How to keep your food budget below $600

Continuing from the article on “How to maximise your life with a $3,000 paycheck”, this article will be focusing on the ways to stretch a $600 monthly food budget. This is the first in a five-part series on how to optimise the use of funds allocated to each of the budgets.

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1. Indulge in hawker fare

The most economical way to tempt your tastebuds would be to indulge in hawker fare. The average price for a meal complete with a drink is approximately $5. Given 23 working days in a month and 3 meals a day, the total expenditure for this category would thus round up to $345. While Singapore’s climate may be unforgiving to hawker fans, we should not be quick to dismiss the perks of having affordable yet scrummy delights at our convenience while being loud and comfortable with our friends sharing plates of delectable food.

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2. Hunt for food deals & be a fan of credit cards

Nowadays, hunting for the latest food deals is an easy feat. Websites like and have sprouted up to help consumers stretch their every dollar. At the same time, credit card companies are collaborating with food retailers to bring greater value to the table. Do not ever belittle the bang for the buck you can actually accumulate from these massively discounted meals.

For an income earner of $3,000, while it is unrealistic to dine in lavish cafes and restaurants every single day, it does not hurt to spoil yourself on weekends with the various credit card dining promotions. Imagine the euphoria from treating yourself to half-priced cakes or main courses on a budget of $240 for the 4 weekends?

While the sum of $30 to be spent on meals on a relaxing Saturday/Sunday may seem inadequate, it is actually double the weekday budget, meaning you have the discretion to spend more. Also, don’t forget that you have the privilege of waking up late on a lazy weekend and skipping your breakfast. Go for brunch instead!

Alternatively, you can spend your weekend budget customising your home-cooked meals with your loved ones. The truth is, if everyone in the family were to pool their weekend budgets together, the spending power would increase tremendously. This would translate to a wide variety of mouth-watering foods presenting a tantalising spectrum of flavours, sights and smells for feasting.




Preparing For Retirement: Should You Spend Less Or Earn More?

American Advisor Group

In order to make your dream of retiring early a reality, you generally have two options: to spend less or to earn more. If you are an avid reader of personal articles, it is no surprise that spending less is included in “Ways To Save For Retirement”. But, when you want to focus on maximizing your earning potential then, you will have to do several measures to earn more.



Spending less gives an a more instantaneous result compared to earning more due to its direct nature. It is easier to accomplish because of money management and budgeting techniques.


There is a limit to when you can spend less before you hit a boiling point. For instance, some people restrict their way of life to the point that it is extremely uncomfortable and unsatisfactory.


  • Lower your utility bills by unplugging cables, turning off the lights, and minimizing the air conditioner temperature.
  • Cancel your hand phone plans and switch to prepaid in order to regulate your telecom bills.
  • It is important to track where your money is going through the last month’s bank statements and receipts. Notice what you have spending too much on and reduce it.
  • Cut down your T.V. bill by canceling your cable subscription and opting for watching at lets you watch episodes of your favorite shows at Channel 5, Channel 8, Channel U, Okto, Suria, and Vasantham – for free! But, viewing of premium content is on a subscription basis.
  • Lastly, if you are buying a new appliance, make sure that it is an energy efficient model. Smaller appliances not only help you save more on space but on bills also.



The ways you can earn are endless. Ultimately, it is based on your good financial choices, a ton of effort, and a sprinkle of luck. Additionally, here is no limitation in the amount you can possibly earn.


Making more money takes time and effort. You will need to find a better job or to work more hours in order get a start-up capital for your small business. The flow of profit after the initial business launch takes time too.


  • Increase your earnings by upgrading your skills. To upgrade your skills, you can enroll to workshops or courses. Consider going down to your community centre (CC) and find out the affordable courses they offer. Transform the awesome skills you learned into viable freelance businesses or part-time occupations.

Related Article: 4 Community Centres’ Workshops That Can Really Make You Money

  • Start your own small business such as an online clothing shop. Online business allows you to sell your product or service at the convenience of your own home and your own time.

Related Article: How And Why You Should Start An Online Business Now

  • Lastly, contemplate on proposing a salary increase or a leaving the company for a better company.


On your way to save for your retirement fund, frugality or spending less is the first step. Once you are financially stable, it makes more sense to seek for higher income.
You can earn millions of dollars but if you are spending irrationally, you can get into financial problems. And, even if you are cutting down your spending, you may not reach your goal if you do not earn a decent amount of money. So, the best way to reach your retirement goal is to have a combination of both options.


(Image Credits: 401(K) 2012 via Flickr)

Source: 1


How to maximize your life with a $3,000 paycheck

Maslow Hierarchy of Needs

With S$3,000 for a monthly salary, many fresh graduates do not think that is enough to spend nor save. But think again. As a bachelor or bachelorette earning $3,000, you are already better off than many others beset with hefty household bills. So, for someone fresh out of school with no dependants or minimal financial liabilities, maximizing your life with your $3,000 paycheck may be attainable and here is how we can approach this mathematical sum with the help of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. According to Abraham Maslow, a renowned American psychologist, inherent human needs are fulfilled in the following priorities, starting from physiological needs, safety needs, love/belonging needs, esteem needs and finally, self-actualization needs.

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological
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1. Spend 20% or $600 on irresistible meals that are simply affordable. Fortunately, it is never a hassle to find them in the heartlands or the CBD areas which serve to satisfy your hunger pangs after a half day of hard work! Alternatively, you can prepare your own nutritious and palatable meals within the budget!

