Save Money On Clothing Alterations By Mastering These Simple Stitches

Tailoring or sewing services in Singapore can range from S$5-40 depending on the type of clothing article. For instance, altering straight-cut jeans range from S$5-12 while altering of jackets can range from S$12-36. Some of the prices are too much if you asked me. You might as well buy a new one.

Aside from the costs, the standard waiting time for its collection can last from 1-14 days. And, if you do not have the time, you might as well buy a new one.

To avoid this dilemma, it is important to master some simple stitches that you can immediately use as the need rises. Do not fret if you have zero knowledge on sewing because mastering the basics can be done at home. All you have to do is to browse through the free tutorial videos available online. Here are the simple stitches you may start with:


The easiest and the simplest of all the stitches in this list is the running stitch, otherwise known as the straight stitch. This stitch involves taking the needle repeatedly under then over. You shall see the thread forming a line throughout the fabric. This is useful for repairing torn out parts of the pockets or sleeves.


Let us “up the ante” a little bit with the diagonal techniques of whipstitch. A whipstitch is typically used to sew to separate pieces of material together. It is perfect for altering or repairing trousers, sleeves, and jackets because it leaves nearly invisible traces of thread. Follow this video to learn about the fascinating whipstitch:


A usual situation that needs immediate repair is clothing that lacks buttons. Learning how to sew a button is quick and uncomplicated. The first thing you must do is to choose a suitable button and a matching thread. You may check if the manufacturer has included an additional button. Then, be guided by this short video:


From your table cloth to your boxers and gowns, hems are found on most common articles of clothing and fabric. This is why it is important for you to be familiarizing on how to sew a hem in case yours gets loose or in case you want to make your own. You can either use a catch stitch (i.e., exposed) or a slip stitch (i.e., invisible) to sew a hem. Learn how to make these two stitches, here:

Sources: 1 & 2


You’d Be Surprise At How Much YouTube’s Grandest Stars Make (Hint: Up To 8 Figures)

Gone are the days that we rely on MTV to show as the latest music hits. Nowadays, with a stroke of the keyboard, we can just browse our favorite music video and play it on the loop. This was made possible by a website called YouTube.

Since its inception, YouTube has paved way for local stars like Justin Bieber or Ryan Higa to emerge in the worldwide scene. It is surely incredible that the founders named Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim created it about a decade ago. In 2006, Google bought it for US$1.65 billion – a price that we currently know as a serious bargain! Good move for Google indeed.

As the rise of the visitors coming to YouTube increase, the revenue of the renowned YouTube stars also increase. Personally, I am curious to know their yearly earnings. With the combination of the recent data available, here are the estimate yearly earnings of YouTube’s brightest. But bear in mind that YouTube takes 45% of the ad revenue. And, these numbers exclude that.


The comedy tandem behind the SMOSH is consisting of Anthony Padilla and his friend, Ian Hecox. They usually do amusing sketches, lip-sync videos, or just about anything funny they find on the web. This attracted 20,686,912 subscribers with about 4 billion total views! If you are shocked with those numbers then, brace yourself as they make an estimate of US$336,000-$5.4 million yearly.


In 2010, BluCollection ToyCollector‘s maker had created children-friendly videos in English, Portuguese, and Español. These children-friendly videos are purely unboxing, trying out, and reviewing of toys and play sets. Interestingly, his collection of videos had attracted about 2,158,228 subscribers and a total of over 3 billion views! Well, those numbers added to an estimate of US$585,200-$9.4 million yearly earnings.


One of my all-time favorite YouTubers is PewDiePie. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg (real name) lives the life he dreamt. He is making money on doing what he wants: playing video games. With the most number of subscribers on the list (37,436,585 subscribers), PewDiePie’s humorous commentary videos have garnered about 9 billion views! It has been estimated that he makes about US$896,100-$14.3 million yearly.


A channel filled with videos of a simple premise: to unbox and demonstrate the toys made by Disney, Pixar, and so on. With a staggering amount of 4,774,148 subscribers and a total of over 6 billion views, FunToyzCollector proves to be one of YouTube’s elite. She has an estimate of US$1 million-$16.6 million yearly.

How Does One Get There?

In 2014, New York Times did a case study of a full-time YouTube channel creator named Olga Kay. Olga has nearly a million subscribers to date. And, at that time, she has earned about US$100,000-$130,000 per year. Her earnings are brought by the combination of advertising, sponsorships, and merchandising. Her channel cost include hiring an editor that is paid about US$500-$700 a week.

To put the advertising revenue in perspective, a video with ads makes about US$7.60 per 1,000 ad views. That is a down rate compared to US$9.35 per 1,000 ad views in 2012. Furthermore, YouTube gets 45% from the total ad revenue.

With the diminishing rates of ads and all the effort put into production, Olga shares to New York Times that: “But we think if we were coming to YouTube today, it would be too hard. We couldn’t do it.”

Although being a YouTube star is a viable career, it may not be for everybody.

Sources: 1,2, & 3


5 Ways To Take Charge And Save Money On Technology

Living in the 21st century where technology is a quintessential part of our lives, it is hard to find someone without a mobile phone. There is no doubt in my mind that technology improved our lives, making it easier and faster to communicate, shop, develop, search, and so much more.

Even though it is dependable, technology can cost a lot! Your wallet can empty as quickly as your battery empties. Luckily for you, there are ways to avoid excessive spending on technology…


Do you really need an expensive action camera just to take great selfies? Or how about a state-of-the-art computer set-up just to browse the Internet? There is no point on spending on the most expensive gadgets and accessories if you will not maximize its use. So, the first step you must take is to evaluate your needs and understand how the device works. During this process, you have to be honest with yourself.


