How To Avoid Losing Money To High-Pressure Or Hard Sell


You might have encountered a salesman who constantly pushes a product for you even if you expressed feelings of indifference towards it. This aggressive form of sales or advertising is called “hard sell”. A hard sell, or high-pressure sell, encourages a consumer to purchase a product or a service in a short period of time such as when you are trying to sell a limited car model.

The advantage of hard sell is that it is direct and it helps earn quick bucks. Its disadvantages include customer annoyance and customer avoidance (as some may sound like a scam).

When caught in a situation where high-pressure sell is present, remember these following tips:


Before coming to a decision, it is best to understand the product or service in the eyes of trusted individuals or previous customers. Ask as many questions as necessary.


Read the fine print such as hidden charges and product risks to avoid adverse side effects and unwanted circumstances.


Do not let your momentary emotions and wants dictate your purchase. If the product or service is really unnecessary, learn to say “NO”. For the pushy telemarketers, firmly tell them that you are not interested and end the conversation on the dot.


If you have been sold a financial product that you did not sign up for or if a telemarketer calls you harasses you with numerous calls, file an appropriate complaint.

Now, if you are a marketer that is trying to avoid the hard sell approach, remember these following tips:


Assess your target market and focus on building your brand rather than using threatening marketing tactics.


If you are hard selling, the tendency is for the consumer to look for a similar service or product that is less pushy. To avoid this, build a strong relationship with the customer by engaging him or her with a good experience. This will create loyal customers in the long run.


(Image credit: George Redgrave via Flickr)

Sources: 1


Increase Your Sales Through Social Influence

As the technology advances, the presence of social media became inevitable. With this in mind, the marketing department must up their game by creating and showcasing a credible online persona for the company and its products or services. A great online persona will attract more people to the website, boost the brand’s loyal consumers, and increase the number of new consumers.

The efficiency of this social influence is due to the Bandwagon Effect. Bandwagon Effect is a phenomenon that occurs when people do something predominantly because others are doing it. Social media allows the consumers to talk about a brand and its competitors. Using this tool to your advantage can help boost your sales.

In fact, Engage Selling‘s C. Francis once said that sales of US$30,000-250,000 were once made due to finding opportunities in LinkedIn or Twitter.



Integrate honest testimonials by using the company’s website, Facebook, Twitter, Blog, or other social media accounts. This is a way to show the clients’ great experiences – making the company be as relatable as possible. People are more likely to be patronizing a product if they heard about it from an existing satisfied client.


Truth be told, whenever I am about to watch the latest movie or eat from a new cafe, I would search for the previous reviews and ratings first. This is because I want to get my money’s worth by choosing the best and the most affordable products or services out there. Adding this feature to your website will allow direct feedback to increase your credibility. This is what e-commerce websites such as Amazon or eBay strive for.


If your company won an award or has been featured in an article or two, post them up for everybody to see. Through this, it will show a new consumer that your brand has shines from the rest because your product or services are outstanding.


Adding social media widgets or plugins that enable the consumer to share your content is important as it optimizes the traffic that will only come back to your company’s website. One example of it is “ShareThis” (get the code here– for free). It is important that your valued clients see the number of likes, shares, or followers. A hint of trust to the brand increases, as they will see their friends patronizing the same product or service.

Image Credits: mkhmarketing via Flickr

Image Credits: mkhmarketing via Flickr

To sum it up, a sure-fire way to increase your brand’s desirability, profits, and consumer interaction is to boost your social media influence.

Sources: 1, 2, 3, & 4


Common Career Mishaps Young Employees Make

On your first full-time job after graduation, you are bound to make minor to costly mishaps. Keep in mind that it is okay to make these mistakes especially at the beginning of your career. It helps you to learn and as you bounce back, you will be tougher than you ever were before.

On that note, here are the Common Career Mishaps Young Employees (In Their 20s) Make


First on the list is the irrational belief that you will magically land your dream position without any ounce of effort. No matter how skilled you are, you need to search for the job yourself. Some people maybe lucky as companies personally look for them after they graduated, however what if you are not one of them? Worry not. By working hard, you can achieve your goals and so much more.

And, once you are accepted for the job, do not forget to dress for the part. There is no right or wrong way to dress except if the company provides the uniforms. Nevertheless, the best thing for you to do is to wear conservative or non-revealing clothes in the first few days then adjust from there.


Resources and connections play a huge part especially in the business, marketing, and advertising world. Being able to keep in touch with your fellow graduates will help a lot. As young professionals, it will benefit you to attend networking events to increase your knowledge about the working environment. Also, having access to job opportunities at a young age is indispensable.


Being fresh to the “working scene”, you may be prone to underrate your worth. This is why it is important to evaluate your skills, education, and experiences. Find out the average salary per year through It provides salary information for a particular position from its global online database. For example, the average pay for a Sales Representative at Pharmaceuticals is S$46,006/year.

And, if you already got the job yet you feel underpaid and overworked, ask for a pay raise. If you do not ask then you would not get it. Realize that your bargaining strength is all in your head. You can do it!