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety
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2. Spend 10% or $300 on delighting your beloved family, partners and friends. Rope them in for a laugh by watching a hilarious movie, enjoy a hearty chat over a scrumptious meal or simply participate in a sport that all of you relish.

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, physiological, self-actualization Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, physiological, self-actualization
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3. Save 50% or $1,500 for your upcoming big ticket items. In Singapore, your residential property is probably your greatest prized asset. Your lifetime of savings and efforts will be manifested in your small but cozy HDB flat. At the end of the day, it is the family warmth that truly matters in the home, not so much about the size. Depending on your risk appetite, a portion of the 50% may be used for investment purposes to earn a return over the inflation rate. As easy as this may sound, engaging in due diligence is key to making or breaking it.

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, esteem Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Love/belonging, safety, esteem
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4. Set aside 10% or $300 as an emergency fund. Life is filled with surprises. You never know what will happen tomorrow. Putting aside 10% of your income  may seem wise to buffer yourself against uncertainties. Take for example an unexpected invitation to your superior or colleague’s wedding or baby shower. An emergency fund boosts your readiness and willingness to share the joys, build a stronger rapport and put you in a better position to  win people’s hearts.

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological, safety Image credit:

Need(s) fulfilled: Physiological, safety
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5. The last 10% or $300 is reserved for miscellaneous expenses such as transport fares, therapeutic services and new merchandises. After a month’s worth of toiling, you definitely deserve some pampering. Indulge in a massage to relieve yourself of the piled-up stress from work. Recharge before moving on to the greater things in life.

The good news is that the higher level needs such as the esteem needs and self-actualization needs often do not pose a material constraint on your financial resources. By living within your means while maintaining optimism, you gain the understanding and respect of your peers and family members. Through demonstrating  your forthcomingness  in celebrating others’ blissfulness and successes while realizing the relentless quest for material wealth does not always lead to happiness, you would have already achieved the moral high ground.


How To Avoid Losing Money To High-Pressure Or Hard Sell


You might have encountered a salesman who constantly pushes a product for you even if you expressed feelings of indifference towards it. This aggressive form of sales or advertising is called “hard sell”. A hard sell, or high-pressure sell, encourages a consumer to purchase a product or a service in a short period of time such as when you are trying to sell a limited car model.

The advantage of hard sell is that it is direct and it helps earn quick bucks. Its disadvantages include customer annoyance and customer avoidance (as some may sound like a scam).

When caught in a situation where high-pressure sell is present, remember these following tips:


Before coming to a decision, it is best to understand the product or service in the eyes of trusted individuals or previous customers. Ask as many questions as necessary.


Read the fine print such as hidden charges and product risks to avoid adverse side effects and unwanted circumstances.


Do not let your momentary emotions and wants dictate your purchase. If the product or service is really unnecessary, learn to say “NO”. For the pushy telemarketers, firmly tell them that you are not interested and end the conversation on the dot.


If you have been sold a financial product that you did not sign up for or if a telemarketer calls you harasses you with numerous calls, file an appropriate complaint.

Now, if you are a marketer that is trying to avoid the hard sell approach, remember these following tips:


Assess your target market and focus on building your brand rather than using threatening marketing tactics.


If you are hard selling, the tendency is for the consumer to look for a similar service or product that is less pushy. To avoid this, build a strong relationship with the customer by engaging him or her with a good experience. This will create loyal customers in the long run.


(Image credit: George Redgrave via Flickr)

Sources: 1


Increase Your Sales Through Social Influence

As the technology advances, the presence of social media became inevitable. With this in mind, the marketing department must up their game by creating and showcasing a credible online persona for the company and its products or services. A great online persona will attract more people to the website, boost the brand’s loyal consumers, and increase the number of new consumers.

The efficiency of this social influence is due to the Bandwagon Effect. Bandwagon Effect is a phenomenon that occurs when people do something predominantly because others are doing it. Social media allows the consumers to talk about a brand and its competitors. Using this tool to your advantage can help boost your sales.

In fact, Engage Selling‘s C. Francis once said that sales of US$30,000-250,000 were once made due to finding opportunities in LinkedIn or Twitter.



Integrate honest testimonials by using the company’s website, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, or other social media accounts. This is a way to show the clients’ great experiences – making the company be as relatable as possible. People are more likely to be patronizing a product if they heard about it from an existing satisfied client.


Truth be told, whenever I am about to watch the latest movie or eat from a new cafe, I would search for the previous reviews and ratings first. This is because I want to get my money’s worth by choosing the best and the most affordable products or services out there. Adding this feature to your website will allow direct feedback to increase your credibility. This is what e-commerce websites such as Amazon or eBay strive for.


If your company won an award or has been featured in an article or two, post them up for everybody to see. Through this, it will show a new consumer that your brand has shines from the rest because your product or services are outstanding.


Adding social media widgets or plugins that enable the consumer to share your content is important as it optimizes the traffic that will only come back to your company’s website. One example of it is “ShareThis” (get the code here– for free). It is important that your valued clients see the number of likes, shares, or followers. A hint of trust to the brand increases, as they will see their friends patronizing the same product or service.

Image Credits: mkhmarketing via Flickr

Image Credits: mkhmarketing via Flickr

To sum it up, a sure-fire way to increase your brand’s desirability, profits, and consumer interaction is to boost your social media influence.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4