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Gone are the days when employees are boxed out of their cubicles! Modern technology and contemporary changes paved way for more freedom at work. Nowadays, we can choose to work from our own sweet home.
1. Working from home is not for everyone. It takes a strong sense of self-discipline to conquer the tasks at hand. Discipline is important to start work and to focus during work. Be honest with yourself! Are you capable of practicing your self-discipline?
2. Working from home entails no outside pressure. If you are motivated by your boss who oversees you all the time then, this may not be for you. Some people find it hard to stay on task without the pressure from another co-worker or a supervisor.
3. Working from home diminishes social interaction. It is no secret that freelancers are vulnerable to being lonely due to their remote location. Loneliness can be dangerous to your mental and physical health. Rethink whether you will thrive in an isolated environment.
4. Working from home puts a gray area between your work and personal life. It is hard to tell whether you are overworked or not due to your environment. There can be an imbalance in your work and personal life, which is unhealthy for you.
5. Working from home lessens vicarious learning. Due to the minimal interactions with other people, learning from a team of like-minded individuals is minimized. There will be no idea sharing or brainstorming face-to-face. There will be no work lunches too.
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1. There is no commute when you work from home! Employees will be able to save time and money. These factors often lead to boosting overall morale.
2. There is more productivity, if you are working in a comfortable environment. Some employees are willing to work harder in order to continue having the freedom of working from home.
3. There will be few sick day leaves. This time, employees will be less exposed to the infection brought by the commute or the workplace. People will be able to get work done from home.
4. There is less overhead costs when you switch to working from home. A small business will be able to thrive when they eliminate the costs of rent, office supplies, office snacks, and so on.
5. There will be less chances of experiencing burnout. When employees are working on their own terms, they are less likely to feel overwhelmed by their work experience and the tasks at hand.
When taking the leap of faith, you have to weigh both the potential positive and negative sides of your decision. Good luck!
Source: APOLLO