There is nothing inappropriate with leaving a job unless you have not taken everything into consideration. When faced with a difficult situation at work, young employees often think that quitting will solve it.

You may be away from your annoying colleague but you are faced with unemployment and debt. Is it really worth it to quit? In this situation, it is best to weigh-in the benefits and consequences of your future actions first.


Your huge ego can translate in your Resume/C.V., your interview, and your actions. Instead of only boasting your strengths, find the skills that can help the company to improve and put it in your Resume/C.V.

Lastly, do not overestimate your abilities because you are merely starting a journey. Ask politely if you do not know how to solve an issue. This simple gesture can save the company hundreds of dollars.

Image Credits: Sara Ashley via Flickr

Image Credits: Sara Ashley via Flickr

Sources: 1 & 2


The Wondrous Modern Uses of Gold

Gold is probably the most vaunted precious metal most people are familiar with. Indeed, grannies love to don this prized jewellery around their necks while grandpas revel in displaying their wealth with their 18K golden Rolexes.

But this is not all. Gold has far more phenomenal uses than you can ever imagine. And this is part of the reason why the price of gold has not fallen beyond S$1,450 per ounce for the past 5 years.

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  1. Most electronic devices

While 78% of the gold consumed every year is used for jewellery, the most significant industrial use of gold is manifested in electronics. Gold is a highly efficient conductor of electricity, only second to silver and copper. From pocket electronic gadgets to large electronic appliances, gold shows up in almost all of them, albeit in minute amounts. If you own a mobile phone, a calculator, a computer, a global positioning system unit and a television set, you are definitely a proud owner of gold. But the reason for the hefty price of iPhone 6 Gold does not lie in the gold content, for most of the mobile phones merely contain around 50 cents worth of gold.

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  1. Medical uses

Want a vibrant golden smile? Dentists are still using gold alloys for tooth fillings, crowns, and bridges because gold is durable, non-allergenic and corrosion-free like silver and platinum. Many surgical instruments and life-support devices are also manufactured with tiny amounts of gold. Gold is a component in drugs to treat medical conditions such as the joint disorder arthritis by reducing swelling, bone damage and relieving joint pain and stiffness. For the diagnosis of diseases, gold is also injected into the body in its radioactive form.

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  1. Aerospace

Have you ever thought of what space vehicles are made of? Many parts are actually fitted with gold-coated polyester film to reflect infrared radiation and stabilize the temperature of the spacecraft or risk overheating. As gold is malleable, it also acts as a lubricant between the mechanical parts of the spacecraft in orbit.

Before committing to any investment, it is always prudent to find out the uses of the particular financial product. It allows you to project its future returns more accurately based on economically sound fundamentals instead of sheer speculation. It is also critical to know the relationships between gold price, U.S. dollar and interest rates. The appreciating dollar and prospects for higher U.S. interest rates have curbed gold’s gleaming appeal as a protection of wealth and led to its price decline. Finally, given that the biggest consumer markets are none other than India and China, their economic growth would inevitably impact the gold price significantly.



4 Highest Paying Jobs In The Field Of Psychology

One of the most popular degrees, aside from Business Administration, is Psychology. There are various career paths to choose from including the fields of Forensic Psychology, Sport Psychology, Counseling, Clinical Psychology, School Psychology, and so on. Also, you can choose to work with children, youth, or elderly. All you have to do is search for what you are truly passionate about.

Now, if you desire to earn big in this area, here is the data from 2011-2014 to show the 4 Highest Paying Jobs In The Field Of Psychology…


Minimum Requirement: Master’s degree in Forensic Psychology. But, doctorate degree in forensic psychology, clinical psychology, and counseling can get you a better salary.

Forensic Psychologists carry out duties that are related with the law such as examining abuse, providing expert testimony, preparing witnesses of the court, training officers of the law, and profiling criminals.


Minimum Requirement: Master’s degree. But, doctorate degree in Engineering Psychology will find you greater employment opportunities and better salary.

Due to the 21st century technology, there is a rapid growth in the demand for Engineering Psychologists. Engineering Psychologists focus on upgrading the technology, machines, and workplace environment to increase productivity and minimize danger. This in return will enhance the behavior of the employees and the people around.

Image Credits: Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig via Flickr

Image Credits: Frits Ahlefeldt-Laurvig via Flickr


Minimum Requirement: Bachelor’s degree in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. But, masters and doctorate degree will find you greater employment opportunities and better salary.

Industrial/Organizational Psychologists usually work in the corporate setting to help improve the performance and efficacy of the workplace. They are involved in examining workplace culture, employee training, human resources, and marketing strategies.


Minimum Requirement: About eight years of post-undergraduate study with training.

Child Psychiatrists must be trained to treat children and teenagers who have mental disorders. While, General Psychiatrists do not specialize in a specific discipline. There are different kinds of Psychiatrists but one thing is for sure they are usually on the top of the list when it comes to salary.

Image Credits: Hartwig HKD via Flickr

Image Credits: Hartwig HKD via Flickr

Sources: 1, 2, & 3