If there is a growing desire to upgrade to the latest technology then, try selling your devices or equipments. This will give you little to enough money to help purchase the new device you have been eyeing on. eBay, Gumtree, and Carousell are just some platforms where you can find some interested buyers.

Image Credits: epSos .de via Flickr with Creative Commons license

Image Credits: epSos .de via Flickr with Creative Commons license


Aside from getting rid of your old devices or equipments online, you may also get a great deal there (i.e., whether it is through a wholesaler or an online coupon). You can compare the prices of the online shops to what is available on the physical shops, only to find that most of the times, online shops offer the cheaper prices. Furthermore, you just saved on the costs of transportation you would have paid if you went to the stores.


Although the variety of the homemade accessories you can make are thin, it does not hurt to give it a chance. You are still saving money anyway. For instance, you may use a white top sheet as a diffuser, a white wall to bounce light from a flash, and a Styrofoam board as a reflector. All it takes is your imagination and creativity.


Just because a renowned company announced a huge product launch does not mean that you have to buy it. If your technology basket is already sufficient then, there is no need to buy a new one. Also, if the new product does not satisfy your budget then, you do not have to buy it now. Pretty soon, the prices of this thing will drop, just be patient.

But, if you are really in need of a specific gadget immediately, say an action camera like GoPro (US$340/S$455), consider getting a cheaper alternative such as the HTC Re (US$159/S$213), the Polaroid XS100i HD (US$129/S$173), or the Sony HDR-AS20/B (US$149/S$199).

Sources: 1 & 2


Want To Land The Job? Take It From The World’s Most Innovative CVs

Building a creative Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume pays off especially if it is artistically suited to the position you are applying for.


Inspired by the legendary “Super Mario Bros.” game, multidisciplinary designer named Robby Leonardi had created an interactive resume featuring his knowledge on illustration, animation, graphic design, and front-end development. Take a look at it here.

With its undeniable awesomeness, this CV had been viral in the social media platforms last 2013. Aside from the striking appearance of the interactive resume, I must point out that he added offbeat details such as being an NBA fan. This is a detail that you do not see often.

Furthermore, he worked in huge companies such as AOL, Incognito Digital, and Fox News. It truly pays to highlight an impressive background. The sum of his overall uniqueness made his CV stand out from the pile!


The Psychological phenomenon called “mere-exposure” effect shows that we develop a tangible preference over things that we are familiar with. Truly, there is something attractive about familiarity. It is comforting and warm.

That is the route that Sabrina Saccocio has taken. Her resume had the format of a Facebook profile page (see it here). She even included the recommendations and references of her previous and present colleagues in her “wall comments”.

With the Facebook suit, she is showing that she knows how to communicate to the general audience. This strategy works because of her knowledge on the influence of relationships and social dynamics. Make it your weapon too.


Nina Mufleh’s story proves how handwork and technology can go hand-in-hand to achieve your dream job! She designed a resume (browse it here) that proactively tackles the growth of the company and her rightful place in it through an online resume following the Airbnb’s website template.

She provided data and examples as to how Airbnb as a company can branch out in the global tourism scene, particularly in the Middle East. She chose Middle East, as the company’s penetration there is far too low. She highlighted why her idea matters, how the company can start it, and which partnership opportunities they can explore. Now you see what I meant by handwork! She absolutely did an extensive research of the company’s operations while adding sufficient data.

Then, she tweeted this to the heads of Airbnb. To her surprise, Brian Chesky (CEO of Airbnb) tweeted back with a positive response to meet her. This go to show that if you are really passionate about something, you must work hard for it and show why you deserve it!

Bonus! If you are looking for free tools to help you make your own innovative CV, you may try checking out Prezi, Adobe Photoshop Express, and GIMP.

Image Credits: Flazingo Photos via Flickr

Image Credits: Flazingo Photos via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2,& 3


Golden Do’s In Giving Your Child’s School Allowance

As the modern world has become more complex, children nowadays have been inseparable with school allowance or pocket-money. From a variety of books, to a selection of gadgets, accessories, or snacks…there is always something else they needed to buy! Furthermore, they are more knowledgeable about money as they have access not only to the lives of their friends but also to the kids around the world – through the Internet.

Having these in mind, giving money to your children must be used in the most positive manner in order to mold their values while young. Let us first start with the amount to give.

Most mothers in Singapore agree that an allowance of about S$5 is enough for the needs of children in Primary 1-6. This is done so to meet the costs of food and other miscellaneous. But, if the day falls on a co-curricular activity, they give extra cash.

Aside from this, the best way to decide the pocket-money amount is to discuss it with your child. Know his or her needs and plan it together. Start giving this amount on a regular or consistent basis so that your child can manage his money accordingly.

After the suitable amount is settled, let us evaluate the Do’s in allowance giving…


Teach your kid to make their own monetary choices by giving the allowance in smaller denominations (e.g., three pieces of S$1 coins and four pieces of S$0.50 coins) so he or she can save a part of it (e.g., 10% or S$0.50). Promote saving by providing a piggy bank or a money jar with their name on it.


Instead of just handing cash over, make them earn it. Instill the importance of sharing the household chores around the house then, reward him or her for chipping in. You do not have to be all competitive about it by assigning a dollar for each chore, just explain what your child can do to help out.


Money is a currency that puts relative price on almost everything. Letting your child make a few unnecessary purchases, such as spending their entire savings on sticker tattoos, as a part of the learning process is OKAY. But, it is also acceptable to put limits on what your child can spend on. This shall teach both the value of money and responsibility of a smart consumer.

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Image Credits: Aka Hige via Flickr

Sources: 1 & 2