Golden Do’s In Giving Your Child’s School Allowance

As the modern world has become more complex, children nowadays have been inseparable with school allowance or pocket-money. From a variety of books, to a selection of gadgets, accessories, or snacks…there is always something else they needed to buy! Furthermore, they are more knowledgeable about money as they have access not only to the lives of their friends but also to the kids around the world – through the Internet.

Having these in mind, giving money to your children must be used in the most positive manner in order to mold their values while young. Let us first start with the amount to give.

Most mothers in Singapore agree that an allowance of about S$5 is enough for the needs of children in Primary 1-6. This is done so to meet the costs of food and other miscellaneous. But, if the day falls on a co-curricular activity, they give extra cash.

Aside from this, the best way to decide the pocket-money amount is to discuss it with your child. Know his or her needs and plan it together. Start giving this amount on a regular or consistent basis so that your child can manage his money accordingly.

After the suitable amount is settled, let us evaluate the Do’s in allowance giving…


Teach your kid to make their own monetary choices by giving the allowance in smaller denominations (e.g., three pieces of S$1 coins and four pieces of S$0.50 coins) so he or she can save a part of it (e.g., 10% or S$0.50). Promote saving by providing a piggy bank or a money jar with their name on it.


Instead of just handing cash over, make them earn it. Instill the importance of sharing the household chores around the house then, reward him or her for chipping in. You do not have to be all competitive about it by assigning a dollar for each chore, just explain what your child can do to help out.


Money is a currency that puts relative price on almost everything. Letting your child make a few unnecessary purchases, such as spending their entire savings on sticker tattoos, as a part of the learning process is OKAY. But, it is also acceptable to put limits on what your child can spend on. This shall teach both the value of money and responsibility of a smart consumer.

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Sources: 1 & 2



Preparing For Retirement: Should You Spend Less Or Earn More?

American Advisor Group

In order to make your dream of retiring early a reality, you generally have two options: to spend less or to earn more. If you are an avid reader of personal articles, it is no surprise that spending less is included in “Ways To Save For Retirement”. But, when you want to focus on maximizing your earning potential then, you will have to do several measures to earn more.



Spending less gives an a more instantaneous result compared to earning more due to its direct nature. It is easier to accomplish because of money management and budgeting techniques.


There is a limit to when you can spend less before you hit a boiling point. For instance, some people restrict their way of life to the point that it is extremely uncomfortable and unsatisfactory.


  • Lower your utility bills by unplugging cables, turning off the lights, and minimizing the air conditioner temperature.
  • Cancel your hand phone plans and switch to prepaid in order to regulate your telecom bills.
  • It is important to track where your money is going through the last month’s bank statements and receipts. Notice what you have spending too much on and reduce it.
  • Cut down your T.V. bill by canceling your cable subscription and opting for watching at lets you watch episodes of your favorite shows at Channel 5, Channel 8, Channel U, Okto, Suria, and Vasantham – for free! But, viewing of premium content is on a subscription basis.
  • Lastly, if you are buying a new appliance, make sure that it is an energy efficient model. Smaller appliances not only help you save more on space but on bills also.



The ways you can earn are endless. Ultimately, it is based on your good financial choices, a ton of effort, and a sprinkle of luck. Additionally, here is no limitation in the amount you can possibly earn.


Making more money takes time and effort. You will need to find a better job or to work more hours in order get a start-up capital for your small business. The flow of profit after the initial business launch takes time too.


  • Increase your earnings by upgrading your skills. To upgrade your skills, you can enroll to workshops or courses. Consider going down to your community centre (CC) and find out the affordable courses they offer. Transform the awesome skills you learned into viable freelance businesses or part-time occupations.

Related Article: 4 Community Centres’ Workshops That Can Really Make You Money

  • Start your own small business such as an online clothing shop. Online business allows you to sell your product or service at the convenience of your own home and your own time.

Related Article: How And Why You Should Start An Online Business Now

  • Lastly, contemplate on proposing a salary increase or a leaving the company for a better company.


On your way to save for your retirement fund, frugality or spending less is the first step. Once you are financially stable, it makes more sense to seek for higher income.
You can earn millions of dollars but if you are spending irrationally, you can get into financial problems. And, even if you are cutting down your spending, you may not reach your goal if you do not earn a decent amount of money. So, the best way to reach your retirement goal is to have a combination of both options.


(Image Credits: 401(K) 2012 via Flickr)

Source: 1


4 Ways To Stop Your Couple Woes Over Money

They say that love is unconditional, selfless, and priceless. But the truth is, you have to spend money for roses, dinner, or even diamonds during special occasions such as birthdays or Valentine’s Day. And these gifts do not come cheap! The influence of money on the relationship does not stop there. It is significantly present in marriage. In 2012, a study found that the more regular couples argued over money, the more likely they were to get divorced.

There are different reasons why couples have dispute over money. One reason is the opposing views that deeply affect their values to the point that it is hard for them not to be self-righteous in the subject. Although, if both parties truly love each other and are willing to work things out then, they can set their differences aside. Here are 4 helpful ways to stop your couple woes over money


To prevent another issue to boil, understand each other’s view by explicitly discussing your differences on financial issues. For example, if your partner is a saver then, he or she may view money as an important currency that shall not be wasted.

