Celebrate this festive season with 1-for-1 IPL sessions from Nude Wax Parlour. Valid till 31 Dec 17

Looking for fast, effective and painless IPL? Check out Nude Wax Parlour.

It’s their favourite time of the year! They love to give back to their lovely customers and this festive season, they are having a 1-for-1 promotion!

  • 1-for-1 IPL Brazilian sessions at $138 total
  • 1-for-1 IPL Underarm sessions at $68 total

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So call along your best friend and get hairless together today!

Visit them at 6 Stanley Street (6816 1116) or at Orchard Gateway #B2-38 (6816 6116)

You can also book your appointment with them today on www.nude.com.sg

#NudeSG #ReasonsToGoNude