Photo by Richard Clyborne of MusicStrive
Many people have been buzzing about Apple’s latest innovation – the AirPods. The AirPods are made to be wireless, effortless, and magical. These will sell for about S$238 a pop by October. The price is certainly outrageous for a simple gal like me!
Before you redirect to a review on Apple’s trendy wireless accessory, let me backtrack to the Bluetooth wireless headsets and headphones. There are many versions of Bluetooth wireless headsets and headphones attempted by different manufacturers. This is ideal as consumers can pick the most suitable device to suit their needs.
Speaking from my own experience, I was recently gifted with a Philips Bluetooth stereo headset. It let me take calls and listen to music conveniently. I was impressed at how easy and smooth it was to switch between music and calls while maintaining the strong connectivity. The cushion of the headset was soft, which makes it perfect for longer use. Its battery life is decent too. However, as I expected, the quality of the sound was not as good as a wired device. It did not live up to its claim of producing “lifelike sound balance quality”. Using this accessory for quite some time made me wonder if investing one’s hard-earned money on wireless accessories is worth it.
To make a solid decision, you will have to consider various factors that interact in this situation. Start by determining what you need. If your audiophile heart has a longstanding love affair with the “noise cancelling” feature then, go for it. Spending hundred dollars on an amazing Bluetooth wireless headphone that you will use all the time is a worthy investment. However, you can get better accessories without spending that much money if you can live without that feature. Some S$50 wired headphones may sound better than a S$200 Bluetooth wireless headphone. Keep this factor in mind.
Second, you must determine what you can realistically afford. A nice trick is to visualize the act of replacing your accessory every month or two. As you visualize this, think of an amount that you can easily work with if you are going thru the constant replacement. Do not spend more money than you can afford in a short-term basis.
Third, you must accept the seemingly opposing sound qualities produced by the wired and wireless accessories. This is one of the major reasons why people are hesitant to invest in one. For people who are sensitive and particular when it comes to sound, wireless accessories may not be for them. This is because Bluetooth accessories manipulate music unlike wired headphones. Brandt Ranj of Business Insider can simplify things for you.
“Wired headphones will sound better overall, but most people won’t be able to tell the difference.” – Brandt Ranj
The fourth factor is the battery life. Wireless accessories have batteries and these die down. They free you from the tangling cables but, you will have to worry about recharging it. The mere act of connecting the wired USB hub when the accessory is not used is such a chore for some people. I completely understand as recharging one’s headphones or earphones is a relatively new concept.
Lastly, you must consider the biggest benefit of the wireless accessories. I am talking about how hassle-free these pieces of technology are. You can leave your tablet at the kitchen counter while you sweep the floors and listen to happy tunes. You can also throw your smartphone in your bag while listening to energizing songs as you workout in the gym.
Do what you want without having to worry about getting caught in a fashion mishap. Let us face it! Getting your wires stuck on a stranger’s coat is never attractive.