Signs that you are overfeeding your baby

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We spend far too much time worrying about whether or not our newborns are getting sufficient, and as new parents, it can be difficult to know when enough is enough.

Many parents may try to get their newborn to finish their formula or fret that their child isn’t eating enough when, in fact, the child has reached their limit. So, could all that fretting contribute to overfeeding?

It’s important to remember that the indicators of a healthy newborn can vary depending on the culture. Varied cultures have different views on how much a baby should eat, how frequently they should eat, and how they should appear. A chubby infant can be regarded as a job well done by some grandparents, while a roly-poly newborn conjures up images of a grossly overweight toddler in the minds of others.

While cultural views of a healthy baby may differ, there are several factors to take into account when it comes to feeding. Read on to learn the signs that you are overfeeding your baby.

Sleep issues

First up, it’s probably not a surprise that when a baby’s belly is extended far beyond normal, or that his or her intestinal tract is working continuously to deal with excessive nutritional ingestion, they become restless and have trouble falling asleep.

Runny poops

Examining the look of your baby’s poo is an important part of determining their health. Formula-fed babies, for example, have peanut butter-like excrement that ranges in hue from yellow to greenish-brown. Your formula-fed kid may be getting more milk than they should if you notice regular, watery poop.

Spits or vomits
an infant vomiting

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As a newborn eats, his or her tummy expands and contracts as the food passes through the intestines. There are, nonetheless, limitations to how far it can extend. If the baby’s stomach membrane stretches beyond its typical range, reflux may occur, which can result from little spit-ups to huge forceful vomits, either during or immediately after the meal.

Drinking more than 1000ml/day

Even one-year-old infants don’t need more than 900ml of formula milk or breast milk every day. A newborn requiring over 1000ml in a day is uncommon, according to specialists, and should be evaluated by a professional. These are the typical indicators of overfeeding, which can be seen during mealtimes. Overlooking them can lead to a variety of issues in the long run.

Overfeeding a newborn is unlikely, but it does happen. Babies self-regulate their eating and give hints when they are full or hungry, and you must be able to recognize and interpret these indicators to know when to stop feeding them. Keep in mind some of the warning flags highlighted in this post and all should be well.

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