishment as you fulfill each one of them. Use this motivation to tackle the less vital items.


No matter how busy your weekday can get, you still have a decent amount of down-time. Use your waiting time wisely by completing simple tasks such as calling possible sponsors for your company event. While you are waiting to board the next bus, you can answer important emails with your mobile applications.

As a pre-school teacher, I envision my lesson plans whenever I have idle moments. My finest thoughts spark when I am relaxing in the shower or when I am running a mile in the town stadium. Maximizing my spare time allows me to push my creativity beyond limits.


Taking a series of commitments can be detrimental to your schedule. Whenever you agree to help out a co-worker, you are increasing your personal workload. You may not be able to immediately tackle the tasks assigned to you!

It is hard to refuse to friendly requests from colleagues especially if you are the type of person who loves lending a hand. However, if you want to jump-start your productivity, it is important to learn to say “NO” or “not at this moment”.


It is no secret that I am an avid people watcher! Not to sound creepy, but it comes from my background in Psychology. Let us move on to the anecdote. As I was sipping my hot mocha, I overheard two women talking about their careers. One seems to be the other’s mentor. I realized that they were both dancing instructors as the discussion went on. The “mentor” shared valuable tips such as preparing an overall timeline and strict goals for each day. She said that it was better to record one’s routine to record any flaws, before the presentation comes. She made some valid points!

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Having a realistic plan eases the tension of the coming days. You know your glistening target and the corresponding moves to achieve it. Now, you do not have to be prudent to absorb the future’s essence. Start by sparing at least 10 minutes before your shift ends to clear out your desk and to prepare your task for tomorrow. Alternatively, you may clear your desk as you arrive to the office. Allot the first 10 minutes to prioritizing your to-do list.

Sources: 1, 2, & 3