Reduce Your Debts Dramatically With The Debt Diet

Ellie Kay once said: “Getting out of debt is like going on a diet — it may sound simple, but it sure isn’t easy.” Debt takes a toll on your relationships, your family, and your future. Just as being obese leads to physical and emotional challenges, debt has its own negative consequences too. Inspired by

Newbie’s Guide To The Dynamics Of Debt And Credit

DEFINITION Before anything else, we must define two terms: debt and credit. Debt is the amount borrowed by one party (e.g., corporations or individuals) from another (e.g., banks). While Credit is the lawful agreement in which a borrower receives something of value today and agrees to repay later on in the future, usually with interest. Simply,

What Is Debt Check And How Do You Make It Healthy?

Debt is the amount of money borrowers by an individual or a corporation used to make huge purchases that they cannot afford under the normal circumstances. Pay this debt in a later date and you would get fined with interest! As of June 2015, the total card billings in Singapore amount to S$3,980,000.40 million! If you

Marriage With Credit: ‘Till Debt Do We Part?

Whether you like it or not, along with your marital vows comes the union of your finances. Your partner’s financial habits can either boost or ruin your financial future especially if he or she has a pile of debt. One’s credit history can affect several facets of your life such as loan eligibility, loan rates,

How A Couple Paid S$36K Worth of Debt In Just 6 Months

A couple from America has consciously decided to look into their expenses and pay off their US$27, 000 (S$36, 474) worth of debt in just 6 months. Jackie or better known in social media as The Paleo Mama and her husband sat down to discuss their finances since they were supposed to buy a house.