Learn put yourself in your partner’s situation (i.e., spender or saver) by recognizing his or her financial strengths. For example, if you are buying a washing machine. While a saver may lean towards a cheap and used machine, a spender will want a costly and new machine. Compromise by combining the saver’s ability to get a good deal with the spender’s ability to commit to a new purchase.

Related Article: Psychology of Spenders and Savers


When faced in a situation where you are already frustrated and about to burst, take a step back from those feelings. Avoid blaming or shouting at each other. Instead, write down your feelings or values about money and how you want your money dynamics to change for the better. When your temper is gone, exchange letters to know where your partner is coming from. If you want to break the cycle of feud, you have to work together to a fresh start.


Ensure that you will have a productive and open communication on your financial goals and new budget plan. Change can be difficult and you may need to remind each other of your dreams and budget from time to time.


Although you have a joint bank account, you may want to have separate bank accounts for your personal finances including buying gifts for your spouse or child. This degree of financial independence can help you deal with the changes better. Keep in mind that you shall still honor the new budgeting scheme and financial goals even if you have a personal account.

Image Credits: Robert Bejil via Flickr

Image Credits: Robert Bejil via Flickr

In resolving your money woes with your partner, it is important to keep an open mind. Remember that it is not about winning or superiority, instead it is about understanding your partner’s perspective on money.


10 Tips To Eat Healthier And Save More Money

Healthy eating is an active choice to improve one’s lifestyle. It is not about total dietary restriction and remaining thin. Rather, it is about having more energy and feeling better about YOU!

If you find it difficult at first, fear not because you are not alone. Taking this healthier road one step at a time will surely go a long way. Once you embraced healthier eating, you cannot only be fitter but also richer. As you cut back the unnecessary, you can save more money for important things such as your child’s allowance. On that note, here are 10 Tips To Eat Healthier And Save More Money…


1. Reduce sugar in fruit juices by diluting it with water. Even if it does not contain added sugar such as the pure fruit juices, it is still good to practice this.

2. A bottle of Strawberry Jam at FairPrice retails for about S$3-9.80. You can save that and reduce guar consumption by using minimum amounts of jam or any spread. Apply it thinly and evenly.


3. Did you know that Marigold’s Non Fat Yoghurt is available for S$1.85 while Meiji’s Low Fat Yoghurt is only S$1/pc at FairPrice. Also, milk containing less fat are either the same price or even cheaper than the other types. The point is, you can choose reduced-fat varieties of milk and yoghurt without sacrificing the price.

4. If you are preparing meat, remove the visible fat and the skin off the chicken before you cook.


5. You can either reduce or not use salt at all when you are cooking. But, if you want to add more flavors, use iodized salt instead.

6. Want to save more on salt? Gradually reduce the salt you add in your cooking and buy food with lower sodium levels.


7. Eat about 3-4 servings of fruits daily. Banana, orange, and guava are just some of the fruits rich in fiber.

8. It is a known fact that leafy greens are more affordable than lean meat. To eat healthier, eat smaller servings of meat with larger servings of vegetables.


9. Cook more homemade meals instead of buying take-away. For example, cook fish by steaming, grilling, or pan-frying it. Shy away from deep fried food.

10. Lastly, it is no surprise that beer or any alcoholic drinks should be cut down. The recommended consumption should be no more than 3 drinks for men and no more than 2 drinks for women. Reducing your alcohol consumption will not only control your weight but it will also save you more money and lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Image Credits: nutrition education via Flickr

Image Credits: nutrition education via Flickr



6 Shopping Faux Pas All Should Avoid


Do not bury yourself in a pile of debt because you cannot live without the new Prada bag. Saving up for a new designer bag or a new car is a better option than having to loan money for it. Seek a balance between your debts and your savings by paying for loans with low interest first. This will ramp up your cash flow (income – expenses) for sure.


Couponing is a strategy used by a shopper to pay less in shopping for groceries, tickets, and more. Smart shoppers that are new to the scene may shy away from coupons but once they see the real value of their savings by looking at the receipt, they would realize how great it is. You may get coupons for dining, leisure, toys, pets services, and just about anything at or Learn more about how coupon works in groceries by watching this video:


Never show off your success or mistreat the salesperson. Instead, treat the sales representatives nicely by smiling and asking politely whenever you shop. That act of kindness can go a really long way. They may even offer you special discounts or tell you when the next promotions are coming.


Having your credit cards handy will only tempt you to shop for more. Say you hid your credit card already but memorized its account number then you may just fall back to a slipper slope. Use precautions such as getting a new credit card to replace the one that you had memorized. Spending the money you do not have can only lead to a pile of dreaded debt.


Although this event happened once, I can never forget what I learned. I went inside the fitting room and hung my bag with my wallet and phone inside. As I was going out of the store with my newly purchased dressed, I realized that my bag was not with me. Luckily, living in a country with low-crime rate paved way for my bag to be in tact. Singapore is generally safe but, we can never really say that crimes do not happen. What if I left my passport inside and someone took it? Even a new dress will not make me happy. So, always check your belongings before and after you go inside the fitting room or any place else.


Most of us clamor over the holiday sales!

Image Credits: F Delventhal via Flickr

Image Credits: F Delventhal via Flickr

Who can resist a cheap Valentine’s Day greeting card or an oven that retails for 50% off after the Christmas sale? To avoid buying more than you intend, make a shopping list and stick to it. If you are shopping for more than one person then, budget your money by calculating how much you are willing to spend per person.